How does it feel knowing most of you will end up with a slut?

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Very subtle snarky

Zarky said:
Enjoying the fear in this thread ;)
Argghhhh not the "FEAR" again !!??!!

Sorry sweetheart but hard science even tells us a woman who's had at least 6 sexual partners sees her inability to pair bond rise by 70% compared to her more chaste sisters. Something which men always new instinctively anyway.

Let me guess? You were one of these fugly harpies chanting men "FEAR" a strong independent working gurrrrrl in early 00's weren't you ya cheeky little cvnt?



Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2012
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SamTheHobit said:
You are delusional. And obviously have a thing for other guys banging your gf.

Tell me what's the difference of her blowing 10 guys before she was dating you or while she's dating you because either way you're still gonna have the taste of d1ck in your mouth After you kiss her ;)
Yes because everything we ever put in our mouths is permanently there. I guess you can taste the food she ate when she was an infant as well?

Your stupidity is admirable.


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2012
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Danger said:
Absolutely wrong. "Slutty" is defined by how many partners are acceptable to a man that would commit to a woman. And women HATE that men have this standard.

There was a time when even just a few men would make a woman perceived as a slut in a man's eyes.

So you hate the standard so much, that you would accuse any man who would not commit to a slut as being the type that supports marrying girls off at 13.

Black or white in your world eh?
You're not really understanding anything I wrote. I gave outlandish comparisons to show you how idiotic you are in your thinking.

"There was a time when just a few men would make a woman perceived as a slut in a man's eyes."

Yes this is true, but this completely relates to the age of marriage. A girl married at 17 without ever going to college or having any independence before her husband has far less opportunities to explore her sexuality then a woman who is married at 26 after college and being independent for several years.

You think women should have zero independence and return to the era where her goal in life was to cook and clean for her husband. Unfortunately for you, this will never be the case, especially since the average guy (you) is not even remotely capable of being the only breadwinner in the household because your $38K/year salary will not be enough to care for a home and family.

Women have more independence now to go out and d what they want to do, both in education and in careers, this also allows them to be independent with men. If they want to have sex with many men, that's their choice, just like it's your choice to spin plates and bag many women. Enough with the double standard.


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2012
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Lol at that study, the more ****s that have ravaged a woman, the less any one **** will mesmerize her? You really take these things to heart? What is the typical reason a woman is celibate until marriage? The answer is religion. What does religion state about marriage? It is until "death do us part." So it's pretty obvious that women who have only been with their husband are less likely to divorce, they're God fearing and marriage is forever to them. It's also obvious they're more attached because they literally have no experience with any other men.

The main reason divorce rates are higher is because women don't necessarily need a man to survive. If a man left his wife in the 50s, she was screwed because she likely did not have a job nor the education or capabilities to go and get one. Today that's not the case, most marriages involve both partners working, so a woman is less likely to tolerate nonsense from her husband because she can survive without him.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
The consequences of their "choice" is shame and undesirability. Why are you making a mental health issue into a civil rights issue?
Thread winner.

Lolzloz @ the "WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE SLUTS........ Besides thirsty betas" mentality we got happening here.

Who says 40 years of conditioning isn't working? :crazy:


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
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New Jersey
Why would I want to "end up" with anyone?

The phrase alone sounds rather depressing... like I had no choice and I had to settle for some slvt. Sorry, not happening to this guy.


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2013
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i will tell you guys my experience and let you decide. i don't judge.

there are some female friends of mine like this, but i will tell you one story in particular ( the rest is similar with small differences)
when i have worked at a TV studio, i met a girl, nice looking, sweet innocent behaviour. she was married for 2 years. we became friends, nothing sexual, me knowing she was married, never wanted to escalate and she was good fun as a friend.

then i have made my own web developer firm, and we talked a lot less, because the husband was the jelly type, and she seemed to respect that.
this year she ended up at a new job near where i have my firm, and we talked more on chat and live.

she made some hints as to being a "bad girl" and feeling shame for it. me, not passing judgement, listened, and told her i wasn't the saint either (in fact i was quite the platespinner even if i had 6 years LTR going on already with a girl who was virgin at the time, and she is quite the submissive and loyal type - although i can never be 100% sure ofc)

so this married girl escalated emotionally, telling how well i understand her, and not judge her, blabla, and she is in love with me from the moment we first met. i was like WTF O_O, but i wanted to bang her also so it was cool, and didn't freak me out. she wanted me to take some nude pics of her as a "gift for her husband". me not being a total idiot, rented a hotel room "because we wanted a pretty setting for the pictures", but in fact both knew we wanted something else, but in this scenario she can "lose her mind" and so she won't feel like a slut coming to a hotel to screw. we settled on a date when her husband is out of town, so we won't have a time frame (aka. we wanted to spend the night together.

next morning she confessed she was already sleeping with her husband's boss, and some other guy who all had LTR's or wives. also she wants me to make her a baby. this, i won't do.
the main thing is here, that her husband, although being the jelly type, SWEARS that his wife is faithful a loyal angel, and like religious fanatics, won't believe the contrary even when presented with evidence. he just loves his delusion.

tl;dr version, and my conclusions: sexual history can be a red flag, but by no means a sure thing; people like to delude themselves with positive and negative thoughts that somehow comfort them, regardless of it being true or not; and NEVER trust women.there can be a reasonable expectation and trust, but to close your eyes is very dangerous.
i leave you guys to draw your own conclusions.
sorry for the wall of text, if some think it was pointless, it probably is. for some, it can be useful.
thanks for reading it.


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2012
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I didn't say anything about how easy religious girls are to get with, but you're talking about different girls. I'm talking about the religious girls who are CELIBATE, because I have yet to meet a virgin waiting until marriage who wasn't very religious, those are the ones that believe marriage is forever and they should only be with one man.

You're talking about girls who wear crosses around their necks and go to church, this doesn't make a girl a devout practitioner of her religion.

It's entirely false, in my opinion, that a woman doesn't care what her man did or does as long as he is alpha. Women can find a man at any moment if they really want to, they have no reason to stay committed to anyone just because he is alpha.

I'm not a beta afc by any means, nor am I defending sluts, but so many of you have such negative attitudes about women because one broke your heart that you write off everything they do.

How many guys here preach not getting into a relationship in college or for years after because that's the time to be banging chicks and commitment is for later in life? So if guys shouldn't be out looking for a relationship until late in their 20s or older, why should women of the same age group do anything differently.

My point is, men and women alike, will go out and have sex with as many people as possible if that's what they choose to do, but if they choose to commit to one because of any multitude of reasons at some point in their life, that doesn't mean they're both still sluts and terrible people.