Help! Im 24 and still a virgin


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
...And Im really pissed off with it!

My life is in a bad state. I havn't masturbated for about 4 weeks now because Im trying to break the cycle and finally get laid. This is making me even more insane. All my "friends" have basically deserted me because Im basically an a$$hole (I can't help it). I used to have a lot of friends when I was like 18-19, but gradually they stopped calling me because ..I don't know I guess i am a pretty intense person with a lot of emotional baggage.

I wouldn't say Im depressed, but Im just angry now. The last time I even kissed a girl was about 3 years ago and that was the closest I ever got to having sex. All I got was a hand job and I didn't even ***. Needless to say that chick was glad to see the back of me. (Yeah I know youre all laughing right now, but please I want some GOOOD advise)

The only person that I regularly "socialise" with now is my brother, who is younger than me and has a girlfriend and more sexual experience than me, which makes me even more patethic,. I just feel like my life is flying by and I missed the flight. Im stuck in the terminal waiting for a plane thats never going to come bck.

Anyway, Im going out tonight with my brother, perhaps to a bar or something, and as its St.Patrick's day and Im in Ireland (And Irish) and there should be lots of fit american chicks in town tonight. Im hoping I can lose my virginity. But my brother BETTER want to go out and be my wingman, because all Ive been doing lately is watching TV and smoking cigarettes.

Back to me in general, What advise do you "studs" have? I wouldn't exactyl describe myself as a "nice guy" because I don't take any BS from girls. Im not exactly a Jerk either, Im more of a straight shooter. Im fairly good looking, WHATS MY PROBLEM>? Am I a psycho? All this non-masturbating is making my bolld boil, and sometimes I get really "freaked out", Im still living with my parents but I don't want to move out till I have someone to move in with.

Please Help Me


Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by noPride
...And Im really pissed off with it!

My life is in a bad state. I havn't masturbated for about 4 weeks now because Im trying to break the cycle and finally get laid. This is making me even more insane. All my "friends" have basically deserted me because Im basically an a$$hole (I can't help it). I used to have a lot of friends when I was like 18-19, but gradually they stopped calling me because ..I don't know I guess i am a pretty intense person with a lot of emotional baggage.

I wouldn't say Im depressed, but Im just angry now. The last time I even kissed a girl was about 3 years ago and that was the closest I ever got to having sex. All I got was a hand job and I didn't even ***. Needless to say that chick was glad to see the back of me. (Yeah I know youre all laughing right now, but please I want some GOOOD advise)

The only person that I regularly "socialise" with now is my brother, who is younger than me and has a girlfriend and more sexual experience than me, which makes me even more patethic,. I just feel like my life is flying by and I missed the flight. Im stuck in the terminal waiting for a plane thats never going to come bck.

Anyway, Im going out tonight with my brother, perhaps to a bar or something, and as its St.Patrick's day and Im in Ireland (And Irish) and there should be lots of fit american chicks in town tonight. Im hoping I can lose my virginity. But my brother BETTER want to go out and be my wingman, because all Ive been doing lately is watching TV and smoking cigarettes.

Back to me in general, What advise do you "studs" have? I wouldn't exactyl describe myself as a "nice guy" because I don't take any BS from girls. Im not exactly a Jerk either, Im more of a straight shooter. Im fairly good looking, WHATS MY PROBLEM>? Am I a psycho? All this non-masturbating is making my bolld boil, and sometimes I get really "freaked out", Im still living with my parents but I don't want to move out till I have someone to move in with.

Please Help Me
Well buddy I can sum up your problem in one word, ATTITUDE. From reading your post it seems like your ATTITUDE sucks and you will have to change that before you can hope to get laid! I'm only 20 years old but I know this much about women, they are SAD creatures who likes a guy to make them feel better. How will you do that if you're giving off this whole "The World Sucks" attitude? You have to change you way of thinking-"LIfe doesn't suck its just a very hard at times. I think you should find something that you enjoy doing (OTHER THAN MASTERBATING) and go do it! Have fun with life man. Life is always worse for somebody out there! Also, you added that your friends deserted you-Well a true friend is someone sticks by your side through thick and thin-so losing them shouldn't be that bad since I really doubt they were your friends anyway.

So anyway Good Luck AND SMILE!!!


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Nobody owes you anything so you've no reason to be mad. You need to stop judging your happiness by how many chicks you lay. It sounds like your life is pretty boring and you're not attracting any people with that attitude. You're probably very judgemental of people and that's not helping you. You need to get a positive attitude.

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret of this site. See on top of the page where it says "New Here? We suggest checking out The DJ Bible before posting."?

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
But here something you might have missed, that you really, really, really, have a drive, and desire to get laid. Why do you think that is (can anyone say no more masturbating). At the rate you are going you mind and body will compell you to get laid. Patience, patience, but trust me you are heading in the right direction, I would just say go get a couple of self help books, because change is coming (no pun intended).


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Royal Elite
But here something you might have missed, that you really, really, really, have a drive, and desire to get laid. Why do you think that is (can anyone say no more masturbating). At the rate you are going you mind and body will compell you to get laid. Patience, patience, but trust me you are heading in the right direction, I would just say go get a couple of self help books, because change is coming (no pun intended).
Thanks for that , that makes me feel good. I do feel like Im "busting out" in a way (no pun intended either), But I feel like if I start jacking off again It would be a complete waste of 4 weeks.

For you guys telling me to change my attitude, Ive heard it all before, mostly every single day from my father, This is the way I am and I can't help it (read my original post)


Senior Don Juan
Sep 2, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by noPride
...And Im really pissed off with it!

All this non-masturbating is making my bolld boil, and sometimes I get really "freaked out", Im still living with my parents but I don't want to move out till I have someone to move in with.

1. Do you have a job or will you currently have a job ? Move out when you get a job whether you have someone to move in with or not.

2. Do you smoke pot ? don't.

3. what do you mean you were an ******* ?


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
I was a virgin until I was 24. :p

If you keep stressing out about it, you'll be a virgin when you're 25, too.

Relax. It's just pvssy.

Donald Kaufman

Don Juan
Mar 14, 2004
Reaction score
Im still living with my parents but I don't want to move out till I have someone to move in with.
This is a quick summation of your problem. You have a goal but you refuse to take the steps it will take to increase the chance of you achieving the goal.

You want to get laid so you can relax so you can find it easier to get laid.

You repeat this cycle in your post repeatedly. ( :D )

I'm angry because my friends won't see me 'cause I'm angry.

I don't masturbate to help inspire me to go out and get laid which makes me insane which makes it hard to get laid.

Freeman has given you good advice. Curing your virginity will not solve your problem. You have to deal with yourself first. Having sex ON some other person will accomplish nothing.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by squirrels
I was a virgin until I was 24. :p

If you keep stressing out about it, you'll be a virgin when you're 25, too.

Relax. It's just pvssy.
Thats perhaps the most useless answer I've ever heard

Anyway, I'll post back here tomorrow and tell you guys what happened. Im not as angry as some of you guys make me out to be but then again ask yourself this question: If you were in my position would you not be angry? And being angry is DEFINETLY more useful than being depressed


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
im 22..I live with my mom and sister..until I get a woman to live with..I dont feel like living with friends anymore.

anyways I moved in with my mom in aug of 2004.

I have ****ed 4 women in my room..which is in my moms basement.

Ive ****ed 22 women I think..or 23...most of which were when I lived with my best friend in his moms basement.

so ur living situation has nothing to do with ****..its ur drive, attitude and goals.

a women says to me, Chris why do u live at home?

Women, Im not pissing 500 bucks down the drain a month to live in a apt.

when im ready to purchase a house I will. what you need to do is FIX UR ATTITUDE



Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
a women says to me, Chris why do u live at home?
Women that also live at home say that **** right? b1tches.

Not masturbating for a while won't really do a whole lot. You're body is going to make you ejaculate some time or another through nocturnal emission.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by frivolousz21

I know that, hell, everyone knows that. I guess its a confidence issue. The next time I meet a girl I'll try to be real positive and confident. Im not really a charmer, but Im not a bad guy. I think a lot of women like to "stare" at me from a distance but don't really want to get involved because they think I'll crush their spirit or something, but Im really not that bad. I know one thing though: Nobody else is gonna do it for me so I have to take action. Respect to everyone who has given me positive advise.:)

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by noPride
The next time I meet a girl I'll try to be real positive and confident.
Thats the key right there, as long as you can do this, and the more you do it the easier it will become, then you will have women fall all over you. I knew you had it in you, so you have the answers, just practice following through.

Remember positive and patience, the 2 greatest's P in your life right now.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
Ah F**K IT!

Originally posted by noPride
I know that, hell, everyone knows that. I guess its a confidence issue. The next time I meet a girl I'll try to be real positive and confident. Im not really a charmer, but Im not a bad guy. I think a lot of women like to "stare" at me from a distance but don't really want to get involved because they think I'll crush their spirit or something, but Im really not that bad. I know one thing though: Nobody else is gonna do it for me so I have to take action. Respect to everyone who has given me positive advise.:)
If there's one thing I hate is when you try to help someone and they throw the shyte right back in your face. I can see through your posts why you don't get any. You're angry that you have no life so you project that towards everyone else. Stop posting because you don't want help you just wanna bit*h and complain about how your life suck and I for one don't wanna hear THAT!!


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Ah F**K IT!

Originally posted by Freeman
If there's one thing I hate is when you try to help someone and they throw the shyte right back in your face. I can see through your posts why you don't get any. You're angry that you have no life so you project that towards everyone else. Stop posting because you don't want help you just wanna bit*h and complain about how your life suck and I for one don't wanna hear THAT!!
I dont know why your getting pissed with me, You obviously have some issues yourself:eek: I came in to this forum and explained my problem, you gave me some advise, which was good advise, It was the other guy, squirrels, who was just mouthing off with useless tripe:mad:


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
If you're going to successfully get pu55y, you'll have to settle the fvck down and take everything with small steps. You can't just hop into bed with the first girl who talks to you. There's a lot more to it.

You'll have to set yourself a bunch of small goals before you achieve your big goal. The first goal you need to set is getting yourself a woman to date. Even before you do that, you need to set yourself a goal to meet a woman, and then the goal to get her phone number. Then yet another goal of getting a date with her. Take smaller steps and you'll get somewhere.

Oh yeah, go read the DJ Bible.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: Ah F**K IT!

Originally posted by noPride
I dont know why your getting pissed with me, You obviously have some issues yourself:eek: I came in to this forum and explained my problem, you gave me some advise, which was good advise, It was the other guy, squirrels, who was just mouthing off with useless tripe:mad:
Okay so maybe it was a misunderstanding...But still you do seem like a cynical guy..I mean you say that you already know all about attitude and yet you still, obviously are doing nothing to change your attitude. You have to face it-You will have to change NO PRIDE-beacuse the current you isn't alive....

---Dream UP A NEW SELF FOR YOURSELF-- Eddie Vedder Pearl Jam


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
I downloaded the DJ bible and had a look at it, but I don't think I'll buy into it, because I know theres more to life than trying to get sex, plus I couldn't possibly remember all that stuff. I know some of you are getting a bit edgy, Im sorry for stirring up that emotion. I don't think I fit into the typical "nice guy" stereotype, I just had to get it off my chest and to be honest I wasn't expecting a magical cure.

As for setting up dates, I'll really have to make an effort (thanks) But I do feel like thers light at the end of the tunnel (or the start of the tunnel:D ) and I feel better already. Also some of you may have got a little offended by my "fit american chicks" line...To that I say: Get over it:p

Im really going to set a goal to lose the virginity before...oh May. and I'll post my progress back here