i assume there is a difference between chasing and pursuing, because despite the progression women have made in society at large or how modern the world has become, women still normally never shoot their shot with men they like, it is still normally the man that asks the woman out or is the one to initiate/escalate.
I disagree. I know that this is a common trope on these type of men's forums, but this does not match my life experience at all.
People tend to build their worldview around their own anecdotal experiences and the people they associate with which in turn reinforces their worldview. It's a vicious circle.
When a woman has a desire for a man then she'll aggressively pursue this man. Women aren't subtle or shy about it either. She'll make it very, very clear.
If you or the guys you know are never pursued by women then that means that they don't have any desire for you.
I've never approached any woman ever. They need to approach me, because I am worth more than they are. They know this. I know this.
I have life experience, personality, confidence, real friends, integrity, self-discipline, a legit 120 IQ, I'm 6'3, 190lbs, visible abs, legit 8 inch ****, don't smoke or drink or take drugs. I never masturbate and meditate regularly. I have complete control over mu sex drive, I am not a ****ing animal.
What can a woman add to my life? Why should I even notice her?
And if they decide not take to their shot, it's their loss. There is an infinite amount of other, younger, hotter women ready to take their place.
And if I ever get old and become undesirable to them, then that's fine too. I need no woman. I'll rather die then ever debase myself to the degree where I have to pursue them.
And to be clear, I am not bragging, I am telling you that you need to have the same attitude that I have!
Live your best life and know your worth!