Drex, I got your PM, and I thought I'd answer on the thread because others might be able to take something away from this. Ok, I should probably make some clarifications--
1. I hate IM. IM is a BAD idea, always. I never ever chat with any girls on IM because nothing good ever came from it. It makes you too available and you can also screw up and think you are talking to the wrong person and end up digging yourself in a hole. Girls often team up with other girls to play games with guys on IM, so you can fall into some juvenile trap on IM. If I were you I'd delete it from my computer. I personally don't even have it.
2. About this girl, I hate to be negative and I am not trying to get down on you in any way, but I have to say I think you screwed it up long ago and I think this one's dead in the water. You shouldn't have tried to game on her to begin with. I think this girl would have been easy for you to get.
I'm not saying you should suddenly IM her and smother her with attention. I'm saying the best thing would have been for you from the beginning to have simply taken her out, gave her some sexual excitement, then carried on from there. At this point, it's all about damage control for your earlier mistakes.
Here is the most important thing for you to take away from this: YOU have made this into a complicated game, not her. YOU were too caught up in "being a challenge", and worrying about whether you were doing things "right or wrong", that you didn't stop to really observe how this girl was behaving with you, and made your decisions from there.
I'm not trying to be harsh on you. You admitted you don't have much experience, so that's cool. This is all part of a learning experience for you. For this girl, I would try once more to set up a date and take her out and show her some sexual action. Don't get too caught up in the technicalities of the game. Base your decisions off of HER, not the "rules." If she makes things hard for you, then you know you screwed it up and you have to next her.
There are times when playing the game can be appropriate, and even fun, but there are other times, like this one, where you will just shoot yourself in the foot because it isn't necessary. With time you will learn to tell when each course is appropriate.