Help with social status


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score

Since as long as i can remember I always had a problem with social interaction with anyone. Although my parents said I use to talk all the time when I was a little child. I'm almost 19 and I have problems speaking with my family and friends.

I honestly don't know what's wrong with me and why I couldn't be normal like everyone else. However I have made some theories which could lead to be true since it's not so far fetched.

First I think I have some sort of disorder since I can't remember events and have a very poor image memory where I can't remember faces at all. This leads me to believe that i'm mentally slow since always when I was at high school i remember trying to write assignments in class and i was always behind everyone else. Eg. I could see everyone wrote about half a page and i'm still stuck on my first paragraph which is not of great quality structure, as you can probably tell by now with my writing style.

Okay I am now noticing a problem with my "friends". I hang around 6 or so guys who now i believe don't like me or at least don't like hanging out with me and frankly I have no idea why. I have caught them a few times talking **** behind my back when they wern't aware and I'm contemplating whether if I should confront them about this? Or would this damage my rep more and it will show myself as insecure?

My voice is deep... and I have an ugly big adams apple sticking out like a sore thumb. I can't sound enthusiastic cause I can't make higher pitch tones. I notice people sometimes have to ask me to repeat myself and i'm thinking it is due to my muffled voice which i don't know how to fix.

This is probably one of the reasons that i am quiet most of the time and getting frequently ignored by people i know.

Why am i not likeable? Howcome people have no interest in me? Howcome I can't provide interest toward other people and even if i tried, why can't I think of anything to say (this includes "friends" and not just females). Why the hell wasn't I given humour, intelligence and respect when I was born. It seems like everyone else has it and I feel left out because i'm finding it harder and harder when I try more.

I just wish I could for once have some interesting input to say and have people like me but it's too bloody hard when you just don't have anything interesting or worthwhile to say.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada
Relax, willya? This is basic angst. I mean, I seriously don't mean to minimize the issue because, having been there myself, I know what it feels like... but there's nothing here that tells me that there's anything wrong with you.

Those friends of yours aren't friends at all. Drop them. You don't have to explain why, you don't have to confront them, you don't have to engage them at all. Just cut them loose. If they talk sh!t about you behind your back, that says more about them than it does about you.

Sounds like you've got a natural talent for radio, though. Deep voices are always in demand for audio tracks. May I humbly suggest voice lessons and maybe even singing lessons? That could be your meal ticket right there. Not necessarily singing or rapping in a band, but doing "voice acting" or radio work.

Good luck!


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
I think one of the problems may be that you have very little confidence in yourself. If you think you have no good qualities, then other people will think that about you too. They will pick up on it when you're talking to them. People take great notice of whether someone has confidence or not and if they're shy or not when talking to them in a simple conversation. It sounds like people aren't noticing these good qualities in you because when you talk to them you are shy and unconfident. As a result, you've begun to think that you have no good qualities. That is not true. Everybody does.

So basically, get that confidence up, and let it exude through you. Try and be outgoing as well. Maybe taking a public speaking class will help you with talking to people.

And drop those friends.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
Hey, welcome to the forums by the way.

I can tell you straight off that you can sort out all the "problems" you've mentioned. You're writing style seems pretty eloquent actually, hey- it has punctuationa nd paragraphs so that beats most people taht post here:rolleyes:.

I wouldn't ditch these "friends" straight off, though I admit that sounds like teh thing to do. At the moment, look at it from their perspective. You're insecure, unhappy and hard to listen to- or so you say. Plus they sound a bit like ****s. Still, improve yourself and either they'll chill out or you'll move onto better things.

I'll pm you in a bit, I know it's good to have a bit of focused advice when you get started off. Have you read the DJ bible yet?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by solotak

Since as long as i can remember I always had a problem with social interaction with anyone. Although my parents said I use to talk all the time when I was a little child. I'm almost 19 and I have problems speaking with my family and friends.

I honestly don't know what's wrong with me and why I couldn't be normal like everyone else. However I have made some theories which could lead to be true since it's not so far fetched.

First I think I have some sort of disorder since I can't remember events and have a very poor image memory where I can't remember faces at all. This leads me to believe that i'm mentally slow since always when I was at high school i remember trying to write assignments in class and i was always behind everyone else. Eg. I could see everyone wrote about half a page and i'm still stuck on my first paragraph which is not of great quality structure, as you can probably tell by now with my writing style.

Okay I am now noticing a problem with my "friends". I hang around 6 or so guys who now i believe don't like me or at least don't like hanging out with me and frankly I have no idea why. I have caught them a few times talking **** behind my back when they wern't aware and I'm contemplating whether if I should confront them about this? Or would this damage my rep more and it will show myself as insecure?

My voice is deep... and I have an ugly big adams apple sticking out like a sore thumb. I can't sound enthusiastic cause I can't make higher pitch tones. I notice people sometimes have to ask me to repeat myself and i'm thinking it is due to my muffled voice which i don't know how to fix.

This is probably one of the reasons that i am quiet most of the time and getting frequently ignored by people i know.

Why am i not likeable? Howcome people have no interest in me? Howcome I can't provide interest toward other people and even if i tried, why can't I think of anything to say (this includes "friends" and not just females). Why the hell wasn't I given humour, intelligence and respect when I was born. It seems like everyone else has it and I feel left out because i'm finding it harder and harder when I try more.

I just wish I could for once have some interesting input to say and have people like me but it's too bloody hard when you just don't have anything interesting or worthwhile to say.
Hey, I can relate to most of what you just said.

Regarding your friends, forget them. I remember with my peer group, there was this weird guy that would ALWAYS try to hang out with us and he'd follow us around... we didn't like him. It took forever for him to clue in, because we'd always try to avoid him. It's harsh, I know. If you're in this position, just FORGET about them. Make a commitment to yourself to CHANGE. Make a difference. You've already gotten started by posting here. Congratulations!

I have a very deep voice, too. It was something I was ALWAYS insecure about. I've always had difficulties with voice projection, tonality, pronounciation, lisping, mumbling, etc... I hated it! I realized the source of the problem. I used to be VERY anti-social through highschool... I would play video games all day and didn't have any friends. It wasn't until about a year ago that I decided to CHANGE my life. Anyways, back to the voice thing. The best advice for you would be to TALK and SPEAK as much as you can. Talk to yourself. Say POSITIVE things to yourself (affirmations and incantations). Something which I always do is I put in an audio program in my car (let's say DYD Mastery Series), and I MODEL a certain speaker. I turn it up, and I say EVERYTHING that they just said, after I hear it. I try to keep up with their speaking. I try to speak clearly and pace with them. After awhile, your throat will start to get kind of sore. This is normal, I think because you're not used to talking too much. It will get better with time. Also, it will be VERY difficult to keep up with the speaker at first. It will take practice, but you'll see how fast you're getting better at it. And finally, because you TURN up the volume while listening to it, it forces you to project your voice LOUDLY. Something else I always do is turn up the music in my car, and then run my routines over it so that I can practice for club situations.

You seem to have A LOT of negative beliefs about yourself. Remember, beliefs are VERY important. They will change your attitude, perception of life, and they subcommunicate to other people about yourself. This is a very important thing. You MUST change your beliefs. How? I'll give you some tips on how to get started with your "inner game" below. But, let me give you can example of how much I have changed my inner self. These are my past beliefs 1 year ago:

- I'm ugly
- I'm too skinny
- I'm bored or uninteresting
- People don't like me
- Why would any girl want me?
- I'm stupid
- I'm shy and insecure
- I'm too quiet
- I hate my voice

All of these insecurities have had a huge effect on my life, as it is yours. It prevents you from living your life. It's holding you back.

These are my NEW beliefs today:

- I'm the sexiest thing since sliced bread
- I'm a catch and everyone loves me
- I'm confident, dominant, and comfortable with every situation and everything about myself
- I'm intelligent
- I LOVE my voice
- My body is SEXY
- I'm the prize

Big difference, right? I actually BELIEVE this stuff. I've developed affirmations and incantations from them. Anyways, let me give you some ideas of what I've done to CHANGE. These are the things that REALLY helped me.

1) Get involved with self development. Make it a hobby and part of your life. Check into Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Wayne Dyer, Paul Mckenna, and many other self help coaches. These guys offer books and audio programs designed to help people like you and me.

2) Forums! SoSuave is a great one. Fast Seduction is another one I frequent that has helped me a LOT with my success with women. Anthony Robbins community is great. There are many more out there, search the net!

3) Become more active. Get a job, a social job somewhere. A job where you're forced to interact with other people. Go to school... a college or university. Join clubs. Check out Join a local debate group. Join an improv group. Play a sport. Go to the gym. Go clubbing or to bars as much as you can. Just BE SOCIAL.

This is something which I'm still working on. Ask yourself, what kind of social life do you want to live? For me, I want to live a VERY social life. One where I'm social proof'd by people everywhere I go. I want to live a VIP life (like Rick H). I want to be popular and well liked everywhere I go. I want to be the centre of attention and in the spotlight. The confident guy, that everyone just LOVES.

Then ask yourself, how do I get there? What do I need to do? The answer I came up with is... to LIVE that social life. Go out 7 days a week! Be as SOCIAL as you can. You need to catch up with the people your age, because they all lived healthy social lives. Now it's your turn. It will take effort, but you'll get there with time.

4) Hang out with the type of people you want to be. This is tough, and it took me some time to meet the current guys I hang out with now. I met them about 2 months ago, and it was the best thing I've ever done. I met our local "lair", which is a group of people in my community that study and practice and meeting women. There's about 20+ of us. I don't even hang out with my old friends anymore, because I felt they were holding me back. These guys are all alpha, dominant, confident, FUN and positive! After meeting them, my lifestyle has changed completely. I go out and PU every weekend now. I love it!

I gotta go, that's it for now. I hope I helped!


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
dude you sound like a girl wanting her other girlfriends to compliment her.

"I'm fat..."
"No sally sue you're pretty"
"my skin sucks"
"no sally sue your skin is very nice"


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2005
Reaction score
Firstly, you do not lack social skills you just have not had the experience and have not commited enough time to improving them. Just start to converse on subjects you see on the news or around wherever and when you're on your own think about questions and statements you could say to people if they were there. Try applying for a physics teaching job, if you can keep anyone awake(except for hardcore swots) for more than 10 minutes you deserve a personality of the year award:Dj/k.
I wish I had been normal like everyone else too. But someone had to be overly intelligent, witty, handsome, sexy and... modest. I bet I could make myself look bad and inferior if I concerntrated hard but I usually dose of after 20 hours of trying. Seriously though anyone can make themselves feel like an outcast.
Kick your friends out of your life, find new ones. If they want to talk **** about you behind your back then let them, just they won't have to be nice to you to your face. It is not insecure to make people abide by your rules, insecure guys sit down, cry about it and think "I must stay with these guys".
As for a muffled voice pretend they are a few feet away further than they are and project your voice as if they were that far. When people ask you what you say thats a good sign they're interested in what you have to say. When teachers or some friend was talking to you and you didn't care did you ask them to repeat themselves? No, you just nodded and thought "shut up please:D .
You know what, even if I'm talking about the most boring subject in the world I feel as if everyone is excited and anticipating my next word. You can learn all the speech and things you want to but unless you believe you have something interesting to say it'll still be dull and boring, you noticed how two people can say the same exact words but one has you sleeping the other has you on the edge of your seat?
You don't have to be the social guy that everyone loves, that is the wrong aim coming from a beta perspective. You have to be the guy who loves having social interactions with everyone. It's like that guitar thread I recently read where someone was asking if guitars got the girls, you can do social interactions for the sake of having people like you just as you can play guitars for popularity, but if you enjoy what your doing you get the same outcome but you'll actually be enjoying yourself in the input stage.
Well, hope I helped and good luck.


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score
It's not that I think i'm ugly, it's cause I lack personality and I just can't seem to make myself to be fun to hang around with. Also the memory problems intefer when my mates talk about old school times of what we use to do and i know we use to do alot but I can never grasp a storey of "when we done this..."

Also my only group of circle of friends are these people since I only went to the same school in my life. And also have you ever notice when an alpha male says something incredibly stupid or weird and he gets the laughs? Whereas if you said the same thing you would just get weird looks and awkward pauses.

I really just want to focus on focusing my personality and humour/fun departement. It's almost come to the point where I say as little as a couple hundred words a day. Could this be tied with my self-esteem or is this an entirely different matter?

I'm really not sure, i know quite a few girls I know that like me and call me hot but i know it's my personality that isn't maintaining the attraction and no matter how hard i try i can't seem to gain attraction and interest-level (that goes with male friends). This could be my problem of not comming up with original conversation. I always relied on "tv conversation" or "movie liners". If you don't know what i mean, i really can't explain but I just remember some lines from movie/tv and try use that in everday conversation for observations and comments.

Can i really be full of life and be outgoing and gaining attraction by eating right, working out and be more outside? Or is that a small factor of what makes an energetic person?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Like I said, BE MORE SOCIAL. Go out EVERY day and socialize. Be adventerous and spontanious. Be open minded and try different things. This is how you gain EXPERIENCE.

Once you're a more experienced person, you now have the ability to talk about MANY different things, because you can relate to them. I have the same problem with your social skills. You lack social skills because you aren't social. You get what you put into it. The more time you spend on your social life, the more you'll get out of it! Get out of your comfort zone and try different things. Once you do this, certain situations don't bother you anymore like they used to, because you've done it so many times! You don't feel nervous or frustrated talking, because you've been in that situation many times. Same thing with anything else.

How do you get started? Meet people! If you can't in person yet, then meet people online. When I was too shy to go to malls and PU, I would play the online game. I would meet tons of girls from online, then meet their friends, etc... it's experience. Remember, online is your fantasy world. It doesn't count as much. Use it for practice.

All of my current friends from my lair I have met from online. They're all awesome and I couldn't be happier with any other friends.


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by solotak
it's cause I lack personality and I just can't seem to make myself to be fun to hang around with. Also the memory problems intefer when my mates talk about old school times of what we use to do and i know we use to do alot but I can never grasp a storey of "when we done this..."
You don't lack personality, you're problem with not being fun to be around is you're trying to be fun to be around. Don't worry about memory problems.

Also my only group of circle of friends are these people since I only went to the same school in my life. And also have you ever notice when an alpha male says something incredibly stupid or weird and he gets the laughs? Whereas if you said the same thing you would just get weird looks and awkward pauses.
Expand your friends its not hard to do. You can be the alpha male, I had bad social status before but now people realise Im the best:D. Its all about how you say it not what you say.

I really just want to focus on focusing my personality and humour/fun departement. It's almost come to the point where I say as little as a couple hundred words a day. Could this be tied with my self-esteem or is this an entirely different matter?
Listen to comedy tapes and watch comedy videos. Learn about timing, tonality etc. Start to develop your sence of humour mines mainly sarcastic and dry but I've picked up other types of humour. Everything is tied to your self-esteem your career, your life, your body language everything.

I'm really not sure, i know quite a few girls I know that like me and call me hot but i know it's my personality that isn't maintaining the attraction and no matter how hard i try i can't seem to gain attraction and interest-level (that goes with male friends). This could be my problem of not comming up with original conversation. I always relied on "tv conversation" or "movie liners". If you don't know what i mean, i really can't explain but I just remember some lines from movie/tv and try use that in everday conversation for observations and comments.
Stop trying to please them think "Will they please me today?" why do they deserve to be pleased by you? Are you getting paid, are you a clown? If no then don't bother.

Can i really be full of life and be outgoing and gaining attraction by eating right, working out and be more outside? Or is that a small factor of what makes an energetic person?
Yes you can by changing your attitude, mindset, beliefs, body language etc. Get yourself an attitude that helps you. Mindsets that keep you from fear, beliefs that you are the best, body language that helps you relax and feel comfortable.

Do it for yourself.


Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: Help with social status

Originally posted by Tempest
Hey, I can relate to most of what you just said.

Regarding your friends, forget them. I remember with my peer group, there was this weird guy that would ALWAYS try to hang out with us and he'd follow us around... we didn't like him. It took forever for him to clue in, because we'd always try to avoid him. It's harsh, I know. If you're in this position, just FORGET about them. Make a commitment to yourself to CHANGE. Make a difference. You've already gotten started by posting here. Congratulations!

I have a very deep voice, too. It was something I was ALWAYS insecure about. I've always had difficulties with voice projection, tonality, pronounciation, lisping, mumbling, etc... I hated it! I realized the source of the problem. I used to be VERY anti-social through highschool... I would play video games all day and didn't have any friends. It wasn't until about a year ago that I decided to CHANGE my life. Anyways, back to the voice thing. The best advice for you would be to TALK and SPEAK as much as you can. Talk to yourself. Say POSITIVE things to yourself (affirmations and incantations). Something which I always do is I put in an audio program in my car (let's say DYD Mastery Series), and I MODEL a certain speaker. I turn it up, and I say EVERYTHING that they just said, after I hear it. I try to keep up with their speaking. I try to speak clearly and pace with them. After awhile, your throat will start to get kind of sore. This is normal, I think because you're not used to talking too much. It will get better with time. Also, it will be VERY difficult to keep up with the speaker at first. It will take practice, but you'll see how fast you're getting better at it. And finally, because you TURN up the volume while listening to it, it forces you to project your voice LOUDLY. Something else I always do is turn up the music in my car, and then run my routines over it so that I can practice for club situations.

You seem to have A LOT of negative beliefs about yourself. Remember, beliefs are VERY important. They will change your attitude, perception of life, and they subcommunicate to other people about yourself. This is a very important thing. You MUST change your beliefs. How? I'll give you some tips on how to get started with your "inner game" below. But, let me give you can example of how much I have changed my inner self. These are my past beliefs 1 year ago:

- I'm ugly
- I'm too skinny
- I'm bored or uninteresting
- People don't like me
- Why would any girl want me?
- I'm stupid
- I'm shy and insecure
- I'm too quiet
- I hate my voice

All of these insecurities have had a huge effect on my life, as it is yours. It prevents you from living your life. It's holding you back.

These are my NEW beliefs today:

- I'm the sexiest thing since sliced bread
- I'm a catch and everyone loves me
- I'm confident, dominant, and comfortable with every situation and everything about myself
- I'm intelligent
- I LOVE my voice
- My body is SEXY
- I'm the prize

Big difference, right? I actually BELIEVE this stuff. I've developed affirmations and incantations from them. Anyways, let me give you some ideas of what I've done to CHANGE. These are the things that REALLY helped me.

1) Get involved with self development. Make it a hobby and part of your life. Check into Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Wayne Dyer, Paul Mckenna, and many other self help coaches. These guys offer books and audio programs designed to help people like you and me.

2) Forums! SoSuave is a great one. Fast Seduction is another one I frequent that has helped me a LOT with my success with women. Anthony Robbins community is great. There are many more out there, search the net!

3) Become more active. Get a job, a social job somewhere. A job where you're forced to interact with other people. Go to school... a college or university. Join clubs. Check out Join a local debate group. Join an improv group. Play a sport. Go to the gym. Go clubbing or to bars as much as you can. Just BE SOCIAL.

This is something which I'm still working on. Ask yourself, what kind of social life do you want to live? For me, I want to live a VERY social life. One where I'm social proof'd by people everywhere I go. I want to live a VIP life (like Rick H). I want to be popular and well liked everywhere I go. I want to be the centre of attention and in the spotlight. The confident guy, that everyone just LOVES.

Then ask yourself, how do I get there? What do I need to do? The answer I came up with is... to LIVE that social life. Go out 7 days a week! Be as SOCIAL as you can. You need to catch up with the people your age, because they all lived healthy social lives. Now it's your turn. It will take effort, but you'll get there with time.

4) Hang out with the type of people you want to be. This is tough, and it took me some time to meet the current guys I hang out with now. I met them about 2 months ago, and it was the best thing I've ever done. I met our local "lair", which is a group of people in my community that study and practice and meeting women. There's about 20+ of us. I don't even hang out with my old friends anymore, because I felt they were holding me back. These guys are all alpha, dominant, confident, FUN and positive! After meeting them, my lifestyle has changed completely. I go out and PU every weekend now. I love it!

I gotta go, that's it for now. I hope I helped!
thats the best advice ive read on this forum, u were talking about anthony robbins community in a forum? wots the link :)


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score
Well I guess I should be ditching my friends since it's getting worse now. I don't know exactly why they don't like me, but it's now to the point of never ringing me what's happening (when they've called everyone else) and avoiding giving me a lift with them. I really don't want to cause these guys are pretty cool to hang out with and funny but I must have done something to piss them off, which I can't see that happening cause I show respect towards anyone and not act a **** around anyone. I suppose it could have been me not contributing to group talking as much or they didn't like me from my history back in pre-school where they thought my parents where really which (they are just a bit above average wealth) but I don't understand why they would hold a grudge for so long?

It's going to be hard finding a new group of friends, especially when i'm having a rough time talking to people. And it's going to be even harder for me to let go off the people I knew for the past 4-12 years. Especially with the one or two guy friends i actually was good mates with them and it slowly turned to disliking me since they got to know the other mates in the group.

I really want to confront them but i'm sure that will show me being insecure and more disliked. I'm not sure what exactly i'm asking here, but I felt the need to explain my tricky situation i'm dealing with.


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by solotak
Well I guess I should be ditching my friends since it's getting worse now. I don't know exactly why they don't like me, but it's now to the point of never ringing me what's happening (when they've called everyone else) and avoiding giving me a lift with them. I really don't want to cause these guys are pretty cool to hang out with and funny but I must have done something to piss them off, which I can't see that happening cause I show respect towards anyone and not act a **** around anyone. I suppose it could have been me not contributing to group talking as much or they didn't like me from my history back in pre-school where they thought my parents where really which (they are just a bit above average wealth) but I don't understand why they would hold a grudge for so long?
1)They don't like you because you don't like yourself.
2)They don't ring you or give you lifts because you're acting like an insecure person.
3)You're too attached to these guys, there are other cool guys that are fun to hang around with as well.
4)THe only thing you're doing to piss them off is acting like an insecure faggot whos clinging onto them for dear life.
5)You don't need to contribute to the group to be liked.
6)They're holding a grudge against you because of you're attitude

It's going to be hard finding a new group of friends, especially when i'm having a rough time talking to people. And it's going to be even harder for me to let go off the people I knew for the past 4-12 years. Especially with the one or two guy friends i actually was good mates with them and it slowly turned to disliking me since they got to know the other mates in the group.
7)Its only going to be hard finding new friends if you believe its going to be hard finding new friends
8)They've known you for 4-12 years and still are treating you like **** yet you're worried about losing you're oh so wonderful friends?

I really want to confront them but i'm sure that will show me being insecure and more disliked. I'm not sure what exactly i'm asking here, but I felt the need to explain my tricky situation i'm dealing with.
You're disliked and acting insecure now, go confront them and see what happens at least you've done something then.

You have a weak frame, you let people do whatever they want to you and still act like a nice guy towards them. People must know your boundaries of what is successful and what the punishments are. Read your posts again and sum up what this type of person must be like. You remind me of a guy from school that hangs around with us and is always trying to be too nice to everyone. My friends laugh about him because he trys so hard. He never gets invited to hang out either.
I used to be a bit like you but you've got to learn that you are the most important thing in your life and you decide whats allowed to happen in your life. Start sticking up for yourself, no-one else will.


I had the same problem man. I
1 Thought i was slow because i couldnt remember **** and was shy no matter what i did

2thought i was ugly

3 had friends that i had known for years that began getting to know other guys better and had no problem talking to chicks

4 have a low voice too

5 stuttered when i talked

First off none of this is your fault and there are very few people that realize that about themsevles and others.
They make up lies and rumors to make you look bad and them look like the king. That is because YOU DONT TALK!!! They dont know anything about you. They dont know what you've been through that made you shy or anything. Let somone get to know you better. Invite them over or something.

The ugliness can be fixed easily. Get a different hairstyle. change your normal face. I dont mean plastic surgery(?) or anything. Go to the mirror and make a face that makes you look good. All i really had to do was raise my eyebrows a little bit. Then just make that face I know that sounds hella weird but it will work.

Your voice. do whatever you can to change it. just practice making it sound better. No one will really notice, its not they heard it much anyway. One reason i hae found that people cant hear guys like us is that we in fact do talk to quiet. we think we're speaking loud enogh because we know what we are saying. So SPEAK LOUDER!!!! Make it so its loud to you but not so loud as to make others think your def as a post.

Find something that interests you. Even if it is what all the so called cool kids like (like MTV or some stupid show like the O.C or whatever) Even a sport or some place or person. Anything. That way when you are talking about something, your not putting the person to sleep.

I dont no how you dress but im gonna guess you wear kind of boring clothes. You need new clothes. I reccomend clothes from stores like PacSun (an interesting thing to talk about!!) I dont know if you have one where you live but its pretty much waht all the Skaters and surfers wear with names like Element and Billabong. any store like that is cool. You need a job or rich parent cuz that stuff is pricey.

If you have no muscle, get some. Lift weights run and eat right. its not hard. Ive lost a ton of wieght already and starting tommorow (vacation ends :( ) im eating nothing but healthy food until summer (that will last me two weeks) Seriously though, get ripped. (LIKE JESUS!!!!!)

dont be completely quiet. When someone talks to you, say something interesting about it even if you dont theyre talking about. make up some bogus lie Say stuff like "Oh I wanted to see that it looks cool" or "I know i heard that too!" Just something that will keep them talking to you

those ***** ass muther ****in friends are complete jerks. Get rid of them. They try talking to you tell them to go **** themselves and then when they ask "Why are you so angry?" Thell them that you know they were talking **** about you and you dont even want to talk to them right now. Talk **** behind them. Start telling people about stuff they wouldnt want you to tell anyone.

Those rumors. Prove them wrong. do the exact opposite of the rumor if you can. Do what you have to do man. If somone confronts you about it, dont be shy denying it. Make that the conversation. How UNTRUE THAT RUMOR IS!!!

Be funny. Invent a catch phrase or a word. Say a word wierd or something. Give them somthing to talk about oyu behind your back thats not total bull**** and is a good quality.

Dont be shy. be happy with who you are. Youll never be happy unless your happy.


Originally posted by Disconnect
Yea. I made that up. I meant you'll never be happy unless you're happy with yourself


And also have you ever notice when an alpha male says something incredibly stupid or weird and he gets the laughs? Whereas if you said the same thing you would just get weird looks and awkward pauses.

That happens to me still all the time. Anyone have any advice?


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by ddddooooodddd
Yea. I made that up. I meant you'll never be happy unless you're happy with yourself


And also have you ever notice when an alpha male says something incredibly stupid or weird and he gets the laughs? Whereas if you said the same thing you would just get weird looks and awkward pauses.

That happens to me still all the time. Anyone have any advice?
Yeah, make it a funny comment.