Cheers mate !
I am a quiet guy, but can be very very talkative once comfortable. Big difference between 'shy' and 'quiet'. A shy person is uncomfortable speaking, a quiet person is comfortable speaking but only speaks at certain times. A quiet person can be MOST intriguing to certain females... trust me...
I do believe though that females do enjoy and are attracted to a guy that can take over a situation, its just sexy. Eventhough you don't HAVE to be loud and aggressive and the life of the party, its important to show her that you COULD be if so chosen... get me ?? You can't be 'quiet' because of some insecurity of being afraid to socialize, or because ur nervous in social situations or because whatever... she'll see that and well that's game over...
Me, I'm quiet because I'm just quiet... it's who I am naturally. But at any given moment I could approach anyone or in a group of people take over the group and become a leader, its just that most times I let other people talk and i listen. If quiet comes from insecurity... Fix it... if its who u are... live with it and love it...
Freshman year of college I was in a class of about 35 and I was instantly attracted to two young females. Everyone was talking, the so-called 'alphas' being loud and aggressive and trying to stake their territory first day of class and I just sat back and chuckled to myself... decided to lay low and just concentrate on class and lecture... well basically I never said anything to anyone for the first 2 weeks, just raised hand answered questions trying to study... eventually a guy touches me like...
"That girl has been looking at you for the last hour" and guess what ?? It was the girl that i was attracted to. I decided to make a move, approached her after class and introduced myself. Quickly became interested, kino led to physical comfort... few lunch dates, night dates, hook up... all the while the tables turned and I started to speak up in class... join other peoples convo's and start to assimalate weaker guys in the class and well they followed because 90% of other guys frames are weak (juss cuz ur quiet doesn't mean ur frame is weak). To make long story short, the girl i hooked up with best friend (also in class) wanted me... hooked up with her... and about 3 more girls in there were all over me, one hb9.5Indian but never fvcked her ahhh i made rookie mistake with her but alas... she did want me...
That's playing to your own personality. Know yourself, control yourself and then move in for the kill mate...