How I turned a double date into a THREESOME - MYSPACE SUCCESS STORY!

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Jan 14, 2006
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its ****ed up that i took him home cuz his girl didnt want him and he wasnt interested in her, but i coulda had a 3some with them both? THATS ****ed up???? wat kind of lowlife AFC are u?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
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In a land called **** it.
And what value does this post have besides making you feel cool? Are you suggesting that everyone SPAM skanks on myspace to try and score an easy lay rather than go out and pick up women in the real world?
These are the dumbest, most AFc comments I think could possibly be made. Bigger than the one itis post, bigger than the "I love her even though she shot my mom and kidney punched me", bigger than the "She gave me aids by having sex with my dog, how do I get her back?" posts, I really think these are the worst.

Why? Because what does it matter if he met her in a ****ing airplane, on the internet, or in a damn gopher hole, the point is she was at HIS house, having REAL sex. What's not REAL about that? Are you suggesting that people you meet on the internet when you meet htem in real life "don't count" as people or something? What are you trying to imply? It makes no ****ing sense, these posts always get me pissed because its the epitome of stupidity. His REAL **** was in her REAL *****, and thats what ****ing matters.

Lemme ask, if he's getting laid more than you because he's using myspace, are you more sexually experienced? **** no. so stop with that stupid "real world" virtual world bull****.

Skip, good job, and this is the first time I saw you, lol nice.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2006
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Good report. You're one of the few members who actually gets what seduction is all about.


Master Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
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Just a passing thought, the term AFC is getting thrown into completely irrelevent situations in this post. Use it as a label, a description, not a direct insult when you can't think of anything witty.

But yeah, Skip, it's great to see things work out for you. You choose your method and stick with it, that deserves some respect at least. I just personally have more fun finding out who someone is by their eyes, rather than their bold writing.
Aug 6, 2006
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one day you flamers will regret it and wish skip would come back to post. i think he is the only one keeping it real. only losers don't believe him. best advice on these boards comes from skip. props. thx for that other post but it was way too short. still ima try myspace again.
Aug 6, 2006
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skip2mylou781 said:
a) use myspace, obviously after enough tries, u'll have big time success
b) girls LOVE to just come over, drink, and **** - both girls actually TOLD ME "we drove all this way to come see u, I BETTER have sex tonite"
c) I was making major eye contact with my girl, it deff turned her on, so....USE SEXUAL EYE CONTACT ALL THE TIME
d) dont underestimate the horniness of girls - they ar CRAZY
Hmm... after reading this, I feel VERY INTIMIDATED by how INTELLECTUAL girls can be... looks like I need to read more Plato, Schopenhauer, Nietsche, Henry David Thoreau, and Ralph Waldo Emerson!

thanks bro, you really woke me up to this one.



Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
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pooparu said:
These are the dumbest, most AFc comments I think could possibly be made. Bigger than the one itis post, bigger than the "I love her even though she shot my mom and kidney punched me", bigger than the "She gave me aids by having sex with my dog, how do I get her back?" posts, I really think these are the worst.

Why? Because what does it matter if he met her in a ****ing airplane, on the internet, or in a damn gopher hole, the point is she was at HIS house, having REAL sex. What's not REAL about that? Are you suggesting that people you meet on the internet when you meet htem in real life "don't count" as people or something? What are you trying to imply? It makes no ****ing sense, these posts always get me pissed because its the epitome of stupidity. His REAL **** was in her REAL *****, and thats what ****ing matters.

Lemme ask, if he's getting laid more than you because he's using myspace, are you more sexually experienced? **** no. so stop with that stupid "real world" virtual world bull****.

Skip, good job, and this is the first time I saw you, lol nice.

Great pooparu,

The fact that I dont feel the need to come on here and brag about my sexual conquests (which by the way are real) upsets you.

Nothing that Skip has said is new. Everything is in the bible. As a matter of fact most of his posts seem to be re-worded threads straight out of the bible. But so many new guys, like you, come here and dont read the bible and think this guy knows what he's talking about.

So I'm a grown up man pushing his 30's. I haven't pretended to have a threesome at my parents house now for a dozen years, and I dont act like a bigshot on an internet forum. I'm a bit more secure than that.

Like I said in my original reply, nothing in this post has any merit. It is simply male attention whoring, with no substance. It's these "look at me" waste of bandwidth threads that keep any good information from being posted here. You can go ahead and listen to guys like this who are e-players, or learn who actually is worth their salt around here. Unfortunately, the way most of the new guys act is pushing the older, more grounded, posters away.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
I cant believe I'm biting on this, but anyways here I go.

WTF do you guys think a DJ is?

These bull**** tips are not going to work on little girls, much less grown women with real lifes. Yeah, real lifes, not the kind that only want a husband, a couple of kids and eventually alimony. I'm less than a year away from a PhD in engineering and have been dating a girl in her second year of med school for the last 6 months. Neither she, nor any of her friends, have myspace accounts. They dont have problems picking up guys without them.

What kind of disease ridden floosy has threesomes with a guy that they meet over the internet? Especially the same night they first meet!

A skank is a skank. No quality woman will have a threesome with a guy that they've just meet. Whether or not you guys want to believe that is up to you. Personally, I wouldn't be bragging if all I could score was young sluts off the internet. I think I could do that with no problem if I wanted to waste my time trying. Fortunately I came to the realization that I would like to screen girls before dating them by meeting them on my own. Call me old fashioned, but for every ten women I meet I only try to pursue maybe one of them. I dont have the time to waste to spam girls on myspace and then screen from then one. I see a girl I like, I talk to her, if she meets my expectations I ask her out, I qualify more on a date, I drop her or move forward.

I wont pretend to have sex with 50 random strangers a year. I have about 5 partners a year and every one of those are women who I would actually like to pursue something with. I used to toss it around when I was a teenager, but by the time I was 19 I grew out of that phase. S1uts were too easy, and I wanted a challenge. I dont know we can agree to disagree with what a ladies man is here, but I'm more than happy with who I am. You can buy all the shallow junk that is overrunning these boards nowadays, or choose to listen to the sound advice of the older members. It really doesn't make a difference to me what you decide to choose.


Jan 14, 2006
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Consent said:
Good report. You're one of the few members who actually gets what seduction is all about.
my downfall is though, despite having seduction DOWN, im not so good with LTR, as i always play girls and "try to protect my heart" cuz i had too many oneitis gf's hurt me here and there.......but i cant trust a girl in a relationship, esp not the ones i go for cuz they r too young and will ALWAYS change their mind about u (aka not get married).....and i dont go for any chicks over 22 cuz i aint old enough yet and i look younger


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
belividere said:
Great pooparu,

The fact that I dont feel the need to come on here and brag about my sexual conquests (which by the way are real) upsets you.

Nothing that Skip has said is new. Everything is in the bible. As a matter of fact most of his posts seem to be re-worded threads straight out of the bible. But so many new guys, like you, come here and dont read the bible and think this guy knows what he's talking about.

So I'm a grown up man pushing his 30's. I haven't pretended to have a threesome at my parents house now for a dozen years, and I dont act like a bigshot on an internet forum. I'm a bit more secure than that.

Like I said in my original reply, nothing in this post has any merit. It is simply male attention whoring, with no substance. It's these "look at me" waste of bandwidth threads that keep any good information from being posted here. You can go ahead and listen to guys like this who are e-players, or learn who actually is worth their salt around here. Unfortunately, the way most of the new guys act is pushing the older, more grounded, posters away.

u only feel im bragging because ur not happy with UR results and u feel insecure reading about this........hell i also feel like shyt sometimes when some girl tells me how she had a 3some or somethin with another girl and another guy, cuz it makes me thin "damn that guy is lucky, im jealous!"

i understand u its ok, the fact is, if u had the same success i did, u wouldnt be worrying about if im bragging or not, cuz as always, im trying to SHOW that certain sosuave techniques work by sharing real life experiences

oh yea, i prob read like 10% of the DJBIBLE, so w/e i "rehash", i have no idea im doing it


Jan 14, 2006
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a DJ is a donjuan - someone whos good with the ladies, someone whos always smooth and gets ***** (GOOD *****, not fat 200lb ***** lol) on a consistent basis, thats MY definition of it


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
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In a land called **** it.
belividere said:
Great pooparu,

The fact that I dont feel the need to come on here and brag about my sexual conquests (which by the way are real) upsets you.

Nothing that Skip has said is new. Everything is in the bible. As a matter of fact most of his posts seem to be re-worded threads straight out of the bible. But so many new guys, like you, come here and dont read the bible and think this guy knows what he's talking about.

So I'm a grown up man pushing his 30's. I haven't pretended to have a threesome at my parents house now for a dozen years, and I dont act like a bigshot on an internet forum. I'm a bit more secure than that.
What are you talking about? Did you even read the post? First off, I've been to this site years ago, and came back again, so I've been through thte bible, multiple times looking for different things.

I don't give a damn about your sexual conquest. You're no cooler if you have sex with pigeons or have ****ed angelina jolie to me, I really don't care, because I don't know you, you could be lying for all I know.

All I'm talking about is the ridiculously stu pid comments about meeting girls in the "real world" because getting laid through myspace apparantly isn't "real".

I asked you if he got laid more than you because of mysapce, does that make you more sexually experienced? NO IT DOESN'T. I didn't say he DID, I'm asking a question. Like I said again, I don't give a **** if you have orgies in a pale of melted butter, it doesn't concern me.

And man, not to be a **** (well actually I am gonna be one), but if you were really that secure you wuoldn't make assumptions about me trying to act as if you know me in order to counter my arguments. Your entire post didn't even make sense, it was just one big wall to show how "secure" you are. Good one.

A skank is a skank. No quality woman will have a threesome with a guy that they've just meet. Whether or not you guys want to believe that is up to you. Personally, I wouldn't be bragging if all I could score was young sluts off the internet. I think I could do that with no problem if I wanted to waste my time trying.
These are the comments I'm talking about. 99% of guys here if the were horny and just wanted to have fun, and they had an opportunity to go out and have a threesome with hot women the probably would (assuming no STDs, etc). When women do this they are skanks? You don't know her past, you don't know HER. She wanted to have fun, leave her alone with the stupid name calling, its just you trying to feel superior and make your girlfriend seem like a diamond, and its really ****ing childish. I only get pissed because all people up here complain about how hard it is out there, etc., while YOU ALL are the ones making it hard on yourselves with stupid names such as sluts and *****s. People, like sex. If it was only used for reproduction we wouldn't derive pleasure from it.


Jan 14, 2006
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Espi said:
Best piece of PUA fiction since "Dr. Beard Pulls a Hottie." :up:

im glad u dont believe me, it only makes me feel better knowing that in your eyes, i did somethin so unbelievable that NEVER has happened to u, and u couldnt fathom it happening to ANYONE because u dont want the thought in ur head of 2 good looking girls being ****ed by the same lucky guy, while u sit here comparing a REAL experience (where i used certain sosuave techniques) with an obvious fake such as "dr beard", makes me feel great about myself that i was able to do that, and i can laugh at u


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2004
Reaction score
i think you guys are just forum junkies or you wouldnt even reply to stuff that you didnt really care about. rehab anyone?


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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damn...I've gotta hand it to you, man. That was some stunt you pulled by getting 2 of em' in the sack. And what's funny is, I tried to send a message like that one "Hey baby ur beautiful, gimme your sn" and it actually worked. She replied quickly too. Of course, I know that won't work everytime but the first girl I did that too responded (as opposed to most time when my message is slightly longer and more casual/complimentary about her profile). Of course, I im'd her it was going good for a moment then I asked her if she was "always this blonde"....she had just told me likes smart a$$es but after I said that, she thought I was being an ass and shortly afterward said she had to go eat. Lately, I've had bad luck on im'ing in general....always some interest then I take it too far...whereas, before I worked it like a pro and was pretty seductive. Anyway, good me hope.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
pooparu said:
assuming no STDs, etc
How can anyone assume this though - especially with easy s1uts? They estimate 1/4 of people with HIV don't even know it and we all know 20% of people have herpes. Not to mention HPV and all the other cooties.

We play with fire enough, we're gonna get burned. Everytime we stick it in a hairy petri dish, we're playing Russian Roulette. Sad but let's be aware of the risk out there, fellas! Last thing anyone can assume is she's clean as a whistle.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
In a land called **** it.
No, all I meant was that if given the opportunity for safe sex in a threesome, we would take it if we were guaranteed to be safe. All I'm saying is that people like sex, and if they think they are safe htey are going to do it. So why is it wrong for a woman to have sex when she wants?


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
pooparu said:
What are you talking about? Did you even read the post? First off,

I don't give a damn about your sexual conquest. You're no cooler if you have sex with pigeons or have ****ed angelina jolie to me, I really don't care, because I don't know you, you could be lying for all I know.

All I'm talking about is the ridiculously stu pid comments about meeting girls in the "real world" because getting laid through myspace apparantly isn't "real".

I asked you if he got laid more than you because of mysapce, does that make you more sexually experienced? NO IT DOESN'T. I didn't say he DID, I'm asking a question. Like I said again, I don't give a **** if you have orgies in a pale of melted butter, it doesn't concern me.

And man, not to be a **** (well actually I am gonna be one), but if you were really that secure you wuoldn't make assumptions about me trying to act as if you know me in order to counter my arguments. Your entire post didn't even make sense, it was just one big wall to show how "secure" you are. Good one.

These are the comments I'm talking about. 99% of guys here if the were horny and just wanted to have fun, and they had an opportunity to go out and have a threesome with hot women the probably would (assuming no STDs, etc). When women do this they are skanks? You don't know her past, you don't know HER. She wanted to have fun, leave her alone with the stupid name calling, its just you trying to feel superior and make your girlfriend seem like a diamond, and its really ****ing childish. I only get pissed because all people up here complain about how hard it is out there, etc., while YOU ALL are the ones making it hard on yourselves with stupid names such as sluts and *****s. People, like sex. If it was only used for reproduction we wouldn't derive pleasure from it.
Thats awesome. The whole point of this thread is to highlight someones sexual conquests, but my own are unnecessary. Did you even read my first post where I point out that bragging threads bring absolutely no benefit to this site? Where is the value of finding out that some guy you dont know had a threesome with two girls that you dont know. Yeah, not exactly an "I have a dream" like post here. There is nothing new in this post; it's strictly validation with no substance. That is my problem. If you really dont give a damn about my sexual conquest than why are you replying to a post about another members sexual conquests?

Myspace is not a legitamate place for a grown man to meet women. It is a dog and pony popularity show that caters to teenagers. No one out of high school, let alone above 21, should be calling myspace the real world. There is no intelligent life on myspace. It is a breeding ground for the whorification of america. First of all you cannot determine who is fictitous and need to weed out a lot of worthless girls, and secondly you can never replicate the feeling of seeing a girl for the first time and needing to talk to her over the net.

Personally, I would much rather walk out of my apartment door and strike out with a girl knowing that see was worth my time than sit around holed up around a computer oogling pictures of teenagers. This is why I think that interpersonal interactions are much more important for an aspiring "DJ" than internet relationships. There is a huge divide over sleeping with a girl that you've cold approached on the streets versus targeting a slutty girl on myspace.

I dont consider anyone who sleeps only with girls that have had 10 or more partners a "DJ" either. There is really nothing self-improved about a guy who goes out and has sex with girls that any run of the mill guys have been fvcking for years. That kind of guy isn't a "DJ", he is a normal young adult, willing to stick his **** into any slut that is going to give it up. Any guy on here who targets this type of girl is only fooling himself into thinking that they are something special. In reality they are just another number in the line of douchebags that an easy girl will give it up to. The numbers game becomes reversed and they are just another number in the sluts blackbook. That type of game doesn't really take much more skill than being willing and able.

When a guy can manage to cold approach girls who are desired (HB 7+) on the cold approaches, who he doesn't know, and routinely f-close I will have some respect. Thats the kind of information that I personally believe this site was generated for. I dont care to continously read about mundane problems or how someone got laid. I would rather learn about how someone embraced their self-worth and targeted girls that were worth their salt. You can put a thousands monkeys in a room and have them randomly smash their keyboards and within an hour they will find a girl on myspace who will sleep with them. Does that really make for a happy monkey? I would rather be the guy who can walk up to, and start conversations with, a great looking girl on the streets and have it go somewhere. It would take the monkeys a million years to be able to accomplish that.
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