Help! Im 24 and still a virgin


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I downloaded the DJ bible and had a look at it, but I don't think I'll buy into it, because I know theres more to life than trying to get sex
It sounds like you've completely missed the message that is being portrayed throughout the DJ Bible. It tells you that women aren't the most important things in life. If you improve yourself and learn to love yourself, the women will naturally come. However, the DJ Bible focusses mainly on attracting women because women are a part of life.

Not having lost your virginity has put a roadblock in your mind. You've been taught by society that you cannot fully be a man unless you've lost your virginity. Sex has become the ultimate goal for men in today's society, and it's extremely overrated. I'd trade sex for the personal satisfaction of achieving a personal goal anyday. The DJ Bible is full of suggestions and tips on how to achieve many personal goals when it comes to women. You'll end up feeling a lot better about approaching a woman and getting rejected rather than not approaching and getting nothing. You'll know that you took that step you would have never taken before and you deserve to pat yourself on the back for it.

The DJ bible focusses on taking steps to better yourself. It doesn't focus on making women the most important aspect of life.


Don Juan
Aug 13, 2003
Reaction score
a prostitute is the answer to all your questions, just wrap it up. But seriously man, there was a good article. . . by pook I believe it was. Saying that being a vigin doesnt matter. The girl doesnt know you are a virgin, and the only what it matters is if you let it matter, I will go and look for it.


you can give me the ins and outs of pookism, but he cracks me up, and have more confidence for it, read this my friend

haha foolio

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Desdinova
You'll end up feeling a lot better about approaching a woman and getting rejected rather than not approaching and getting nothing. You'll know that you took that step you would have never taken before and you deserve to pat yourself on the back for it.

The DJ bible focusses on taking steps to better yourself. It doesn't focus on making women the most important aspect of life.
Bravo, pure brillance.

No one in the world is successful all the time and until people realize that guys will come back time and time agains talking about how they were confident a week ago but lost it after they didnt get a telephone number. How can you let you entire self worth leave because you didnt get a telephone number.

If you get refected big deal, there are billions of women in this world try again. I've read it here before how people keep looking for the perfect time, the perfect line, the perfect approach, it doesn't exist. Life is what you make it.

I have plenty of women in my life, do I get dissed sure, do I let it bother me helllll nooo!!! I will never let a refection today, effect how I now act for the next two weeks.

Play the game, if you lose so what, and the only people who will try to put your down are the ones sitting on the bench claiming they have the perfect plays.

xi phi pi

Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by noPride
Also some of you may have got a little offended by my "fit american chicks" line
Nope, I don't think anybody here really cared that you said that. At least, nobody's mentioned it other than you. :p
Originally posted by noPride
The only person that I regularly "socialise" with now is my brother, who is younger than me and has a girlfriend and more sexual experience than me, which makes me even more patethic,. I just feel like my life is flying by and I missed the flight. Im stuck in the terminal waiting for a plane thats never going to come bck.
Anyway... Im hoping I can lose my virginity.
Originally posted by noPride
Im really going to set a goal to lose the virginity before...oh May.
Originally posted by noPride
I downloaded the DJ bible and had a look at it, but I don't think I'll buy into it, because I know theres more to life than trying to get sex
So first, you make a thread saying "Help, I'm 24 and still a virgin!", then say that your main focus is getting laid, then post again that what you want is to get booty, then post that "ah, I won't read the DJB, even though it's helped tons of people before me, because there's 'more to life than sex'". Well news flash: That seems to be all that you're worried about right now. Plus, you've got the DJB all wrong. Perhaps you should take a look at the online version instead of the downloaded one - you'd then be able to see that it's broken down into sections - sections that cover a lot of ground other than "just sex". You're right. You don't need any help with your attitude. You don't need any help with your conversation skills. You don't need any help with attracting members of the opposite sex - because you've already got it covered. You're the man, and you're pulling in mad tail from every corner of Ireland.

Oh, wait. You aren't. You're 24, still a virgin, and now you're not even taking advice from the people who are best equipped to give it to you. That goes beyond stupid, and becomes just... ignorant. Do whatever you like, cuz hey, it's your life and I'm still over here getting booty whether you are or not - and the reason I am is because I read the DJB, went through a few girls before finding one that I wanted to stay with, and have maintained things from there. If I can do it, then the only reason that you can't is because you're lazy and dumb. Prove me wrong. Or, you could just sit there smoking all alone with the only human contact you interact with being your little brother, his girlfriend, and your father. It's up to you.
Originally posted by noPride
This is the way I am and I can't help it
That's called something, you know... "cop out"!
1. cop out -- (choose not to do something, as out of fear of failure"

By the way, you should think of changing your name - it reeks of pessimism and negativity.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by noPride
Thanks for that , that makes me feel good. I do feel like Im "busting out" in a way (no pun intended either), But I feel like if I start jacking off again It would be a complete waste of 4 weeks.

For you guys telling me to change my attitude, Ive heard it all before, mostly every single day from my father, This is the way I am and I can't help it (read my original post)

NO! This is the way you choose to hold on to. You make the choice to be this way and hold on to your identity. Or I should say that little devil in your brain called your ego.

The ego is merely a self defense mechanism. It keeps you from getting hurt. Unfortunately it is over protective at times. As in your case and the case of many shy people.

And when it seems like you may no longer need your ego anymore it goes into fear to keep YOU under control. So what starts after birth as a self defense program for the brain becomes the brains master and you the servent.

Your ego will cause a false sense of confidence at keeping you the same. It hates change. Especially change for the better.

It will keep you from getting laid or finding happiness cause then it will lose it's control over you.

You are your own worst enemy. It is you who stands in your own way.

What you need to do is wake up to reality and deal with your over grown ego problem.

YOU can become anything that you want to be. Years ago I was very much like you. I hated everybody. I just hated people in general.

One day I woke up and realized what was going on. I had lost control of my own personality and mind. My ego had run rampant in my life.

I came to realize that I am not my ego and it is just a servent of my brain.

I turned myself around and became very very popular. My skills with women grew to a extreme natural game.

If I can do it




xi phi pi

Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
He lives in Ireland. That's, what, 20 minutes by RyanAir to Schipol? From there, it's just a quick train to Centraal Station in Amsterdam where he can then take a 5 minute walk to the heart of the Red Light District.

If you want to get laid so badly, it'll probably cost about 100 euros round trip, but the girls in A'dam are top-notch and at least you can say "Hey, I've finally slept with a girl"... That's just a suggestion, though.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Im really going to set a goal to lose the virginity before...oh May.
This isn't a goal, it's a deadline. You're only going to set yourself up for failure if you set deadlines. If you don't get laid before May, what are you going to do? Cut off your wiener?

Right now, I'm in the middle of looking for a new job. If I told myself "I'm going to land a new job before May" and it doesn't happen, I'm going to be frustrated with myself and kicking my ass because I didn't fulfill a goal in a short amount of time. There's times when no jobs come along that I'm not interested in, there's jobs that don't pay enough, etc etc. You can't fulfill a deadline when you don't have control over the entire situation. The woman you meet may have herpes. Other women you meet may be engaged or married. You have no control over these things.

Set goals without deadlines. It may take longer than you think to find a fvckable woman. Taking small steps to get to your goal may make a longer journey, but you'll eventually get there.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by noPride
Im not really a charmer, have now made this statement so. As long as you continue to hold on to this belief it will be that way.

So it is written, so it shall be done.

Now when your ready to change your self beliefs let us know. Until then nobody can help you onto the right path. And when you get on that path nobody can help you except yourself.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score

Originally posted by MrHarris have now made this statement so. As long as you continue to hold on to this belief it will be that way.

So it is written, so it shall be done.

Now when your ready to change your self beliefs let us know. Until then nobody can help you onto the right path. And when you get on that path nobody can help you except yourself.
Couldn't said it better myself!


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by MrHarris

NO! This is the way you choose to hold on to. You make the choice to be this way and hold on to your identity. Or I should say that little devil in your brain called your ego.

The ego is merely a self defense mechanism. It keeps you from getting hurt. Unfortunately it is over protective at times. As in your case and the case of many shy people.

And when it seems like you may no longer need your ego anymore it goes into fear to keep YOU under control. So what starts after birth as a self defense program for the brain becomes the brains master and you the servent.

Your ego will cause a false sense of confidence at keeping you the same. It hates change. Especially change for the better.

It will keep you from getting laid or finding happiness cause then it will lose it's control over you.

You are your own worst enemy. It is you who stands in your own way.

What you need to do is wake up to reality and deal with your over grown ego problem.

YOU can become anything that you want to be. Years ago I was very much like you. I hated everybody. I just hated people in general.

One day I woke up and realized what was going on. I had lost control of my own personality and mind. My ego had run rampant in my life.

I came to realize that I am not my ego and it is just a servent of my brain.

I turned myself around and became very very popular. My skills with women grew to a extreme natural game.

If I can do it



Haha! Thats Hilarious! Haven't you read my name?:D :D

I know thats my problem and thats why I called myself noPride!! Im trying to get rid of my ego (or at least give it a few kicks to the groin), because I knwo thats my problem. In fact, just a few minutes ago I went to the shop and I felt really akward but I also felt more sexual, so hopefully Im on the right track

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by MrHarris have now made this statement so. As long as you continue to hold on to this belief it will be that way.

So it is written, so it shall be done.

Now when your ready to change your self beliefs let us know. Until then nobody can help you onto the right path. And when you get on that path nobody can help you except yourself.
And once again MrHarris comes through in the cluth with another pearl of wisdom.


You can be anybody you want to be, anytime you choose it. Brad Pitt, Denzel Washington, Tom Cruise show you this all the time. TV shows you this all the time. You think Seinfield really had a neighbor named Kramer, no!

You can change so easily that actors tell you it takes a lot of mental concentration to not take on characterisics of the roles they play.

Decide who you, and how you would rather be and be it.

Insecurity tip #1: Even though it feels like people are watching and judging your ever move they are not, and even if they are--so what!!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by noPride
Haha! Thats Hilarious! Haven't you read my name?:D :D

I know thats my problem and thats why I called myself noPride!! Im trying to get rid of my ego (or at least give it a few kicks to the groin), because I knwo thats my problem. In fact, just a few minutes ago I went to the shop and I felt really akward but I also felt more sexual, so hopefully Im on the right track
Well to me the name NOPRIDE is demeaning to who you really could be. You may start by calling yourself something that will bespeak of the person that you are evolving into.

Everyone should be careful about letting subconscious self beliefs choose paths for them.

You have the power to change anything in your life.

The purpose of a mans heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out--proverbs 20:5


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
Hey NoPride, I'm actually in the same situation as you.

I'm 24, also a virgin, never got any further than kissing a girl, I also live with my parents. A lot of my friends have a girlfriend.

For the rest. I've graduated last year, worked for 6 months and got fired. Result, after getting fired I was at home, with no girlfriend, friends were studying for the exams or going to work.

I've started reading this stuff about three months ( dj bible, other elder posts on the forum and following lots of discussions )
I realized that it was because of ME and only Me that my succesrate was a big 0.

I don't say that it is now any better, but I'm working on it.

- Walking straight up.
- Changed clothes, haircut and start shaving every day
- Don't care what other people will think when you do something.
In the first place i will change for improving myself.
- Recently I took a temporaly job in a student book store. there I
force myself to every hb7 -> hb10. This was difficult in the
beginning but now it is piece of cake. Outside of the book store
it is still difficult but it improves every day.

It is up to you to change

If you do what you've always been doing ...
... you get what you've always been getting. The past revives in the future, sad, but true!


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2003
Reaction score
An angry, charmless, 24-year-old irish virgin...

Now I've seen everything.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Leporello
An angry, charmless, 24-year-old irish virgin...

Now I've seen everything.
Thats just the kind of ego-cleansing one liner I need! Keep them coming!

Romeo Sariani

Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score


I thought Ireland was an easy place to pick chicks!

Honestly, you even get the chance to go out on a day like this, I think your luck will be coming for you, endure!




Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Louisiana, USA
Originally posted by noPride
Thats just the kind of ego-cleansing one liner I need! Keep them coming!
I'm curious, what are you expecting out of the people here? You've already said that you don't think that the DJ Bible would help you at all, that you're tired of not being able to get girls or friends, and that you want to change things. People have given you several replies - some more beneficial than others - that you should really think about implementing into your life (and I think the DJB is relevant to more than just "getting sex"). If your goal is to seduce someone, then this is your spot... however, we generally stick to the priciples of the DJB. If you don't like our methods, feel free to go to one of many other seduction sites/forums out there who will give you canned lines and magic tricks to use as openers, for example.

Leuven is right. Don't expect to get different results by doing the same thing. Why don't you try finishing the DJ Bootcamp? I think it would help you immensely.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
I see where you're coming from, I actually did read some of the stuff in the DJ bible, and it IS good stuff.

I don't want to be a super-suave pick up artist, all I want is to get some sex once in a while, get a girlfriend, etc. I have been reading other posts here too, and I think its all good stuff:)

Even since starting this post, I am feeling better and Im feeling more confident, I'm going out soon, so I've had a shave, so I guess I'll take a shower, and see what happens tonight. I'm quietly confident about tonight. I don't care if I don't lose my virginity tonight, as long as I feel I've made an effort to chat up some girls, be more confident, smile, be positive etc, then at least I can be proud of THAt. Of course I would like to go all the way. Really, my balls feel like they're going to explode, so I don't know if that will be an advantage or disadvantage, but my philosophy is thats its better to go out with lots of sex drive than none at all.

Now to find some clean socks...

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by noPride
I see where you're coming from, I actually did read some of the stuff in the DJ bible, and it IS good stuff.

I don't want to be a super-suave pick up artist, all I want is to get some sex once in a while, get a girlfriend, etc. I have been reading other posts here too, and I think its all good stuff:)

Even since starting this post, I am feeling better and Im feeling more confident, I'm going out soon, so I've had a shave, so I guess I'll take a shower, and see what happens tonight. I'm quietly confident about tonight. I don't care if I don't lose my virginity tonight, as long as I feel I've made an effort to chat up some girls, be more confident, smile, be positive etc, then at least I can be proud of THAt. Of course I would like to go all the way. Really, my balls feel like they're going to explode, so I don't know if that will be an advantage or disadvantage, but my philosophy is thats its better to go out with lots of sex drive than none at all.

Thats the spirit bro, just keep up that fun, positive attitude and you will be just fine. Focus on having a good time, and let everything else come second. Fun is attractive.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
I understand why threads like this are started.
It can be relieving to read that others had or have similar problems.
I know the having-missed-the-flight-feeling. I'm 24 too and unlike you I have never kissed a girl.

When I discovered a similar site like this several years ago it changed my attitude.
Now I'm starting to realize that it worked back then.
Girls tried to start conversations. Some stood close to me at busstops when they didn't have to ... and so on.

Still I'm in deeper **** NOW than you are.

There's a lot of good advice here but I don't like the list of small goals that somebody wrote.
It shouldn't start with finding a girl to date or setting that as a goal.
Social activities are the most important thing. Sessions with your brother are not going to help.
You need to reach a certain comfort level around strangers first.
Of course that is only an assumption ...