High School Don Juan Bootcamp: Week 1 - Hit The Ground Running


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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You still have the weekend and next monday. Monday is my backup-go-crazy-day. I still havent gotten more than 1 :p My lifestyle simply doesnt involve a flow of girls.


New Member
Jan 21, 2012
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Ohbe, don't worry. 10 girls can be pretty hard if you don't have a party or so.
Instead, I have exams this week, but just met a girl in the train. She sat opposite of me, and halfway the ride I asked her something about a news article. I don't have her name, but I do have her number, I guess that counts :)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2010
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Being true to my amnesiac self, I've forgotten who exactly I chatted up today, but I got a decent amount of new women in there.
  • There was the okay chick in the year above talking to a friend of a friend that I turned around and said hi to. +1
  • There was the chick in the year below who my friend has named "Koala". +1
  • There was this cool chick in the year above who I chilled with a couple of times today - first I joked she was a bodyguard when I was trying to score some cake, then I told her she was a ghost who haunted a couch and a coffee machine in the common room. +1
  • There were a few more, I think. But I can't for the life of me remember who. +?

On a side note, today was a good day. I had two frees and two lessons (I love the end of the week). It was all really chill.

  • I chatted with a girl about horse-riding and her hometown for at least a solid 10 minutes - she was shocked because nobody ever listens to her (she's a talker). It was actually somewhat interesting though, so I stayed and listened.
  • I switched glasses with a girl for the entirety of break. It was cute.
  • I flirted a fair bit with a few of my regular flirts.
  • Logic'd my way out of a slight one-itis - I just don't care anymore. I'll flirt with her and such, but she's on the back-burner. Not even that, she's still in the fridge waiting to be reheated.
  • Came home and facebook chatted with a girl in the year above whom I call "loser". She's almost never in school because she's always studying.
  • I had lots of bro-time too.

ANYWAY, this is starting to sound like a journal. The important thing is 4/10 so far, and this is solely in school. Even if this boot camp isn't going to improve my skills much, it's keeping me concentrating on people a little more. Good stuff.

Side-thought: I think an important part is being able to have a good wingman. I went clubbing a week or so ago, and although my bro knew a lot of the people there, he's not much of a flirt or a wingman, and that hurt me a little. I didn't meet as many people as I could have, although granted I've already forgotten a lot of names and I'm not good with clubs anyway. But when I have a bro who can pick me up where I leave off and vice versa, group interactions get that much easier.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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Just back from this thing at a school next to me. I kinda regret going and I regret going home :p

I did meet (only) 2 new chicks. One was Ashley. Cant remember the other. Met a chick I've hooked up with.

It brought out the worst really: My "fear" of approaching and my 'fear' of not seeming cool to people I'll keep bumping into in the future.
I dont have AA really, just a feeling that doesnt want me to approach. No fear, just resistance.

4/10 I think?

Going away over the weekend.


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2011
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Europe / U.S. [For this year]
Had 2 more today, making it 5/10

One was at the lunch table when I saw a girl punching my friend, walked up to her and laughing at what she just did told her she was hardcore, then introduced myself.

Another one is kind of complicated. At break I noticed a group of girls (all ugly). I just jumped in their circle with a huge grin yelling something about slapping hands.
Came out really awkward, so I just walked away smiling and not really giving a sht.
Later, one of them was walking through the hallway with a friend and said "Hey that's the guy who tried to introduce himself at break" and told me her name.
So I guess that counts. Later when I got home tho I started getting one of those "I'm so stupid why the fvck did I do it" type of feelings, and realized I'm more than likely to be bumping into them in the future.
Any advice on this? Thanks.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
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Didn't go out gaming today. I'm lame and stuck at 2/10. Maybe I'll go later.

Tomorrow will be good though :) :) :)


New Member
Jul 1, 2011
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DC area
I've gotten 4/10 so far, all cute obviously haha. But I'm having trouble finding girls I dont already know and having the time to have a quick conversation with my crazy schedule atm. But if theres time to talk I just drop the smile and the rest works itself out. I've been getting most of these while im around my friends tho because it seems easier to be confident, I'm gonna try to get at least one in a cold, solo approach tho this saturday. I GOT THIS!!!


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
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NorwegianDJ said:
4/10 I think?
Negative. You had 1, then met two new ones, then met one you've hooked up with before. So, you only met 3 that you didn't know.

I know you suck at this, but don't cheat. :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
NorwegianDJ said:
I dont have AA really
Just a feeling that doesnt want me to approach
My "fear" of approaching
Is this not the definition of approach anxiety? That feeling is your anxiety and the chemicals in your brain forcing you to "STOP".
The only reason I say this is because you have to realize you have aa to conquer it. Though I don't think aa will be a problem for you.

As for myself, aa grips me hard by the balls.

ohbe said:
So I guess that counts. Later when I got home tho I started getting one of those "I'm so stupid why the fvck did I do it" type of feelings, and realized I'm more than likely to be bumping into them in the future
This is my main fear of approaching in hs. In hs, rep is everything and if you approach too many people and SEVERELY **** up you'll get that bad rep. We just need to remember that people have short memories and a couple **** ups wont change a thing, people are too worried about their own lives. It's just so hard to think this way in the moment!

Bootcamp status: 6

1) Was sitting in subway at lunch with my friends. I turned around, tapped my friend on the shoulder and said 'check this out'. Then I called out to this 3 set and said, "Hey! Hey! What's your name?" She replied and then I said: "Nice to meet you, my friend here thinks you're cute!". It was hilarious. As we were leaving I looked at them and said "His name is JJ, and trust me, he's like this big" And I spread my hands like 2 feet apart.

2) Looked at this woman in her 20s on trax and said: 'Hey, I like your jacket, what's your name?".

Coming out of the counselors office saw this girl sitting down and said: "Hey, what's your name" [Blah] "Nice to meet you".

4) On my way home on trax I came up with this random routine somehow. I turned around and said: "Hey you, what's your name?" - "Nice to meet you [name], I need your opinion on something" - "So say you've been dating a guy for a year, you've already had all your fights and moments, and it's your birthday tomorrow, what would you want to do?" This is a good line to use in this stage of the bootcamp because it can get a convo going. I actually got some good info too for when my girlfriends birthday DOES come around!

5) Went tanning after school and used that same routine on the hired gun. Hot as hell, she's 21, her name is Taylor. I wonder if there's a way...

6) In the waiting room of the tanning place I talked to some 29 year old chick for like a minute.

This stage of the bootcamp is essentially like a suicide, except you can't be too outrageous with it because you actually have to get their name.

I want to go to the mall on friday to finish this up.

GL guys.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2010
Reaction score
This is not looking good, I'm only at 2 so far. I had to take 2 days off 'cause I had surgery in my mouth, but I'm going to crank 'em out like crazy tomorrow! Just like Tupac said, "You gotta keep ya head up".


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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AlexLefty said:
Is this not the definition of approach anxiety? That feeling is your anxiety and the chemicals in your brain forcing you to "STOP".
The only reason I say this is because you have to realize you have aa to conquer it. Though I don't think aa will be a problem for you.
Well, before I used to be proper scared when I was going to approach. I actually got really anxious. Now my brain simply doesn't want me to.
I never approach at daytime, so it's not that easy for me yet ;)

VM, I combat your reasoning with my subconcious! It must've reminded me on the older woman I chatted to beforehand and asked to pretend to be my mom :)

The Libertine

Don Juan
Jan 19, 2012
Reaction score
I've gotten to four- two friends of a friend at the parking lot next to school and then I talked to this girl in school about her new tattoo. I had a school club meeting but it was canceled and I was going to do them there. There aren't many people I do not know so it gets hard . I may just go to the mall and do them there (even though I hate mall approaches)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 6, 2011
Reaction score
Yesterday, I played in "Romeo & Juliet" at our school.
Afterwards I walked to a girl I knew (who was talking with a hot chick) So I talked to her for a while, after that I engaged the girl in the conversation. Asked why she was here, if she liked it, then I started talking to the other people that came standing with us. When I had to go (we were with 5 people) I shook hands, and said: "*name*, thanks for everything. See you later." Said the same to the second guy. Then I shook the girls hand, looked at her with some kinda questioning look and she said her name, so I repeated that and did the same thing as I did at the two other guys.
Not that special, but I got my first name :) 9 to go...

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
I'm up to five or six, for the sake of this I'll roll with five.

@Norwegian, yeah thats exactly the feeling I get. No physical nervousness or fear but doubt. Not overt doubt, just a doubt that this is what I want to do.

I'll write up about them tomorrow. Or, y'know, never.


New Member
Jan 26, 2012
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ok my first two interactions, during dance course which we have it for graduation, i introduced myself to two girls, it was during group dance like samba when you switch partners so it was very naturally for me to say something. Both of them responded good, i didnt talked to them longer than 45 sec but i dont care cos i will see them next time.
By the way, i think i have to cold approach more because there is more AA to be dealt with, and i havent gone cold more than 3 times. So lets see what tonight might happen... :)

The Libertine

Don Juan
Jan 19, 2012
Reaction score
Up to 6- Another girl at the parking lot who asked me for a lighter and I chatted up a woman walking her dog before coming home. When I did it I just didn't think about the mission,I was genuinely interested in her dog and we talked about it for about 2 minutes. I still have to do 4 just not to drop out. Otherwise it's not really hard.

black jesus

Don Juan
Nov 25, 2011
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well im halfway done wooooowwwww what a feeling!!!!! need to finish though =)


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
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TheMagnum said:
met 40 girls today. IM ON FIREEEEEE!!! :rockon:
lol for real?? Tell us about em.

I had a good day yesterday :) EDIT: Whoa this post is long! I met a lot of people though!

Went to a party last night, but I broke 10 way before that, and I personally don't see party-people as approaches (not all of these were approaches either, but whatever).I'll talk about the party in my journal, day game here.

Went to a program for accepted students at this college. In case you forgot, I started at 2/10.

Saw a guy and girl, obviously a couple, walking ahead of me toward the meeting place. When they paused to figure out where to go, I said hi. Their names were Daniel and Bailey, we found the meeting together. 3/10

Went in, sat down. Talked to the teenager in front of me, his name was Derek (also talked to his dad when he came). Then a girl and her mom were standing in the aisle looking for a seat. I said "You can sit here, if you don't mind meeting me." The mom goes "Well who can say no to an invitation like that?" Their names were Kelly and Sue. 5/10

Got out to meet our tour guides. I was supposed to go to a staff member to be told who I was paired with, but I didn't know and just walked in, saying my name to see who had it. She was right in front of me. Her name was Emmy. Her friend had come from Atlanta and we talked about the school she went to, we knew a mutual person there. Got her name but I forgot. 7/10

Shadowed Emmy for a while. She didn't have class til 11 but we started at 8:30 so we just walked around campus for a while. Opened a guy on the bus by asking if he was in a frat, because we had been talking about it. He wasn't and we got off the bus almost immediately.

She took me to her dorm, I met an art student that she knew, an UGLY fat chick named Nadine. Nadine had a drawing class that I thought I might have wanted to go to, so I got her number, but she was annoying as hell so no way was I doing that. 8/10

Still at that same spot, Emmy's friend Laura came and joined us. Chatted with her for a minute, another girl came and sat in a chair nearby. Didn't open her for a while, looked over to her at one point and she made eye contact. "Hey, I'm a prospective student, should I go here?" "Oh I don't even go here, I go to Princeton." Turns out she was from Atlanta visiting for the weekend. She knew a guy from my school, and I know his brother and also the guy came to my school with his Princeton a capella group. I mentioned that, turns out she was in the sister a capella group. I asked how I could see her sing, they're performing at a pizza place on Tuesday night. I wrote down the place and time. Her name was Charlotte. 10/10

Went to Emmy's Japanese class with her. Talked with a female friend of hers in the lobby of the building for a little while. Forgot her name. Met a girl named Victoria and a loser named Spencer also in that class. 12/10

We went to lunch, I was trying to meet up with a friend but it didn't work out. So just Emmy and I went. We had trouble finding a table but ended up sitting at one with an abandoned backpack at it. The black girl who owned it came and sat with us a little while later. Forgot her name, but we had a nice talk about college. 13/10

We went to catch a bus to the art school. While waiting, I saw kids playing frisbee, and I stood at the top of a short flight of steps and called for a pass. I got one, but it went wide. Had to walk through bushes to get it. Passed it back and went back up. As I watched them, I realized that I knew the blonde girl playing. Went down and said hi, hugged her. We weren't close ever, but cool random social proof I guess.

We caught the bus. Ended up sitting next to this kind of attractive girl with braces. She had some thick posterboard in her hands, I asked if it was for an art project. She said yes, I told her I was a prospective art student, and introduced Emmy. Got her name, Alex. She seemed very interested in talking to me but we separated after our stop. 14/10

Took a tour of the art building. Met briefly one on one with an assistant named Heather to talk about the program. Also met with ceramics instructers, including one, Clara. Not counting either of those, they weren't approaches.

The real tour was student led. The female student leading it was a senior named Sam. Two other students came, a girl named Sarah and a girl named Annie. Annie's mom Katie was there, Sarah's dad Rich was there. I was the most interesting person during that whole tour, everyone loved me. 18/10 if you count those.

Walked around for a second, complimented a girl on her earrings. Met with my friend Andrea after that. Asked a random girl if I was in the parking lot that Andrea had said to meet in, she said yes. Still had trouble finding her though. We went to downtown (it's not big). Didn't approach girls in a record store, though I should have. She had to go work, so I walked the campus on my own. Planned to make some approaches, but it was much harder. High fived two girls as they walked by. Talked to another about a squirell for a second. No names.

Got so many names at that party, but I don't remember any. It'll be in my journal.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2011
Reaction score
Damn dude, that's a lot of names! And TheMagnum, this is pretty crazy...
Too bad I know everybody from my grade in my school... I don't feel like approaching other girls from my school. I guess I'll do 10 of them at the mall. I believe it is harder than meeting a friend of a friend. I'll have to do it on the random! Wish me luck.

I have to stop making excuses. I miss so many opportunities by making little excuses all day. My fear will go away I hope. I hope my buddy too is ready for this! (he's also doing the bootcamp).

I'm going snowboarding this evening. I might try to approach some random people. I'm going with 2-3 AFC friends that aren't so supportive, so I don't know about this. We'll see. BUT tomorrow, I'm doing all my approaches at the mall for sure. Casta is a way better friend for this kind of thing.

I realized that I keep saying things, but I rarely really take action to do them at a 100%. I must change, and I will.

My status : 0/10
I better get going!