How do you attain Social Status?

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Let's face it, Social Status is the single most important factor in your relationships with other people, especially women.

Social Status can overcome ANYTHING. It doesn't matter if you are a poor conversationalist, have weak game, a crappy self esteem, or anything else wrong with you because if you are percieved as having higher social status than the women you want, you can have them.

For so much of my life I've wanted to be "above" being social because I wasn't good at it. But I want to change. If you can't beat them, join them and then beat them at their own game I say.

So how do you play the game? How do you get social status? How do you get started? What factors lead to positive social status other than initially "being connected" in the network?

If we can just figure this out guys, trust me we'll have it made. This is the key to everything.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Loss Vaygus, NV
Ever onward said:
How do you get social status?
By fixing these cardinal problems.
Ever onward said:
It doesn't matter if you are a poor conversationalist, have weak game, a crappy self esteem, or anything else wrong with you

People get social status because they took the time to fix these things rather than trying to come up with some hare-brained band aid fix to cover them up.

There is no "key to everything". That should be your first lesson.


Master Don Juan
Sep 23, 2004
Reaction score
Inyurvij Eina
Yeah, I'd like to meet a guy with poor conversational skill, no self-esteem, and crappy game who has "high social status".

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Scrumtulescence said:
Yeah, I'd like to meet a guy with poor conversational skill, no self-esteem, and crappy game who has "high social status".

How about someone who is rich? Or someone who is famous? Or someone who is well connected?

It's obvious that you don't have anything valuable to contribute to this thread.

There is no "key to everything". That should be your first lesson.
What could be more important than social status if you're trying to be a more social person, get connected, and get better with women?

Edit: Maybe there isn't one specific "key" to getting social status. But don't you agree that social status is important in every interaction you have with someone? From your friend, to your gf, to your boss, with every interaction you have with someone, social status plays a part.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2005
Reaction score
Duluth, MN
Ever onward said:
How about someone who is rich? Or someone who is famous? Or someone who is well connected?

It's obvious that you don't have anything valuable to contribute to this thread.

What could be more important than social status if you're trying to be a more social person, get connected, and get better with women?

Edit: Maybe there isn't one specific "key" to getting social status. But don't you agree that social status is important in every interaction you have with someone? From your friend, to your gf, to your boss, with every interaction you have with someone, social status plays a part.
First of all, are you going to respond to every post with negativity? If so, I won't even bother responding to this thread.

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score

I wasn't trying to come off negative, but the one guy said to attain social status by sucking d!ck and I might have come off a bit harshly :down:

As for my response to the other poster I was just trying to get him to see my view of social status. I really think it's the most important factor in dealing with people (especially women)


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Loss Vaygus, NV
Ever onward said:
How about someone who is rich? Or someone who is famous? Or someone who is well connected?
People who earn those things do so by having high-self esteem, being good conversationalists, improving themselves at every chance they get. It's the proven way to the top. They earn social status by being the kind of people who earn their riches or popularity.

People who are rich or famous but did not earn it (i.e. inheritance, relatives, and so on) have poor social status. Look at Paris Hilton. She may be well known, but I doubt that there's a single person who really respects her. Even her "closest friends" have been caught on record talking about what a dunce she is and how she's barely worth knowing.

What could be more important than social status if you're trying to be a more social person, get connected, and get better with women?
How about having high-self esteem, being good conversationalists, improving yourself at every chance you get? Women who would hook up with you based solely on your status are attention vvhores, gold-diggers, users, and all breeds of bad character. Is that who you want to hook up with? Is that who you want around you all of the time? You are taking the concept of social proof way past it's useable extreme.

But don't you agree that social status is important in every interaction you have with someone?
No, I don't. See my last response about the kind of people that status attracts. I don't associate with people like that. It would get my shui all fenged up, and I don't need that.

How exactly do you figure that social status makes any difference when talking to your boss? My boss make his choices regarding me based on how well I do the job. Who I know has absolutely nothing to do with it. My girlfriends have been with me because they liked me and they liked how they felt around me, not because of how many people knew me. My friends are my friends because we enrich each others lives in some fashion, not because they can be seen with me.

How does social status play a part when you're cold approaching a hottie in a bookstore? Or in a shopping mall? Or anywhere else that your legion of status cronies aren't mucking about? How does it have any effect when you're all by yourself in a place that you don't know anyone, say you're on vacation in Costa Rica. What are you going to do then? Your status means sh!t at that point, but the guys with confidence, with game, with real life down to earth people skills will be pulling every hottie right out from under you.

You won't have a chance, brah.

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
How exactly do you figure that social status makes any difference when talking to your boss? My boss make his choices regarding me based on how well I do the job. Who I know has absolutely nothing to do with it. My girlfriends have been with me because tey liked me and they liked how they felt around me, not because of how many people knew me. My friends are my friends because we enrich each others lives in some fashion, not because they can be seen with me.
Okay *tries not to be negative*

When I deal with my boss, sure I might do a good job, I might do a great job but other people who might not do the job as well get promoted or raises instead of me simply because he likes them better.

As for friends or girlfriends, ect. I'll give you an actual example. I have a really great best friend. He would do anything in this world for me. But he perceives me as having lower "status" than him and as a result whenever we're out at clubs or a bar and I try to do something that "he wouldn't do" like approaching women or whatever, he feels he has to "bring me down a notch" and so he is negative telling me why it won't work.

Maybe I was being too theoretical when I asked this question. I guess I was looking at it from an evolutionary standpoint with "alpha males" and the animal kingdom and whatnot. I'm not going to change anyone's view of the importance of social status so I guess I should just ask:

"What tips do you guys have for improving social status?"

BTW, Thank you for your response


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
You have a lot to learn, and there are not any short cuts. You wont go from social dud to desireable over night. There are a shyt load of threads on here about this topic, and associated topics. Put your work in.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2005
Reaction score
Duluth, MN
Ever onward said:
Okay *tries not to be negative*
Is it bad that I feel a sudden urge to give you a doggy bone? :)

BTW, when I said that, I was more responding to the "It's obvious that you don't have anything valuable to contribute to this thread", as I felt that the reply that you quoted did have a little truth to it. Although, you have every right to respond to the suck a d*ck comment. That post was pointless.

Alright, with that being said, my input: I think you're putting too much importance on social status. Though it is very important to gain social status, it's not the answer to all your problems. As for gaining a social status, there are plenty of books written on the subject alone and it would take too much time to get into it here.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2005
Reaction score
Scrumtulescence said:
Yeah, I'd like to meet a guy with poor conversational skill, no self-esteem, and crappy game who has "high social status".
vin diesel

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
BTW, when I said that, I was more responding to the "It's obvious that you don't have anything valuable to contribute to this thread", as I felt that the reply that you quoted did have a little truth to it. Although, you have every right to respond to the suck a d*ck comment. That post was pointless.
When I said "It's obvious that you don't have anything valuable to contribute to this thread" I was totally referring to the "suck a d1ck post" and I made an effort to address his other points.

Originally Posted by dadood
vin diesel

He has decent conversational skills from what I've seen on talk shows.
He is also very charismatic.

Well since I'm back on the topic of social status:

My girlfriends have been with me because tey liked me and they liked how they felt around me, not because of how many people knew me.
Now that I think of it, my last gf broke up with me because I wasn't social enough. She was a party girl, liked to go to bars constantly, always had to be in "the scene" and I wasn't like that. She said she just didn't "feel it for me" but the truth is she wanted a high-status guy who WAS into the social scene. Granted, she wasn't "marriage material" or whatnot but it seems that many girls are like this to some degree.

Anyways, regardless of what you think of the importance of "social status". I would really like to hear from some more guys who have a high social status (in addition to the one's who have already commented) and who would like to share their tips.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Loss Vaygus, NV
Ever onward said:
my last gf broke up with me because I wasn't social enough.
Being sociable and having social status are two entirely different and largely unrelated things.

But I can see that you're not interested in differing opinions, you only want sackriders who agree with you to post, so I'll leave you to that then.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score
I think he's confusing social status with presentation, or the performance.

Presentation is a powerful thing, because it's an all-encompassing term which actively communicates your social status.

He's stuck thinking in absolutes, when everything is actually rhythmic and results are based more on positive and negative feedback.

Like the Hacker's Diet Eat Watch, you might consider the need for a Social Wrist Watch.

For example:

If you give a performance to a woman you're attracted to, let's rank that a five for effort.
If you give a performance to your office building, let's rank that a twenty.
If you give a performance to an auditorium of eight-hundred people, call that thirty.
If you give a performance to millions of people, probably through the television, you can give yourself a cool 10,000.

So say we recorded whether we improved our social status on a person-to-person basis with certain ranking considerations (e.g. see above). Then, we charted it against time. You would understand that we are a servant of time and there is no absolute fix for social status. Increasing your social status requires social maintenance of some kind, and if you don't maintain it, that line on the chart representing our social status will steadily decrease to 0.

Ah, so you see, this accounts for the existence of one-hit wonders, people who successfully woo'ed millions, but it wasn't sustained OVER TIME, so the effect their performance had on their popularity eventually evaporates.

This is true for anything. Take a random conversation: If it's not being maintained, it eventually dies. The Push & Pull technique is an example of positive & negative feedback, the activity level along with the quality of the performance is what decides whether the initiator assumes control of the other person's perception.

That Hacker's Diet is really useful for engineer types that may have trouble rationalizing the mistake of thinking in absolutes. Sometimes we forget everything is servant to the deteriorating effect of time.
Last edited:


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2006
Reaction score
In a room full of people you don't know you can be ANYONE. Your social status is unknown to these people, and they are there to be lead. You can own any room, I've seen it done and am learning how to do it. Its AMOGing and social proof x10.

Simple rules.

-Always open the guys first.

-Be seen with the coolest groups in the room, be seen as alpha, make them
laugh and have positive body language.

-Get to know doormen and doorstaff to get people into clubs for free or drinks free.

-Now you're ready to have large groups of women around you. Depending on your game level sarge them to your hearts content.

The room is now yours :)

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Being sociable and having social status are two entirely different and largely unrelated things.

But I can see that you're not interested in differing opinions, you only want sackriders who agree with you to post, so I'll leave you to that then.
Like I said, I can't change your opinion about the value of social status and I'm not going to try. I didn't make this thread to have a debate on the merits of social status, because that is a topic unto itself. You're entitled to your opinion and I to mine. I made this post because I wanted to know if anyone had some concrete, real world tips for attaining social status.

Simple rules.

-Always open the guys first.

-Be seen with the coolest groups in the room, be seen as alpha, make them
laugh and have positive body language.

-Get to know doormen and doorstaff to get people into clubs for free or drinks free.

-Now you're ready to have large groups of women around you. Depending on your game level sarge them to your hearts content.

The room is now yours
See that's all I wanted. Was that so hard? Thank you Syren


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2006
Reaction score
Np. One thing I would say is this is a skill just like sarging and it takes time, and balls of steel to cross your sticking points. There is a lot out there on things like command presence. Try google.