I have to agree with marqZAL.
I tend to stretch it 3-5 dates cut-off myself. Through my experience, if she isn't willing to have sex with you by the 5th date and is only giving oral and 3rd base, then, she's using sex as a weapon.
A weapon to see how AFC she can make you.
I made this mistake a few years back and was forced to have the 5th date rule. After a couple months of exclusive dating and only getting oral and 3rd base, she started to say things like: "if you really care about me, you would wait....I'm waiting for the special moment...I'm not ready for this" - after a month?
So what did I do? I suplicated. I agreed that this was a "SPECIAL" moment for her and agreed for 2 more months we would wait...and wait... and wait.
Eventually, I was fed up and had to leave the relationship. She used it as a weapon, to make me beg like a puppy, then ultimately shoot me down. Only to do it again and again.
I'm sure many of you guys are going to say that "expecting sex" at a certain moment is pig headed, but, sex to me is important to the chemistry of a relationship.
If we aren't clicking at that sexual level by at least the 5th date, then I'm not going to let her use it as a weapon later in a relationship.