High School Don Juan Bootcamp Week Two: The Knight's Quest.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 2, 2010
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Quest of the Knight. Week Two's Challenge!
At last. We are at week two.

Ladies and gentlemen, I beckon you all to join my crusade. This quest is going to be some epic stuff. It's not about finding some sort of lost holy grail. Much more, I tell you. This stuff will change your lives.

You will be doing 5 approaches. One of them should end in a number close.
Ugly girl? Hot girl? It don't matter. GO DO SOMETHING.

Quest of the Knight: Bonus Side Challenge.
This is just a side challenge.

You know what? I'd hate to say this, but looks do matter. Yeah, it sucks, and it's totally unfair, but that's life.

But you're not stuck with what your maker/your genetic code/Evolution dealt with you. You certainly can make improvements.

Take a look at someone like BPH. He's good looking. He can afford to have high standards with girls, while someone like I only dreams of the girls he brushes off.

Gents, do something this week to make yourself better looking. Working out, getting a haircut, clothes, you name it! Go for it.

Completion of this sidequest will result in a special bonus. Your approaches required will reduce from 5 to 3. This is because good looking people, in theory, should not have to approach as much to be successful.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
novaknight said:
Quest of the Knight. Week Two's Challenge!
At last. We are at week two.

Ladies and gentlemen, I beckon you all to join my crusade. This quest is going to be some epic stuff. It's not about finding some sort of lost holy grail. Much more, I tell you. This stuff will change your lives.

You will be doing 5 approaches. One of them should end in a number close.
Ugly girl? Hot girl? It don't matter. GO DO SOMETHING.

Quest of the Knight: Bonus Side Challenge.
This is just a side challenge.

You know what? I'd hate to say this, but looks do matter. Yeah, it sucks, and it's totally unfair, but that's life.

But you're not stuck with what your maker/your genetic code/Evolution dealt with you. You certainly can make improvements.

Take a look at someone like BPH. He's good looking. He can afford to have high standards with girls, while someone like I only dreams of the girls he brushes off.

Gents, do something this week to make yourself better looking. Working out, getting a haircut, clothes, you name it! Go for it.

Completion of this sidequest will result in a special bonus. Your approaches required will reduce from 5 to 3. This is because good looking people, in theory, should not have to approach as much to be successful.
Haha aww you're so sweet dude. I seriously wish I could meet some of you guys in person.

As for the challenge, easy :cool:


New Member
Jan 22, 2012
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Seems like a good challenge, but i have a question:

What happens if you do these 5 or 3 approaches and you dont get the number? Do you continue until you get one?


New Member
Jan 22, 2012
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BPH said:
What do you think?

Of course
Okay, just so im mentally prepared for more than 5 approaches in case i dont get the number close


Senior Don Juan
Dec 2, 2010
Reaction score
What counts is that you tried. You can compensate by an additional two approaches if you fail.

The Libertine

Don Juan
Jan 19, 2012
Reaction score
I will work out tomorrow. I have to buy some new jeans and I will probably do it this week. And I thought of cutting my hair but I asked a girl friend of mine and she said I shouldn't do anything with it as it was great. But I may still cut it. So the side challenge will be completed surely.

On the approaches- I will do them, but I don't want to force myself to get a number I wouldn't use. I also didn't get it - should it be total strangers or they can be girls I know but barely speak to and have no contact other than the occasional hi in the school's corridors ?


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2011
Reaction score
The Libertine said:
I also didn't get it - should it be total strangers or they can be girls I know but barely speak to and have no contact other than the occasional hi in the school's corridors ?
It's easy to number close a girl you already know! I'd try it on a total stranger myself. What do you think about it Nova?


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
It seems like some people are overanalyzing this challenge, so let me clarify it as I understand it (and feel free to correct me nova):

Approach 5 girls, preferably hot ones that you're attracted to and have never met before.

Get a number close from one of them...don't just go up to girls and say "hey can I get your number?", because you probably will. Try to get a number from a girl that seems really interested you, sexually at best.

And if you don't get a number after 5 approaches, of course you keep going!

PS - Google "Sosuave Gunwitch" and read one of the first links on the page. I think many of you guys will find it useful when approaching a girl for her number, but you should always be going for more than that.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Could've gotten two numbers today but I didn't think to do it in the moment! grumble grumble grumble. Whatever, Ill add them on facebook and write about it in my journal. NEXT


Senior Don Juan
Dec 2, 2010
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BPH said:
It seems like some people are overanalyzing this challenge, so let me clarify it as I understand it (and feel free to correct me nova):

Approach 5 girls, preferably hot ones that you're attracted to and have never met before.

Get a number close from one of them...don't just go up to girls and say "hey can I get your number?", because you probably will. Try to get a number from a girl that seems really interested you, sexually at best.

And if you don't get a number after 5 approaches, of course you keep going!

PS - Google "Sosuave Gunwitch" and read one of the first links on the page. I think many of you guys will find it useful when approaching a girl for her number, but you should always be going for more than that.
BPH's pretty much got it (Except, if you don't get a number, simply appraoch two more girls). Also, if you do the side quest you'll reduce the amount of appraoches required.. I don't get what's so hard.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
novaknight said:
I don't get what's so hard.
Me either. Who cares about the specific rules? If you approach every chance you get, and ask for a number every chance you get, you're bound to exceed the requirements. Quit thinking about how many more girls you need to talk to, you might miss one standing right in front of you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Hey, where did week 1 go? I didn't get to post my sh1t and read what everyone else had to say.

Anyways, I didn't get this done until like 2 hours ago because my weekend was fvcked. Here's a synopsis:
Friday: Came home after school, did some hwk, hung out with my gf and took her to hang out with some friends and smoked weed. We got in a fight, we fvcked, she stayed over my house until 4 am and my dad got pissed
Saturday: Literally argued for about 6 hours straight with my dad because he was pissed about Kayla (my gf) staying over so late, as well as other issues. I did nothing that night.
Sunday: Spent the entire day writing a 1,300 word essay and doing spanish. Then hung out with kayla and my friend and had sex with kayla.

As you can see, no time to do anything, but I am proud to say....
Week 1 Status: 11/10

Today I told my dad I needed to go to the store to get school stuff, but I went to Nordstroms Rack instead. I told myself that I would instantly approach every girl I saw, I didn't even have a game plan. To be honest, this worked and it took me about 10 minutes to complete. I ended up carrying around some earnings and asking what girls thought of them because I was getting them for my gf. I then realized I should have said sister. I talked to a sixteen year old and could have number closed, I don't know why I didn't...

Week 1, complete.

Now I will read what week 2 is all about.

Let's get a list of who's still in this, someone who knows compile it! And VM, what's your status?


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
The Libertine said:
And I thought of cutting my hair but I asked a girl friend of mine and she said I shouldn't do anything with it as it was great. But I may still cut it.
Bottom line. If you think you should cut it - cut it. Do whatever will make you FEEL your best. Not what you THINK will make you look your best.

BPH said:
Haha aww you're so sweet dude. I seriously wish I could meet some of you guys in person.
I second this. I'm going to post about this in the forum.

Nova, great challenge. Getting that 1 number close is just the push that we need.

As for myself, I'm always improving my physical nature. Yet, I am still going to go for the 5 approaches.

Let's go boys.

Edit: One of you moderators, you should chronicle this boot camp so we can look back at ourselves when it's over.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2010
Reaction score
Talked to a chick today, got a name. Forgotten it now, oh well. :$

1/5, 0/1 numbers

As for looks, I work out and I've buzzed my old afro, but that was pre-challenge. Parents are out of the country so transport is difficult, but we'll see what I can do. I've recently started taking care of my skin though. :D


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys, I really love this idea and stuff, but don't you go too fast, week 2 and already trying to get numbers might go really quickly for some.


New Member
Jan 21, 2012
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You're still in if you don't complete last week's mission?

Last week I've done 2 approaches, of which I only count one, and gotten her number of course. Really really lovely girl.
Problem is, I can't really be arsed to walk up to ugly momma's whom I don't want to meet and don't wanna see again. I don't think that counts either. Approaching a mom is different than approaching a girl.

Bits reporting in, now back to my ****ty report and my exams tomorrow.