Holy Grail of Tips


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
Reaction score
I've been reading Kiyosaki lately (with his books like Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Cashflow Quadrant, etc). Anyway, Kiyosaki's books are about building businesses, becoming rich, and so on.

Kiyosaki never gives specific techniques, in fact, even seems to discourage them. Rather, he says "mindset is all". Later, he says that we should invest our time rather than spend our time. We should keep looking at improving our financial intelligence slowly over time, aiming for evolution of ourselves rather than a quick 'revolution'. He says to focus on the dream and not on reality.

I must admit, it is like reading myself. I talk to others about this work and, in fact, post in theme related forums on the topic.

I thought I was better educating myself about financial knowledge. But I find that I have actually been ruining myself and the forums are accomplices in my ruination because Don Rommy says,

You guys are too funny. Your responses are just proof of what total keyboard jockeys you are.
Oh, we are undone! The forum, that was our salvation, is now destroying us!

But what is the purpose of writing and reading? Every now and then, as common as it is seen almost weekly, appears a tip from a freshly registered member that says,


Immediately, I pick up the Pook phone and call Allen's top secret number. "Allen! Did you read that tip? It is about confidence! Who would have thought!?"

Allen puts forth the emergency meeting. All the elder Don Juans meet in the super secret forum (that no one knows!) as we react to this discovery.

"Getting women has something to do with CONFIDENCE? Why, who would have thought!?" says one.

"Not I!" said an elder Don Juan. "Confidence is needed to get women? Incredible tip!"

"The tip will alter people's lives," one solemny declared. "Until that newbie poster spoke, no one knew about confidence!"

We see it all the time: posts that seem basic, redundant, even talking about nothing, i.e. mental masturbation.

But writing is double edged. Where one side uses it merely to communicate, the other side provides clarity of the mind. Frederick Douglass, an orator, was amazed at how writing letters and even articles, this seeming mental masturbation, exacted his mind. Now, he could no longer run from his thoughts. By writing it down, his thoughts were formed and cemented. Sometimes by writing he discovered something new that wouldn't have been possible if his thoughts were not cemented in a text.

The newbie who bursts, "You got to be confident!" is absolutely meaningless to us, as such knowledge is very common, but the newbie is vastly improving himself by writing it down and putting it out there. To the newbie, his world is changing and his writings are reactions to it.

Most discussions on the forum are fueled by inner realization. There is talk about outside things ("oh no, she rejected me! what do I do now!?") but it all revolves around people's inner cores which are continually growing and evolving.

Nice Guys do not need more experience. They need to realize who they are.

Kiyosaki warns with real estate, "Experience is very good. But you can go out there, invest in real estate, and easily lose your shirt. If the person invested more time in himself, he would avoid such an unfortunate problem."

Too many people go through life, so certain that they are on the right path, and end up exactly like their parents. No one seems to stop for a moment, to pause, to consider what they want from life and how to get it.

What I hear most from the forum is, "I came here only to find out how to score more chicks. Yet, now I am re-examining my entire life!" Such people grow. Before, they were focused on the quantity they could get out of life. Now, they are raising its quality.

Its okay to come here and get feedback to improve your game, but the majority of the posters here are more concerned with DonJuan Theory 101 to actually make any moves. Its like you are all going for your PHD in DJism!
This is because you registered at June 2003. If you had registered at June 2000 or before, you would find that the discussions and yes, even the 'theories', do evolve into the great 'new' posts. I can speak only for myself: it would have been impossible for me to write the 'Kill that Desperation' post without reading and discussing countless (and witnessing in real life) people who try to find success in artificial techniques. Even 'The Secret of the Jerk' would not have been able to been written if we hadn't discussed the 'jerk syndrome', biology, and so on to infinity.

Does this mean we should sit here and spend our lives talking about women? No. But it does show that exacting and sharing our thoughts will not make us poorer for it. No person, in self analysis, will let himself become an isolated 'keyboard jockey'. And if this forum does anything, it certainly makes one undergo 'self analysis'.

WOMEN are the seducers. You just have to have the balls to escalate at the right moment. They are ALWAYS giving you signals, but if you lack the social intelligence to pick up on these signals then you are lost. They are windows of opportunity that are open for a brief moment and you must be poised to jump through before it slams shut.
This is the 'green light syndrome'. The idea is that we must look for 'green lights' from the women, and put on the acclerator when the lights turn green else the cars behind us will honk and pass us.

You will be forever enslaved to women by doing this. You will be all reaction, rather than action.

Most guys fail with women because they keep searching for green lights. They go nowhere.

Other guys become enslaved to women by pinpointing green lights and accelerating whenever they see one. (this is where most seducers are)

But the real success comes when you are able to accelerate at the RED light, where everyone thinks you are nuts at accelerating. It is real success because then the world revolves around YOU, around YOUR desires rather than hers, the focus stays on you and not the woman or her 'social expectations'. To heck with what she expects, to heck with your 'social intelligence' and women's 'subconscious signals'! It is time we focus on what WE want. Real men TAKE the women they want; they never look for initial signals.

And do you know the real secret as to why? It is because beautiful women of 'good' quality do not give signals or green lights. The chumps sit there, waiting, expecting, looking for some 'sign', but the Don Juan sees what he wants and goes for it regardless.

Anti-Dump said, "It is easy to find out if a woman likes you. You ask for number and get YES. You ask for date and get YES. You keep getting YESes to YOUR date ideas."

This is why there is a forum to share such ideas. You mistake that time on the forum is REMOVING people from experience, where, in fact, such time will make their experience all the more richer.

The real world is in your MIND, not outside. Unite dream and day and the entire world becomes what you want it to be.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
Agreed. It seems every single week there is a post about "going outside" just like there is a post "OMG. she looked at me!!!".

I think "mental mastrubators" is one of the funniest terms... would you rather call these people thinkers instead, afterall, all they do is process information...

tell me ronny, you seem to have all this figured out, how many minutes and seconds, or perhaps hours, does on need to spend here daily to become a keyboard jockey? 12.3 minutes? 2 hours?

When one person goes out all the time, but has no one else to talk to this stuff about, is it better than someone who spends a bit of time here and shares his experiences, while going out once in awhile?

People learn through people. Write that down.

Ronny_Neumonic II

Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
Spot on with the first post. I've been here for years but it's only when I got up off my ass and started actually putting myself out there that I#ve really broken my learning barrier. There's only so much you can learn by reading stuff, it's better to actually go out and fall off your bike when you're learning to cycle, than it is to read a book on it and picture yourself being a great cyclist whilst being too afraid to ride the bike...if you know what I mean :D

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Pook
Immediately, I pick up the Pook phone and call Allen's top secret number. "Allen! Did you read that tip? It is about confidence! Who would have thought!?"

Allen puts forth the emergency meeting. All the elder Don Juans meet in the super secret forum (that no one knows!) as we react to this discovery.
Funny you should mention this. I often get the impression that you have a warning system in place so that whenever someone writes about you, the red lights start flashing and alarms go off! :p
Originally posted by Pook
We see it all the time: posts that seem basic, redundant, even talking about nothing, i.e. mental masturbation.
Redundancy I can deal with, as long as its based on something you actually experienced. This is not mental masturbation because you are applying your knowledge. I was really referring to the guys here who write volumes on "What a Real DJ means to me" or "What makes a man Alpha?" Pure theory bullsh!t.
Originally posted by Pook
Kiyosaki warns with real estate, "Experience is very good. But you can go out there, invest in real estate, and easily lose your shirt. If the person invested more time in himself, he would avoid such an unfortunate problem."
The huge flaw I see with this analogy is that in real estate you actually have something to lose! Lots of money, time and effort can get flushed down the toilet. With women, you are not risking anything except the possibilty of rejection. Of course we should invest time into ourselves, but its a balance, we shouldnt have our heads so far up our asses that we miss out on life!
Originally posted by Pook
Too many people go through life, so certain that they are on the right path, and end up exactly like their parents. No one seems to stop for a moment, to pause, to consider what they want from life and how to get it.
I couldnt agree more.
Originally posted by Pook
If you had registered at June 2000 or before, you would find that the discussions and yes, even the 'theories', do evolve into the great 'new' posts. I can speak only for myself: it would have been impossible for me to write the 'Kill that Desperation' post without reading and discussing countless (and witnessing in real life) people who try to find success in artificial techniques. Even 'The Secret of the Jerk' would not have been able to been written if we hadn't discussed the 'jerk syndrome', biology, and so on to infinity.
Actually I lurked on this forum for quite some time before I registered. There is a major difference in the vibe here nowadays. Back then most of the guys spoke from experiences they had with women. These days this place is over-run with confused AFCs who think all the answers are online.
Originally posted by Pook
No person, in self analysis, will let himself become an isolated 'keyboard jockey'. And if this forum does anything, it certainly makes one undergo 'self analysis'.
I disagree. Self-analysis can be a very addictive drug! Your ass is still here isnt it? In fact I am officially giving you the "Keyboard Jockey of the Year" Award :)
Originally posted by Pook
Most guys fail with women because they keep searching for green lights. They go nowhere.

Other guys become enslaved to women by pinpointing green lights and accelerating whenever they see one. (this is where most seducers are)

But the real success comes when you are able to accelerate at the RED light, where everyone thinks you are nuts at accelerating. It is real success because then the world revolves around YOU, around YOUR desires rather than hers, the focus stays on you and not the woman or her 'social expectations'. To heck with what she expects, to heck with your 'social intelligence' and women's 'subconscious signals'! It is time we focus on what WE want. Real men TAKE the women they want; they never look for initial signals.
The fact that you constantly quote AntiDump makes me wonder if you have any game at all, but I digress...

If you are too wrapped up in your own world to notice what the woman is feeling, her body language and subconscious signals, you are missing half of the game. One of the most important things experience has taught me is that being observant goes a long way and that there are certain times when we should escalate..where it is natural for the woman. If I followed your ideas I would be humping legs in the street!

I do like your analogy though, I would modify it to say that its okay to run those redlights, as long as there are no cops around! ;)


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
Reaction score
I often get the impression that you have a warning system in place so that whenever someone writes about you, the red lights start flashing and alarms go off!
Again, you try to psycho-analyze other people. Why not psycho-analyze yourself and try to find the flaws in oneself rather that projecting those flaws on others?

If one wrote a Don Ronny article, it would go like this:

"Do not read articles! Go outside in the real world to get experience!" THE END.

How is that helpful? How is that telling us anything we didn't know before?

If there was a Don Ronny seminar, it would be,

"Hello everyone! To get girls you need to not attend seminars and go out in the real world!"

Great. Stupedenous. But it tells us nothing.

Does it appear that you are being helpful with this post? No, it appears that you're just belittling others. What did you expect the response to this 'tip' to be? "OH MY GOODNESS! I never knew that girls were OUTSIDE! Oh, I am now saved from the awful forum!"?

You're condemning the forum for being what it is, a place of discussions, articles, and such.

I don't think there is any seduction book or internet text that DOESN'T say you have to go out there. So what is the point of this tip?

I was really referring to the guys here who write volumes on "What a Real DJ means to me" or "What makes a man Alpha?" Pure theory bullsh!t.
It may be bullsh!t to YOU, but not to them. To some, these ideas are new and they want to discuss it. How will that make them poorer for it? They are talking about women and how to get women. This is far better improvement than discussing video games or politics, as they are trying to improve their lives. Why mock this? After taking the red pill, everyone needs some time to re-adjust their reality.

The huge flaw I see with this analogy is that in real estate you actually have something to lose! Lots of money, time and effort can get flushed down the toilet. With women, you are not risking anything except the possibilty of rejection. Of course we should invest time into ourselves, but its a balance, we shouldnt have our heads so far up our asses that we miss out on life!
The greatest resource is time. Think of all the times in your past where you spent it wondering what you should do about a girl (and ended up doing nothing) or going in a circle with one or two girls, going nowhere?

There are guys I know who are in the early 30s, who really seem underdeveloped faculty-wise because they bought the belief in their twenties that if they did not have a girlfriend (at all times), something was wrong. So they always made sure they had a girlfriend. If they had focused on themselves rather than on getting the girls, they would end up getting the girls they wanted along with enriching their lives on their own. They would be in total control of their lives, rather than blaming what happens on 'fate'.

What is life to you? Alas, with that question, we are entering the theory netherzone, the place that you say we shall lose ourselves if we pause and reflect.

Is success with women getting into a woman's head, making sure you respond to ALL her fluctuations (of which she will create many), and so make pleasing yourself depend on pleasing them?

Or is success getting into your own head, making sure you respond to all of YOUR dreams and ideas, that you stop dividing your emotions and desires from reality, that you live the life YOU want, rather than what women 'expect'.

I know so many people in college who major in this or try to become a doctor, lawyer, whatever to please their parents, to make their friends envious, and even to attract women. Why can't they simply be who they are, to embrace the dreams and desires they already have? Why are they so scared of themselves?

There is a major difference in the vibe here nowadays. Back then most of the guys spoke from experiences they had with women. These days this place is over-run with confused AFCs who think all the answers are online.
I've heard this quote for four years now with the same frequency. Maybe you changed your perspective and reality and the forum looked different to you?

I disagree. Self-analysis can be a very addictive drug! Your ass is still here isnt it? In fact I am officially giving you the "Keyboard Jockey of the Year" Award
Look at our total number of posts. They are essentially the same. But one of us has been here four years, and one of us has been here one year. It'll probably take me 5 years to get 'Master Don Juan' of 500 posts. Compare this to some who get 3000 posts within a few weeks.

I'll be gone sooner than you think. When I dump the last of my posts, people will say, "Look! Pook has no life! Look how long and numerous those posts are!" Nevermind that some of these posts are three years old, and that most were already done last summer. I'm fixing the flaws within myself and life becomes all the more richer to me.

A friend of mine made fun of me because I decided to study and crack down this semester. He said, "You are such a loser!" and he would go out and party. Nothing wrong with partying, but you have to keep the focus on yourself. Now I am graduating and he has discovered himself to be on that 8 year plan. Women now point to him and go 'loser'.

If you invest your time in yourself, life keeps getting easier. If you spend your time outside of yourself, life keeps getting harder.

If you are too wrapped up in your own world to notice what the woman is feeling, her body language and subconscious signals, you are missing half of the game.
This is a funnier quote than you think.I win in my life precisely because I make my world, rather than being drawn into her (non)world.

There are four types of people:

1) Those that want to be liked.
2) Those that want to win.
3) Those that want to be comfortable.
4) Those that want to be right.

I am squarely in number 2 slot. I want to win with my life. And only I can define my life.

Nice Guys seem to fall in slot 4. This is why they are so stubborn until they keep getting rejected again and again.

I think the Seducers fit well in slot 1. After all, their clothes, their words, their body behavior will all be dictated by their false god: the woman.

It is MY reality I draw women into. I do not enter their reality anymore. If you focus on responding to women, you are still eliminating risk rather than embracing risk.

I've run out of words trying to communicate this idea. There is a story by Ray Bradbury that shares the same idea:

A rocket ship carrying a dozen or so astronauts explodes, scattering the crew members into outer space. They are flying apart at thousands of miles an hour in their spacesuits, fully conscious and able to communicate with one another, but individually they are alone and being hurled to their own deaths. As one man named Hollas careens toward the earth's atmosphere he listens to other people's final reflections, both happy and embittered, and he realizes he has never really lived but always played it safe, always envied people who had the guts to enjoy life and take chances, and he realizes for the first time that he has nursed a secret resentment against them. Yet nothing--not resentment nor cowardice nor regret--could do anything for him now:
"It was gone. When life is over it is like a flicker of bright film, an instant on the screen, all of its prejudices and passions condensed and illumined for an instant on space, and before you could cry out, 'There was a happy day, there a bad one, there an evil face, there a good one,' the film burned to a cinder, the screen went dark. From this outer edge of his life, looking back, there was only one remorse, and that was only that he wished to go on living. Did all dying people feel this way, as if they had never lived? Did life seem that short, indeed, over and done before you took a breath? Did it seem this abrupt and impossible to everyone, or only to himself, here, now, with a few hours left to him for thought and deliberation?"
So in Hollas' final desperate moments he realizes that there isn't anything good he can do to make up for the lost years because now he is all alone. The realization has come too late and there is no one around that he can do good to. But then he thinks: "Tomorrow night I'll hit Earth's atmosphere. I'll burn and be scattered in ashes all over the continental lands. I'll be put to use. Just a little bit, but ashes are ashes and they'll add to the land." This gives him some comfort. Then he thinks: "I wonder if anyone will see me?"

Meanwhile on earth: "The small boy on the country road looked up and screamed. 'Look, Mom, look, a falling star!' The blazing white star fell down the sky of dusk in Illinois. 'Make a wish,' said his mother. 'Make a wish . . .'"


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2004
Reaction score
mentally burnt out

man pook i have got to say that was one hell of a read. after a while of expirienceing practically everything that usually comes to mind when interacting with girls this read gives a totally different outlook goes to show you never stop improving yourself. theres not much i can say to both of you guys have your different views. so i'm gonna leave you guys to your own demise.

mentally burnt out so im gonna go sleep on it

Nooby Doo

Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
New Joisey
hey, someone else GETS IT!

Ahh the memories

I had this same debate with Pook and let me just warn ya Don Ronny, it is useless.

I guess with great knowledge comes great ass-headedness.

Just kidding Pook. You know I love and worship everything you stand for. You are always right, after all.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2003
Reaction score
Why do I come here, I dunno??

No not really cause I usualy take weeks off from posting, instead I just post allot during a few hours of the week, or when Iam bored, then I just move on

Is cause I need to bust a brain nut or mentaliy masterbate(what ever you dudes call it)?
Naa not really

Is cause I have problems with females and need answers? Though I still hae some trouble with ladies, I kinda like to figure stuff out on my own before I go for help, and will try to exhast all options.
Though I still need to brush up on my Bible(Christian and DJ :D )

So why do I come here?
Well to laugh basicaly, I like to read the arguements, the virtual alpha maleness, look at people's ego emerge through text, and most of all I love to mess around,discuss real world stuff, and joke around with you guys in the anything else forum.

You know allot of people and "masters" here suffer two problems, big egos for one, and tunnel vision. All humans do, but some of you guys take it to the max. Your theory might not work for someone else, they just gotta find their own way. Even though both of your post are good and have good intentions, unless your clone is gonna read it, no one is gonna follow it to the letter. They are gonna take the bits and pieces that appeal to them and run with it.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
Ray Bradsbury always ****s with you at the end of his stories...

One of my favorite authors, though, and that was a good read, Pook.


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Pook wrote:

But writing is double edged. Where one side uses it merely to communicate, the other side provides clarity of the mind. Frederick Douglass, an orator, was amazed at how writing letters and even articles, this seeming mental masturbation, exacted his mind. Now, he could no longer run from his thoughts. By writing it down, his thoughts were formed and cemented. Sometimes by writing he discovered something new that wouldn't have been possible if his thoughts were not cemented in a text.

I just wanted to pipe up here and corroborate this veracity of Monsieur Pook's. When I appeared on this forum--about 18 months ago or so--I noticed the same type of derogation reserved for previous-subject-redundant posts. During the interim between my realization of pseudo-love-delusion and the subsequent self-actualization, I vomited out some of the clippings from my slaughter of AFC-dom.

Of course, most of the posters lauded accolades, but there were a few guys that seemed a bit galled that I embraced the temerity of posting such hackneyed information with seemingly no compunction whatsoever. (Albeit only one or two guys most likely: the most vociferous are invariably the most chaffed.)

Anyway, I feel sorry for those types of people that seem to think that communication is a one way street on a swivel with the influx of information accrued by the listener delicately balancing the spewing forth from he who is blabbering (or in this case, writing); for they don't appreciate a balanced communication that would enable them to learn more and more every time they drop a clump of partially ruminated promulgation out of their faces.

I believe that there is an aphorism (and if there isn't, it should be created) that (paraphrased) alludes to the truism that a good teacher will learn just as much, if not more, than their students. There is something about communication in all it's forms that DOES amalgamate discoherent and inchoate thoughts into a resplendent crystallized mass, effulgent with the conflagration of truth. (Sidenote: this is probably due to the fact that when one expatiates upon a subject, the mind attempts--even scrambles--to back up the elucidations with everything but the kitchen sink; ergo, more belief fodder for which one can nominate the previous so-called-truth with the pure and unadulterated TRUTH label.)

Those that don't realize the power of communication to solidify the cognition in the speakers mind tend to view exceedingly prolix and/or verbose idea barters as ego-driven, pompous, or ostentatious, not realizing the non-intrusiveness inherent in written communication --especially internet communication, when the elasticity of the brain belching can be brought to near infinitesimal absurdity! Everything can be ignored, so why complain? Why fight platitudes with more platitudes?

Of course now, I hope the circuitous nature of this polemic is clear: with the type of reasoning adumbrated in the preceding argument, it is clear that one has no basis for questioning anybody for criticalizing communications (and even THIS becomes a circumlocutory and self-referencing mess when applied to itself: isn't THIS argument critizing other people critizing communications (which is in itself a communication!))

If communication is unexceptionable, then we follow to the next logical choice: the communicator. Ah! Here we DO have a legitimate avenue for extrinsically coerced self-growth, for the communicator is known by his communication, although VERY indirectly. I hesitate to use the pejorative term of 'psychoanalysis' (technically that is what I am championing) but that is the only way to do things, considering the sosuave milieu.

The interesting thing about psychoanalysis though, is the alarming picture it gives of the ANALYZERS mind! In attempting to fabricate a simulacrum of the subject's mind, the analyzer interprets the information based on his own prejudices and feelings, especially when there is a dearth of information and a surfeit of analyzers; this is when the contrast between opinions is most radiant, and each tract of analysis can be separated into common and personal origination: common origination implies that it was extrapolated from the subject, and personal origination implies that the idiosyncrasies of the analyzer himself are culpable for the aberrant psychoanalytical points.

Not all critics are equal, and sullied personalities will table critical remarks that will themselves engage the wit of the more perspicacious and salubrious posters who will in turn--and usually not because they get a "kick" out of it, but because of an intrinsic moral rectitude--stand up (or sit down) and say (or type out) a few words concerning the wit of those besmirched with less balanced personalities.

These types of events usually peter out into inane squabbling about ideological differences and sometimes even more trite nomenclatural/semantical disputes that only serve to waist everyone's energy. (And by waist, I mean really waste: the only type of learning going on is probably a lesson in debatorial skills by the posters involved since no new ideas become involved in such semantical debates; the same idea is bantered about, refracted back and forth by both parties, each time in a guise unrecognizable to the other party. Many times, the two sides agree and due to obumbrating nomenclature and semantics they don't even realize it!)

Obviously, this serves to create a reality of "If you don't know, I ain't gonna tell ya!" Those that are in the know are inexorably dissuaded from some dietic edict from transmuting their enlightenment to those who are utterly clueless; indeed, the vituperativeness of those who are ignorant is usually sufficient enough to frustrate attempts at elucidation by the more sagacious--miscommunication usually serves as only an adjunct dissuasion.

Now that I have congressed to a sufficently holistic level to thwart most overly pragmatical obloquy (aside from the obvious blanket repudiation of all generalities--itself a paradox), I will slide under the aegis of generalization to make my salient point.

There is an aphorism that can sum up the situation quite excellently:

"To he that has, more will be given; to he that has not, even that which he has will be taken away."

This explains why some people can be so intransigent when it comes to things like this; they never get reality (or what seems like reality to us) through their headplates. They have yet (assuming that everyone will, in time, come to realize the things that we do) to encounter the seminal spark that makes them a "have" versus a "have-not".

For that, not you, or I, but only life can teach them that lesson.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
icepick, did mass inclusion of all those big words have a point, or are you just showing off your vocabulary? ;)


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2002
Reaction score
Why couldn't you just word the damn post with:

Knowledge is worthless until it is put to use.

You can know how to build the best damned boat in the world, but What damn good is it if you don't?

Be much more of a slam dunk from the 3 point line instead of a free throw off the backboard, off the rim then in the net.

...even though it's been said before :eek: :D :eek:


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Oxide
icepick, did mass inclusion of all those big words have a point, or are you just showing off your vocabulary? ;)
Yes, pardon the bravura of sesquipedalian parlance and tumescently orotund pontifications; they stem from edacious reading and study.

I try to write around a thousand words a day (no holds barred), and I figured, "Hey, I haven't posted at sosuave since forever! Why not use up my thousand today on sosuave?" This thought, combined with the concomitant, "Why check my full gamut? I never post, so the time used to peruse the post to its full efficacy will both satiate the void that is left from my refrain from posting; also, those not really interested and/or ready to give knee-jerk judgements would just skip over my posting," enabled me to include my complete thoughts in all of their fecalogotic charm.

Originally, I just meant to surreptitiously imply to Pook that writing does help to clarify ideas. My communication, just a few months ago, was incredibly weak; now--since I have read and studied and wrote SO much--sometimes I talk so fast and use such abstruse dialect (not as much as when I write, but every now and then one of the more erudite words will sneak in my speech for the simple reason that no other word can quite give the same shade of meaning that is so crucial to the tone and message that I want to set forth)--by habit and familiarity, not from a need to assuage any egotistical bent, honestly, (writing poetry is GREAT for improving the choice-of-words and increasing the percentage of words used in speach (active) to words known (passive))--in my declamations that people seem to become somewhat nonplussed at times. Of course, I love to expound upon many things, so, noticing their confusion, I will explain it all in common terms, and transpose my understanding upon them.

Anyway, the crux of it all is that my communication and thinking skills have improved a hundred fold due to the superfluous effects of writing.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
well this is great ice, but when you are using these words in a discussion with people who do not posses the adequate knowlege of similar lingusitics, they will be doumbfounded and will misinterpet the meaning.

thousand words a day? what is the point of this exersise?

talking about big words- stewie from faimily guy, i love that guy..." the wretched woomb i came from woman!" "the fall of your discontent!" ;) :p

i used to write stories and poems in russian back in the day, got quite good as well, but english just does not excite me, nor does it have the emotional connection or vividity of russian language.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
All my life i have jumped into things head first and gone out there and done it.

I said to myself lets lift weights and get big. Did bench press everyday knew nothing, ended with no symetery and an injured wrist which still gives my a bit of trouble today. Then went to a bodybuilding forum, learnt everything and now some would say I have a good shape. Some people are worse they'll do no research and go on steroids off the bat, but at the end of the day I still have a better body as knowledge is power.

A beginners mind is always the best as it wants to learn.


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
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Originally posted by Oxide
well this is great ice, but when you are using these words in a discussion with people who do not posses the adequate knowlege of similar lingusitics, they will be doumbfounded and will misinterpet the meaning.
Nah, I think that most people would rather skip over the posts that look to long or seem to complicated. I know that I usually skip over the long dissertations!

Besides, I doubt that anybody really cares what I have to say on this particular issue, due to the fact that I've only posted like ten times or so since January. I just decided to post here, because the topic was on writing, and I have found that writing has helped me tremendously, so I decided to blabber on for a little bit.

thousand words a day? what is the point of this exersise?
To practice writing and to get works done consistently. Writing is something that you almost have to force yourself to do. It is easy to just sit there and think up disconnected ideas and put them into incognate sentence fragments, but the thousand words--an idea I read somewhere else that I decided to adopt--helps me keep focus.

i used to write stories and poems in russian back in the day, got quite good as well, but english just does not excite me, nor does it have the emotional connection or vividity of russian language.
Russian people seem quite interesting, that is, from the impression that I get of them from translated russian works. Some day, I want to learn russian and peruse Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, but especially the latter.

Well, since we are sufficently off topic, you have piqued my interest with your statement on russian language. I don't find any problems with the english language (since it really is 3 languages, anything Latin or Greek can be "Englishized" and made into a new english word: Shakespeare did this ALOT) so if you could give an example of the improvements that Russian language has over English, I would be interested. (Since I don't know anything about foriegn languages.)

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
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Originally posted by Pook
Again, you try to psycho-analyze other people. Why not psycho-analyze yourself and try to find the flaws in oneself rather that projecting those flaws on others?
Dude it was a joke. Relax.

If I had talked about your childhood and psychological shortcomings, THAT would be psycho-analysis.

All I did was mention how you always have uncanny timing to jump in any given thread to defend yourself. You should already know its a common joke on the forum.

Originally posted by Pook
Does it appear that you are being helpful with this post? No, it appears that you're just belittling others. What did you expect the response to this 'tip' to be? "OH MY GOODNESS! I never knew that girls were OUTSIDE! Oh, I am now saved from the awful forum!"?
All I can do is refer to my own experiences when I post. Believe me, I was once the biggest keyboard jockey of them all. You were like GOD to me. LOL. Your posts are still sitting on my hard-drive. They were really inspiring so thanks for that, but I didnt get anywhere till I got my ass movin.

I started to realize how overcomplicated I was making things. The truth is that seduction is actually very, very simple! The advice you give is a double-edged sword because on one hand it is awesome to improve yourself, and on the other it becomes easy to use "self-improvement" as a cop-out, a never-ending cycle where you wont approach or take chances because you feel you are not complete yet.
I look at it this way. There are two methods of improving your game. From the outside in (build confidence thru experience) and from the inside out (build a better you)
At this point I refuse to argue with you on this subject because I see that we are both right. We just represent 2 extremes of these approaches. The perfect balance would be to include a little of both, but personally I learn so much more about the world and myself when I actually stop analyzing and just sink into my experiences. To "be a man" as you say, I actually had to forget alot of the stuff I learned here and simply "be".

This is why I wrote this post. For all those studious guys out there who think that seduction is a big exam, like the SATs or something

Originally posted by Pook
What is life to you? Alas, with that question, we are entering the theory netherzone, the place that you say we shall lose ourselves if we pause and reflect.
You are taking this post too far man. It is not a roadmap of life or a philosophy. It is a simple guide to what helped ME improve with women. Take it or leave it.

Its ironic because I know I am not the first person to say this, yet you go to great lengths to condemn my post, while simultaneously condemning me for the condemnation of others! I am pretty convinced this would not be the case if I had not mentioned your name.

But to answer your question, I see life as a series of lessons wrapped in a dream where anything is possible. It is great to be alive!

Originally posted by Pook
Or is success getting into your own head, making sure you respond to all of YOUR dreams and ideas, that you stop dividing your emotions and desires from reality, that you live the life YOU want, rather than what women 'expect'.
Agree 100%. But what if you sincerely enjoy being a fatass, playing video games and chatting online for endless hours and this is what you want out of life? Then your advice is totally worthless in the realm of seduction! My advice cuts the wheat from the chaff. Especially the last two points about accepting your sexuality and getting in shape. I imagine you of all people would agree with this.

Originally posted by Pook
Look at our total number of posts. They are essentially the same. But one of us has been here four years, and one of us has been here one year. It'll probably take me 5 years to get 'Master Don Juan' of 500 posts. Compare this to some who get 3000 posts within a few weeks.
Just because you havent posted much doesnt mean you are not logging on all the time. Ultimately, you have been here for 4 years dude! Thats kinda sad man. Everyone else has moved on in their lives and yet you remain, stuck in SoSuave land. I remember you posting once about the point where you realize you are a true DJ. You said it will happen when the very idea of this forum seems like a joke to you. If this is the case then why do you constantly return? Also, as I mentioned, you could have simply not responded to this post. Why defend your online persona at every chance you get?
Originally posted by Pook
I win in my life precisely because I make my world, rather than being drawn into her (non)world.
The part about creating your own world is admirable but I have always disagreed with your stance that women have non-worlds. This idea is far too ego-centric for me, that my world is the only one that matters. I never met you but just from the way you write I can tell you are probably a selfish bastard so wrapped up in his own ego that he will constantly sabotage any chance he has at a meaningful relationship. :) (Now that is psychoanalysis! See the difference?)

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by S0LID
All my life i have jumped into things head first and gone out there and done it.

I said to myself lets lift weights and get big. Did bench press everyday knew nothing, ended with no symetery and an injured wrist which still gives my a bit of trouble today. Then went to a bodybuilding forum, learnt everything and now some would say I have a good shape. Some people are worse they'll do no research and go on steroids off the bat, but at the end of the day I still have a better body as knowledge is power.
Yeah but you are forgetting one important thing. Weight lifting and Steroid use are potentially dangerous if you dont know what you are doing. This is not the case with approaching and seducing women. Honestly, this forum makes such a complicated mess of a process created by NATURE.

Most of the work you will do is unlearning all the garbage you have been taught about sexuality and your self-image.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by icepick
Pook wrote:

But writing is double edged. Where one side uses it merely to communicate, the other side provides clarity of the mind. Frederick Douglass, an orator, was amazed at how writing letters and even articles, this seeming mental masturbation, exacted his mind. Now, he could no longer run from his thoughts. By writing it down, his thoughts were formed and cemented. Sometimes by writing he discovered something new that wouldn't have been possible if his thoughts were not cemented in a text.

I just wanted to pipe up here and corroborate this veracity of Monsieur Pook's. When I appeared on this forum--about 18 months ago or so--I noticed the same type of derogation reserved for previous-subject-redundant posts. During the interim between my realization of pseudo-love-delusion and the subsequent self-actualization, I vomited out some of the clippings from my slaughter of AFC-dom.

Of course, most of the posters lauded accolades, but there were a few guys that seemed a bit galled that I embraced the temerity of posting such hackneyed information with seemingly no compunction whatsoever. (Albeit only one or two guys most likely: the most vociferous are invariably the most chaffed.)

Anyway, I feel sorry for those types of people that seem to think that communication is a one way street on a swivel with the influx of information accrued by the listener delicately balancing the spewing forth from he who is blabbering (or in this case, writing); for they don't appreciate a balanced communication that would enable them to learn more and more every time they drop a clump of partially ruminated promulgation out of their faces.

I believe that there is an aphorism (and if there isn't, it should be created) that (paraphrased) alludes to the truism that a good teacher will learn just as much, if not more, than their students. There is something about communication in all it's forms that DOES amalgamate discoherent and inchoate thoughts into a resplendent crystallized mass, effulgent with the conflagration of truth. (Sidenote: this is probably due to the fact that when one expatiates upon a subject, the mind attempts--even scrambles--to back up the elucidations with everything but the kitchen sink; ergo, more belief fodder for which one can nominate the previous so-called-truth with the pure and unadulterated TRUTH label.)

Those that don't realize the power of communication to solidify the cognition in the speakers mind tend to view exceedingly prolix and/or verbose idea barters as ego-driven, pompous, or ostentatious, not realizing the non-intrusiveness inherent in written communication --especially internet communication, when the elasticity of the brain belching can be brought to near infinitesimal absurdity! Everything can be ignored, so why complain? Why fight platitudes with more platitudes?

Of course now, I hope the circuitous nature of this polemic is clear: with the type of reasoning adumbrated in the preceding argument, it is clear that one has no basis for questioning anybody for criticalizing communications (and even THIS becomes a circumlocutory and self-referencing mess when applied to itself: isn't THIS argument critizing other people critizing communications (which is in itself a communication!))

If communication is unexceptionable, then we follow to the next logical choice: the communicator. Ah! Here we DO have a legitimate avenue for extrinsically coerced self-growth, for the communicator is known by his communication, although VERY indirectly. I hesitate to use the pejorative term of 'psychoanalysis' (technically that is what I am championing) but that is the only way to do things, considering the sosuave milieu.

The interesting thing about psychoanalysis though, is the alarming picture it gives of the ANALYZERS mind! In attempting to fabricate a simulacrum of the subject's mind, the analyzer interprets the information based on his own prejudices and feelings, especially when there is a dearth of information and a surfeit of analyzers; this is when the contrast between opinions is most radiant, and each tract of analysis can be separated into common and personal origination: common origination implies that it was extrapolated from the subject, and personal origination implies that the idiosyncrasies of the analyzer himself are culpable for the aberrant psychoanalytical points.

Not all critics are equal, and sullied personalities will table critical remarks that will themselves engage the wit of the more perspicacious and salubrious posters who will in turn--and usually not because they get a "kick" out of it, but because of an intrinsic moral rectitude--stand up (or sit down) and say (or type out) a few words concerning the wit of those besmirched with less balanced personalities.

These types of events usually peter out into inane squabbling about ideological differences and sometimes even more trite nomenclatural/semantical disputes that only serve to waist everyone's energy. (And by waist, I mean really waste: the only type of learning going on is probably a lesson in debatorial skills by the posters involved since no new ideas become involved in such semantical debates; the same idea is bantered about, refracted back and forth by both parties, each time in a guise unrecognizable to the other party. Many times, the two sides agree and due to obumbrating nomenclature and semantics they don't even realize it!)

Obviously, this serves to create a reality of "If you don't know, I ain't gonna tell ya!" Those that are in the know are inexorably dissuaded from some dietic edict from transmuting their enlightenment to those who are utterly clueless; indeed, the vituperativeness of those who are ignorant is usually sufficient enough to frustrate attempts at elucidation by the more sagacious--miscommunication usually serves as only an adjunct dissuasion.

Now that I have congressed to a sufficently holistic level to thwart most overly pragmatical obloquy (aside from the obvious blanket repudiation of all generalities--itself a paradox), I will slide under the aegis of generalization to make my salient point.

There is an aphorism that can sum up the situation quite excellently:

"To he that has, more will be given; to he that has not, even that which he has will be taken away."

This explains why some people can be so intransigent when it comes to things like this; they never get reality (or what seems like reality to us) through their headplates. They have yet (assuming that everyone will, in time, come to realize the things that we do) to encounter the seminal spark that makes them a "have" versus a "have-not".

For that, not you, or I, but only life can teach them that lesson.
dude, do you speak like that to your family?


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by icepick
Originally, I just meant to surreptitiously imply
tsk tsk, split infinitive