There are many factors that go into it for me. Sometimes it happens very quickly, sometimes it never happens. Sometimes it happens when I'm in a dry spell and have little to no options, something it happens when I have a rotation going and have much higher relative SMV/abundance. I can't even draw a correlation between how attractive the woman is/how good the sex is and the likelihood of catching feels, I've been with attractive woman and had great sex but had zero feelings for her.
The only thing that does seem to be a factor is how much much chemistry/connection I have with the woman but even that isn't very correlated with how likely I am to catch feelings or not catch feelings.
No one wants a good thing to end..but when you can put yourself in a mental space where your mentality is that of indifference..
These issues fade away when you are having the proper rotations.
I believe it's a big mistake to rely on an external strategy like plate spinning as a cope for a lack of adundance/indifference. Why would a man need to rely on other women unless he was afraid of scarcity? What happens if the rotation dries up? The point is, indifference/abundance is something you cultivate internally, not externally.
I've been seeing a girl for 4 months now and I have zero feelings from her and I wouldn't give a shvt if I never saw her or talked to her again. I'm not seeing any other woman and quite frankly don't have the time, energy, or desire to. So doesn't that mean I should have onetis for her?
Yet there have also been times where I *was* plate spinning, sleeping with multiple attractive women and constantly talking to new ones, but I still developed onetis for one particular girl, because my sex-addled brain was so distracted from juggling all of them that I wasn't paying attention to manipulative tactics that got me attached to her.
If a man is prone to getting scarcity/onetis and he tries to use plate spinning as a preventive measure, it's cope. Why? Because he's not actually addressing the root of the problems ie inner game, which is paramount even in plate spinning because the game never end, women will manipulate any man who shows signs of weakness, carelessness, etc.