There's a lot of truth to this.
My opinion, I think there are increasingly more and more young men that totally missed out on this due to unusual circumstances. It could literally be something like they have poor social confidence or skills in high school, so they naturally miss out on this easy opportunity to gain dating experience. They start getting into their 20s and unless they were in a set of circumstances to work on their social skills or have proximity to women their age, the end result is nothing changes. It could literally be some guy that went into the military, or just worked a job or perhaps was majoring in computer engineering or some other male dominated field. The trend you'll find is that they are in male dominated environments with little to no real opportunity to interact with women. Next thing you know these guys are in their mid to late 20s and still have little to no experience with the opposite sex. Women pick up on this, where they feel something is "off" and they naturally reject them. Then the mental cycle continues where they get poor or even no results for their efforts, meanwhile they see other men where things just line up for them with no real effort, which just makes it even worse.
I post this because a lot of what I just wrote was my experience as I've gone from my teens and into my 30s now. I'm 6'4" and in way better shape than the overwhelming majority of men in general. I also have a much higher net worth, though I keep this hidden. I'm a way better "catch" than what these women have gone for but have been rejected a ton of times, while they choose guys that don't even have half of the things I bring to the table. The difference between me and these blackpill types though is that I just find amusement in it and focused on other things in my life instead of ruminating over it.
I'm not sure if you have been following my recent posts in which I've discussed the following about the current day, and why blaming each and every individual young man for not finding a woman is asinine. Sure, as there has always been, there are individual men who have unattractive characteristics and habits that turn off women, and some sad saps who would and will not attract women in their lifetimes no matter what they do. But, as I've been saying, not only are there are now women denigrating men, but men men denigrating other men by young women's "standards", which, in the current day are abysmal and change like the weather.
Anyone can see my previous posts in which I've outlined the outrageous jestermaxxing and hoops men have to jump through from what I've been hearing and reading. And on here, and in other forums, I've noticed a pattern: Gen Xer's (me being one of them) and boomers talking about their sexual conquests while the younger men are showing they are having an extremely difficult or impossible time.
They fail to recognize the following.
1. Boomer and Gen X society was designed, intentionally or unintentionally, for the sexes to meet one another organically. I was tempted to post some pictures of Gen X acquaintances and friends on IG and FB with blacked-out faces to show just how large the cliques of both men and women were back in the day. I am talking about packs of 20 to 30 people roaming about and partying in parks, parking lots, and shopping centers until the wee hours. Do young people socialize like that now? Do young men play ball games at parks while young while women sit on the sidelines ogling at their shirtless bodies? Maybe they do, but I don't see much of that sort of interaction anymore when I'm out and about. People used to meet just hanging out in their towns, in places of worship, parties, through their ethnic communities.
2. 100% female ownership of the sexual market. With their ever-increasingly inflated egos, women ask for and expect whatever they want, and then men must display and jestermaxx in ways likely never seen in all of history (be funny, be a criminal, be a basketcase, act like a woman, "connect" and "get" women's emotions).
3. The increase in price of everything, making it harder for young men to gain resources and impress women. "I had my own home and three children" (at some age before 30) says the boomer.
4. From my experience, young women generally liked men up until the end of the 90's. Some were actually embarrassed not to have boyfriends.
5. The feminization of major social institutions and the demonization of men, including Chads, who some seem to think is invincible and immune to divorce rape and false allegations.
No one is going to convince me that the degree men had to do the following in the 90's and previously (though such expectations were picking up steam) to find women. Normal, healthy men should not blame themselves for not having women in my opinion in the current day, unless they act like total freaks in social situations.
1. Be a criminal.
2. Start a business and be a gorillionaire or somehow obtain high-status work even though university life has long passed (you know, everyone can just do this).
3. Be a f-cking clown who makes a joke out of everything.
4. Act as court jester and MC after work. Entertain women at 9:00 PM on work nights. You have to be funny so she doesn't get bored.
5. Drive a boat or motorcycle.
6. Cover oneself in tattoos.
7. Take steroids.
8. Lift, lift, lift (obviously I love doing this by my own volition).
9. Act like a woman.
10. Go into middle-age panic mode: dye one's facial and head hair so they resemble Bert and Ernie dolls, get hair transplants, go to a barber weekly, or whatever other excessive grooming one thinks of.
And so on and so on. Some older men give alright advice. I believe others are out of touch. And definitely some love to rip on young men for social pathologies they have no control over and cannot fight. Think deeply on why our ancestors concerned about their young men for thousands of years did not allow this to happen and why even now in some communities in the USA who know better, there are hardly any incels. And pretty much most ripping on men comes from others ripping on men for failing to meet the above.