How do you attain Social Status?

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
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but I think what offends many people here is when it sounds like you're saying that you must first attain social status before you can do anything; seduce, date, etc
You can be a pickup artist and learn techniques to meet women but that would just be artificial. What I want is to learn to authentically lhave status or value.

In a lot of these posts I'm interchanging social status with status and that is where the confusion seems to be coming from.

So my definitions are:

status = value

social status = popularity

So yes then, I want to learn to be socially valuable. :up:

Much better to just use the things that bring social status to pull honeys. Then you earn the status and it follows you everywhere that people know you. Again (I'm repeating myself hoping that someone will get it) social status doesn't do anything on it's own, it's just indicative of people knowing all of the things you can do.....
you made a great point with that statement. You have to earn the status. A lot of people on this thread have offered great advice about earning status, but you haven't yet.