Holy Grail of Tips


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
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tsk tsk, split infinitive

Ain't nut'in' wrong wit a split infinitivte!

New Oxford Dictionary of English (1998):

"in standard English the principle of allowing split infinitives is broadly accepted as both normal and useful"

And, to answer your previous query, I do talk somewhat like I write ONLY when I get into theoretical disscussions and sh*t. Only, when I talk, there is a cornucopia [i.e. lots] of cuss words/slang and improper English thrown in:

"Ay, dat may be right, but ya gotta respect the f*ckin' dichotomy of the ostens'ble situation: murf*cka o'er dere is contemplatin' the reprocussions of his b*tches perfidy, while dee otha dude is--while attemptin' to feign ignorance of eythan--tryin' to coz'n him into f*ckin' up his life."

...or something like that. I am working on my 'smooth' speech. Usually, ain't nobody gets me when I conflate the two methods of speaking: "nerd speak" and "idiot speak". Cuz only the dorks understand the words (missing the sentence structure) and the undereducated get the sentence structure, but don't get the dork-speak.

But damn, I thought you guys would just pass up the post! If I seen a post like that, I would just attribute the attrociauoussly raveled parlance to straight up f*ck-head faceitiousness [i.e. playin around to be funny]. But theres been like, what, 5 threads concomitant [i.e. following, implying a consequence] with the original retardo-speak thread!

Sh(t, I didn't want to usurp the disscussion here; I just figured yall would see it as a lark [i.e. joke] or something.

Tounge in cheek, ya dig?


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
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sup ice.

there is a quote "every language represents something. English is the language of buisness, German is the language of war, french is the language of love, and russian is the language of the soul."

Many, many authors have agreed that Russian allows to fully communicate with the reader, to transfer the exact feeling the writer is trying to convey.

Ok, let's go over some grammar. In russian, there are seven forms of the verb. that's right, seven. I cant exactly translate them (the names of the forms) but some are : first. - who, what did or does..... , as if "walk." He walks.

next form is - "did what, will do what" - the verb is different now. in english, you will understand the verb usage by context "HE WILL walk" but in russian, the verb will show you just by itself.

Then there is another one "of whom, of what" the verb would be walking now, "he talked about his walking"

man, really cranking my brains here, hvent gone over this stuff in 5 years...ok, let me think...

then there is 'to whom, to what" walk has a different form once again, with different ending, making it sound the right way.

i cant remember them all, but these are some forms of the verb. and there are 7 you have to master.

and this is not it, there is much more to grammar than this..

for example, you use these verb forms for wirting numbers as well. that is right, you write out the numbers, and you make them end with the right ending, which is a ***** when you are trying to write 1230387... so good luck ice, this is one tough language to master.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Don Ronny
Yeah but you are forgetting one important thing. Weight lifting and Steroid use are potentially dangerous if you dont know what you are doing. This is not the case with approaching and seducing women. Honestly, this forum makes such a complicated mess of a process created by NATURE.

Most of the work you will do is unlearning all the garbage you have been taught about sexuality and your self-image.
Ok bad example I gave. Let me try again,

You see people start weight training, they don't know what their doing. They lift day in day out for a year but have no results. Bye bye motovation.

So a guy comes and reads your tip. Odds are he isn't confident to approach anyways. He knows nothing exept your tips. Approaches 50 girls and gets turned down by everyone, doesnt know what hes doing n uses pick up lines. Buh bye motovation and self worth.

Do you get what I'm saying?


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2004
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Originally posted by Don Ronny

this forum makes such a complicated mess of a process created by NATURE.

nature has already been messed up with role reversal in society - women gaining more power and guys losing their masculinity because it is wrong apparently. for these guys, this site can help them get back on track.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by LikRetsam
Don Ronny... You still haven't answered my question. But flame wars are my thing so let me fire away.

Internet forum is not a place for people to correct their problems? Excuse me? Do you believe that it is better for them to go sit their ass in front of a "professional" and tell him all their problems? Dude, why the hell are you here if you think like that? And if you don't, why did you post it?

People who are here have realised their problems, are here to discuss their problems and correct them. How dare you bash on that?

Or do you prefer that the person goes and talks to his friends and familly? The same people who have the same problems as he does? They have no God damn idea how to fix his junk. This site is a place with experienced people and that is the difference. Thatr's why it is so great.

Don't ever bash on that.
oh thank god, lik does have a soul, he understands that people need help, hes just a proponent of tough 'man love' ;)


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
Red Sox Nation
Originally posted by Pook
I've been reading Kiyosaki lately (with his books like Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Cashflow Quadrant, etc). Anyway, Kiyosaki's books are about building businesses, becoming rich, and so on.

Kiyosaki never gives specific techniques, in fact, even seems to discourage them. Rather, he says "mindset is all". Later, he says that we should invest our time rather than spend our time. We should keep looking at improving our financial intelligence slowly over time, aiming for evolution of ourselves rather than a quick 'revolution'. He says to focus on the dream and not on reality.
Hey Pook!

I'm a huge Kiyosaki fan myself. Actually it was his books that totally changed the direction I set forth for my life. I always wondered why he never wrote of specific techniques. His answer: "Even if you I were to tell people what to do, most of them woldn't do them anyway." Which is why he asks you to focus on dreams and on the "why" because if the "why" is there, you'll figure out the "how" very easily.

Most discussions on the forum are fueled by inner realization. There is talk about outside things ("oh no, she rejected me! what do I do now!?") but it all revolves around people's inner cores which are continually growing and evolving.

Nice Guys do not need more experience. They need to realize who they are.
This is exactly where I find myself recently. Having experienced some things for myself where girls actually were intrigued by my personality, and the opposite of that where girls considered me their best friend, I have been mentally masturbating for a few days to find the distinctions between the two. If I went out there and did things randomly hoping to find an answer through experience, I would probably lose a lot of time, and time is one of our most important assets as Kiyosaki says.

This is the 'green light syndrome'. The idea is that we must look for 'green lights' from the women, and put on the acclerator when the lights turn green else the cars behind us will honk and pass us.

You will be forever enslaved to women by doing this. You will be all reaction, rather than action.

Most guys fail with women because they keep searching for green lights. They go nowhere.

Other guys become enslaved to women by pinpointing green lights and accelerating whenever they see one. (this is where most seducers are)

But the real success comes when you are able to accelerate at the RED light, where everyone thinks you are nuts at accelerating. It is real success because then the world revolves around YOU, around YOUR desires rather than hers, the focus stays on you and not the woman or her 'social expectations'. To heck with what she expects, to heck with your 'social intelligence' and women's 'subconscious signals'! It is time we focus on what WE want. Real men TAKE the women they want; they never look for initial signals.
I wrote a post on this a while back called "There is no green light" and yet I failed to realize the deeper meaning of it. Yes you should go for the woman that you want, but isn't it a catch-22 if she hasn't had a chance to like you? Anti-Dump is indeed correct that asking for the number/email is the only way to find out if a woman likes you.

But this assumes that she can somehow forecast if she's going to like you or not based solely on your 2-3 minute interaction. Either that, or she likes your physical qualitites OR she is the kind of woman who will take a chance and date you regardless. In this case you don't really know if she likes you yet...

The real world is in your MIND, not outside.
This is a very interesting statement. I agree on the grounds that we primarily base our decisions on the perceptions that we have "about" the world. It is the perceptions then that decide ultimately what our world is going to be. Kiyosaki says "If you see a world of not enough money, then even if you have a lot of money, you'll still be poor"

Now to take you back in time to an older post of yours about a girl at work that all guys were after. They all did their patterns and kino and all that fun stuff, yet in the end it was you who got her despite not doing anything on the surface. When you asked her why she chose you, she replied "Because you were more of a man."

Now you go and tout your philosophy "Be a man and the rest will take care of itself" While I do agree with it, it's too general for us especially since it means something to you, but to me it doesn't have any meaning yet. Not unless I associate some experience with it. I did come up with an alternative explanation to it which makes sense to me, and it is quite long to write out here, so I'll post it separately and provide a link to it.

Update: Okay here's the link if you can make sense of it :D http://www.sosuave.com/vBulletin/showthread.php?s=&threadid=53391
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