How I turned a double date into a THREESOME - MYSPACE SUCCESS STORY!

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Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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^ ^ This man has amazed me throughout this thread. *Applause*

I won't 're-hash' my thoughts because he basically summed them up, but I will say this, anyone who questions the 'truthfullness' of this story probably in insecure because for one, it suggests that you have limiting beliefs that this type of thing CANT and DOSEN'T happen on a routine basis when in fact as sad as it is to say, it DOES... Not to brag but I've seen and done things that most people here wouldn't believe and like the orginal poster if its true he shouldn't care if anyone believes him or not, it's his life... he gets nothing out of our beliefs, at least i HOPE he dosen't or that would point to some inner issues of validation but anyway we won't get into that...

He's a teenager, or at least that's what he looks like so let the boy have fun. Come on, don't criticize him for being on myspace that's what young kids do. If that's his 'niche' for gettin puntang, more power to him. I say congrats, the ends justify the means... whether I go and use 'DJ skills' and f*ck an HB10 or he uses myspace, we both got the same end result... who cares about how we go there... really who cares at all ?? He's not the only one myspace whoring, nor is he the only one getting 3-somes... he obviously wanted to be validated so hey I validate him and say good job if that's what u want out of life...

It's not my thing, but i'm not hating... good job...

Also who are any of you to say anything isn't true ?? You have to take what people say here at face value unless they produce a video of what they say is true with photo id so we know its them lol. Questioning the validity of someones thread is a waste of time and energy.... Latteeer



Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
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belividere said:
Thats awesome. The whole point of this thread is to highlight someones sexual conquests, but my own are unnecessary. Did you even read my first post where I point out that bragging threads bring absolutely no benefit to this site? Where is the value of finding out that some guy you dont know had a threesome with two girls that you dont know. Yeah, not exactly an "I have a dream" like post here. There is nothing new in this post; it's strictly validation with no substance. That is my problem. If you really dont give a damn about my sexual conquest than why are you replying to a post about another members sexual conquests?

Myspace is not a legitamate place for a grown man to meet women. It is a dog and pony popularity show that caters to teenagers. No one out of high school, let alone above 21, should be calling myspace the real world. There is no intelligent life on myspace. It is a breeding ground for the whorification of america. First of all you cannot determine who is fictitous and need to weed out a lot of worthless girls, and secondly you can never replicate the feeling of seeing a girl for the first time and needing to talk to her over the net.

Personally, I would much rather walk out of my apartment door and strike out with a girl knowing that see was worth my time than sit around holed up around a computer oogling pictures of teenagers. This is why I think that interpersonal interactions are much more important for an aspiring "DJ" than internet relationships. There is a huge divide over sleeping with a girl that you've cold approached on the streets versus targeting a slutty girl on myspace.

I dont consider anyone who sleeps only with girls that have had 10 or more partners a "DJ" either. There is really nothing self-improved about a guy who goes out and has sex with girls that any run of the mill guys have been fvcking for years. That kind of guy isn't a "DJ", he is a normal young adult, willing to stick his **** into any slut that is going to give it up. Any guy on here who targets this type of girl is only fooling himself into thinking that they are something special. In reality they are just another number in the line of douchebags that an easy girl will give it up to. The numbers game becomes reversed and they are just another number in the sluts blackbook. That type of game doesn't really take much more skill than being willing and able.

When a guy can manage to cold approach girls who are desired (HB 7+) on the cold approaches, who he doesn't know, and routinely f-close I will have some respect. Thats the kind of information that I personally believe this site was generated for. I dont care to continously read about mundane problems or how someone got laid. I would rather learn about how someone embraced their self-worth and targeted girls that were worth their salt. You can put a thousands monkeys in a room and have them randomly smash their keyboards and within an hour they will find a girl on myspace who will sleep with them. Does that really make for a happy monkey? I would rather be the guy who can walk up to, and start conversations with, a great looking girl on the streets and have it go somewhere. It would take the monkeys a million years to be able to accomplish that.
true wat u said.


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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New age belividere, a DJ has gotta adapt.
Come on guys. It’s the 21st century and internet dating is hugely popular amongst lonely and horny women. Beautiful women DO use the sites too, because it feeds their ego and/or they are a promiscuous. I’m doing this article because I know there are a few of you who have always wondered how to do it, if it works, or you have already....

If myspace can get you laid, it should count as any dating site. Who cares if he got a "slut", most of the guys on these forums are sluts. If you wrap your sh*t then it is all good. I don't wanna hear any quality over quantity sh*t, he got a THREESOME (hows that for quality) with an hb9 and an hb7. Ain't nothing wrong with that. A little bragging never hurt, I'm sure this guy was excited about his threesome but I see this more as a field report we can learn from than internet gloating. In any case it doesn't really bother me, I've had my share of crazy hookups, so I don't get upset every time a guy posts one on these boards. Chill people, nothing to get upset over!

I also agree with what cod3r said.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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skip2mylou781 said:
Where to start??? (there r some major lessons at the end of this, so i suggest u read it all)

ok first of all, wat im bout to say sounds pretty damn fvcked up and its really ridiculous how it alllllll went down, but i'll try to make it an easy read and not too lengthy.

bout a week ago, I sent one of my SPAM MYSPACE MESSAGE (hey baby ur beautiful, gimme ur sn), and the girl responded with her sn. i talked to her online just 2 days ago, and told her "my parents r outta town and my fridge is full of alcohol"...........she said she dunno bout comin to my house, but i shouldk come see her sometime - she lives 45 minutes away. I said SURE.

the very next day (yesterday), she calls me, leaves a messge to call her back.........i call her back and basically she tells me shes with her 24 year old friend (she herself is 18), and i should get a guy for her friend so we can do a double date. i TELL HER to drive to my house tonite and we'll have a double date here. She agrees and long story short, by 10PM, her and her friend r at my house, and my friend comes 10 minutes around 10:15, the double date begins.

MY girl, she was an hb9 (perfect body, face like a 7), HIS girl was an hb7 (sucked for him). The kicker is, his girl pulled me aside an hour after we all met up and tried to KISS ME and told me shes not interested in my friend, and she wants me to take him home so me her and the original girl can have a 3some. I took my friend home with the girls in the car and bottom line is, i got them back to my house by 1am (we had been drinking, my girl especially, so there was a nice buzz in the air).............the rest, I find unbelievable, but the second we got to my house, the girls start UNDRESSING EACH OTHER, and 1 starts to eat the others pvssy out.......i was like DAMN WTF HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?? then they both lie there naked, basically askin me to choose which 1 i fvck first.......i gotta admit, i never had a 3some and i was still shocked at how easy this all was! so basiaclly i just took turns goin from 1 to the other to the other, lasted bout 20 minutes total and then they had to drive back home (45 minute drive!)

WATS THE LESSON??? heres a few....

a) use myspace, obviously after enough tries, u'll have big time success
b) girls LOVE to just come over, drink, and **** - both girls actually TOLD ME "we drove all this way to come see u, I BETTER have sex tonite"
c) I was making major eye contact with my girl, it deff turned her on, so....USE SEXUAL EYE CONTACT ALL THE TIME
d) dont underestimate the horniness of girls - they ar CRAZY

Skip nice result man, total respect and yes i believe you this stuff does happen.
Cant say it as happened to me yet, but not from the lack of trying.

But i know at least two guys with very similer storys that this as happened to.


as for online cant really comment, but the house thing yep easily could happen.

ignore the other guys making this out to be something anal, there only jealous.


Jan 14, 2006
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i want everyone to know, my TRUE intention of this thread was NOT to brag..........just like always, it was to point out SOSUAVE techniques that worked and helped me get the 3some that i got. Hopefully it helps people

first and foremost, GUNWITCH was big here....i mean i got the girls to come to my house (isolation), so a kiss woulda led to sex even if it was just with my girl and not a 3some (plus alcohol was involved).

also, and this might just be KEY.......remmeber, this was supposed to be like a DOUBLE DATE....i mean if im a 7/10 lookswise, id say my friend who was with me is deff a 10 in body and prob 8 in face, so a 9 overall.......hes jacked, hes basically got the body every girl dreams of.........but look, and i didnt try to STEAL his girl from him, but when those 2 girls walked in, and me and my friend were there, for the next hour, i was EVERYTHING that tells u to be (****y/funny, outgoing, told stories, was the center of attention, ALPHA)........and my poor muscular friend, he was kinda AFC (didnt make jokes, didnt talk much, kinda shy, ect)...........................and then an hour into hanging out, HIS girl came up to me and told me shes sexuially attracted to ME and not him, and "she doenst know why", and she wants to have a 3some, and THAT WAS THAT

but my ****IN ****IN MAIN POINT IS, I WANT U GUYS TO SEE THAT IM PREACHING ABOUT SOSUAVE WORKING WONDERS.........this isnt about BRAGGING, this is about SOSUAVE TECHNIQUES that ****in get u laid!


Jan 14, 2006
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sorry 1 more point - im not like a robot thats got sosuave programmed into him or somethin, all my ****iness/alphaness/w/e came out naturally, so while i was doing it, i wasnt thinking about "oh lets see how should i phrase this to sound ****y", u kno wat i mean? i was technically just being myself but after puttin all this sosuave gold into my head, its become part of me now


Dec 27, 2006
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a GREAT field report that got flamed on of course.........but read it and maybe u'll learn somethin ;)
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