HB9 Boss


Don Juan
May 12, 2004
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I went in to work today and cos of xmas i knew there was going be some new people hired and was looking foward to macking any new HB's.

My work is a big dept store with 1 main manager, then about 5-6 assitant mangers. These managers are on rostered weekends and alternate and there is usually 2-3 working at a time.

So i go in today and im standing around doing nothing and this FINE HB9 Hawaiin or something comes walking in. I almost screamed.

She asked me and this guy if we where busy and if we could help her. I said No we arnt busy, and went and helped her carry stuff. She asked if we where in her department and we said no and she said "NO FAIR how come we dont get any guys!!".. Shes pretty young. I wouldnt say shes over 26.

I knew she was new so i figured i needed to make some kinda conversation with her but i didnt. I just talked work related stuff.

Stuff i did do (but its only small stuff):
- When she handed me this box to help her (1 minute after i first saw her) i held eye contact with her as she was tallking to me for a few seconds more than i usually would. She did like a half-smile while looking at me. She seems pretty confident

- Whenever she wanted me to do something i said. YEP or SURE... Deep down i knew i should bust on her for making me slave for her. But shes so petite and hot and already above me.

- When we where walking and carrying stuff she was walking ahead of me which KNEW was bad, like her was her dog or something. SO she stoppde to look at some table, and i didnt stop for her, i kept walking and she was walking behind me, i could sorta tell she was trying to catch up but i kept walking like "i aint waiting for you"

- So after i felt like her dog i was walking back to the storage area and she walked passed me and goes "thanks for that" and i just smiled like i didnt care. My aim here was to do HOT/COLD. HOt being me so eager to help her earlier, and NOW im knida just like "Yea whatever"

What i wanna know is. How do i go about this?? I dont have a clue. She already has status on me, being sort of my manager. BUT she is around my age and she is FINE. There must be a way. Is it a bad thing to BUST on your BOSS?? when shes fine, and pretty petite?? i couldnt exactly say "no u lift the heavy boxes".

I lurk here sometimes nad read the bible and hav alot of sucess. But this seems totally different, mainly cos of the status she has on me. It sucks. I have made sure NOT to put her on a pedestal, and when she talks to me. Really i just need pointing in the right direction and ill try my best from there.

If anyone has any experience with this kinda thing id appreciate it alot.

I was thinking of tell her that im only there part time and ill have a degree in 6 months and i can stop with the MacJob bull****. Which is all true. Maybe ill put myself up a bit, if i talk myself up subtly.


Don Juan
May 12, 2004
Reaction score
Any master DJs care to have a crack at this?

Thanks Dementia. Im thinking on the same lines as you but i know there must be something else i can do here. I either dont remember it or just have not thought of it. What am i missing? Should i go for it or just leave it?

She is the hottest girl ive seen up close and im going for it. So please if anyone can help.


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
Reaction score
I'm not even gonna try with the other stuff cuz I really dont know but....

if her whole body is petite ie she couldnt take it as you saying her arms are fat, you could say something like "look at those guns, im sure you could handle some of this heavy lifting" if she doesnt laugh then you could quickly continue that by saying what ^^ said with the "or do you just like bossing me around/being a slave driver/etc. ectc. cough err manager"

as ^^ said it's probably best to stay away from the height and weight

still busting on her at all is a tough one lol but I'm sure you can come up with a few little jokes you could throw in when she gets u to do something


Don Juan
May 12, 2004
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Yea but i dont wana come accross as incompetant either.. Plus its WORK, im supposed to work , i dont wana look like a slacker, cos then it just makes her job harder.

Thats the thing. This is HARD!


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
Reaction score
yeah that's true

you're right it is hard lol...im sure someone around here will have something


Don Juan
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
When you say she's new, is she also new to the area?

If so maybe offer to show her around one lunch break.

And, if you have a good spot (coffee shop, etc) that you like to take your dates, maybe hint something to the effect of having a drink there sometime.

"That coffee shop over there is where I like to take my dates. Maybe if you meet my standards I'll invite you sometime." Or something a little more subtle.

This way, you're letting her know you're interested but you're also giving her a challenge - because you're suddenly not kissing her ass. Instead she's looking up into your ass. And woman don't like that :)



Don Juan
May 12, 2004
Reaction score
yea i outa ask that in my fluff talk. Well uve made it a little more clear. I guess its all in the convo.

That line is classic man. But its kinda sexual harrasementish. But yea i need to ask her questions. The NEW thing is definately my angle. I just hope nobody has become her 'buddy' yet.

Also this all needs to be done at work TOMMOROW. Just hope shes rostered or the new thing kinda goes out the window.


Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
She is your manager


She’s still got a hole between her legs and bumps on her chest.

So what is she?

A Woman

Treat her like a woman not like a boss.

As soon as you treat her like she has senority over you the game is lost.

Like dog training you never ever let the dog take control because the second it does it's over.

Bust on her you might not want to be to harsh but she's a woman once you show her who the man is she’ll get wet and the whole "I’m his boss" thing will go out the window.

Do the whole Bad Boy “I don’t play by the rules” routine.

That being said …………….. Don’t mix business and plesure


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
Vienna, VA
Originally posted by Soprano
I'm not even gonna try with the other stuff cuz I really dont know but....

if her whole body is petite ie she couldnt take it as you saying her arms are fat, you could say something like "look at those guns, im sure you could handle some of this heavy lifting" if she doesnt laugh then you could quickly continue that by saying what ^^ said with the "or do you just like bossing me around/being a slave driver/etc. ectc. cough err manager"

as ^^ said it's probably best to stay away from the height and weight

still busting on her at all is a tough one lol but I'm sure you can come up with a few little jokes you could throw in when she gets u to do something
You're doing too many little things and not enough big ones. Conversation and kino (if possible) are the biggest, where those little things would reinforce an attitude you exude while talking, whereas you are trying to show her you're 'hot/cold' by walking by her.


Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
She is your manager


She’s still got a hole between her legs and bumps on her chest.

So what is she?

A Woman

Treat her like a woman not like a boss.

As soon as you treat her like she has senority over you the game is lost.

Like dog training you never ever let the dog take control because the second it does it's all over baby.

Bust on her you might not want to be to harsh but she's a woman once you show her who the man is she’ll get wet and the whole "I’m his boss" thing will go out the window.

Do the whole Bad Boy “I don’t play by the rules” routine.

That being said …………….. Don’t mix business and plesure


Don Juan
May 12, 2004
Reaction score
Thanks that is quality stuff. This has to be done tommorw so ill do FR tommorow.

Anyone got any quick C+F to use on a boss, maybe to do with slave driving or something. Something i cna say when she asks me to pick up some big ass box and bring it out. Damn hardwork.


Don Juan
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
It's only sexual harrassment if you bring it across that way. Sure that line is 'out there' but make sure you come across as joking - then you've got her wondering and you can play on this.

Your window of opportunity isn't just tomorrow. Do you know of any uncommon places she might find interesting? Maybe she's a huge fan of Van Gogh (hope I spelt that right) paintings and you know that the local art gallery has a gallery of his works. Besides I don't think any of your 'competition' is going to be able to show her everything in just one lunch break.



Don Juan
May 12, 2004
Reaction score
yea i guess. The NEW thing is my angle for initial conversation only ive realized, or one way anyway.

There isnt any competition at my work, which is good lol. The guys consist of teenagers with no idea, gay guys and a couple 30 year old chubby, over the hill kinda guys.

But then again im working fast, cos sometimes woman are dumb and one day your plotting a plan to talk to her and the next shes holding hands with one of these 40 year old retards.

IT happens!


Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Might wanna attract her before you take her out on a lunch break date.

Bust on her.

"you pick up the boxes, what do you think your my boss or something?" (grinning)

"were are your muscles" (kino her touch her biceps)

stuff like that

"your weak, I like my girls a little stronger"

But like Mongolia (whatever his name is) said make sure she knows your joking.


Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
What kind of advice are you guys giving?!

She is the guy's boss. She controls his paycheck. She controls his life for 8 hours a day. If she's worth half a damn as a supervisor, she is not supposed to date/kino/whatever her underlings. It's an uneven power relationship, and especially in today's workplace, no HB is worth being fired for sexual harassment over.

Think about it this way: hypothetically, if your antics were to be shot down in flames (high chance of that), how will your workplace environment be like then? Would you still be able to go to work every day after you sex her up and then break up?

They say bros over hoes, but I'd add in also cash/career before hoes. Don't kino her. Don't play cute with her. First find out what kind of a personality she has -- slowly at that too. Don't rush things. You DON'T want her to freak out and cop you for sexual harassment.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
jayneumann, it sounds to me like boogalooboy has a job, not a career. She also doesn't control his paycheck - she's just a supervisor and they don't even work in the same department. There's nothing wrong with trying to pick up girls from a job you're not going to have 5 years from now. Not only that, but she initiated some flirting with him; "no fair, there's no guys in my department."

boogalooboy, treat her like any other woman. Build rapport with some fluff talk, while trying to work in some of the basics you learn on this site. Invite her to get some coffee after work, then you should know the rest. Don't bother with the phone number until after you go on a date. Don't worry about trying to find out her relationship status (usually they lie about it anyway).

Something to watch out for: she sounds like an attention wh0re. Don't get sucked into a position as one of her doormats, because these kind of women keep collections of them. After you've built rapport and ask her to coffee, if she says no or gives an excuse, IGNORE HER. This attracts attention wh0res like flys to a bug zapper, and at the same time you'll stop wasting time with her.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
my advice is to get to know her a bit, and most importantly exhibit that you have grander ambitions than working at the store. don't trash your job, just talk about where you're going in the future.

you need her to think - sure, im his boss TODAY, but in 5 years from now this guys going to be DA MAN.

do crap like read the paper and talk about business and world news items. and not to impress her, act like you care about that stuff.

you basically want to make yourself the prize. which is a little hard if you have a standard department store job, but by no means impossible.

your other option is to start complimenting her on how she looks, then start flirting with other girls where she can see you. let her know that you want her (with your compliments) but then show her that as the prize you've got your pick of women that you can bless with your attention.

once you get either of those techniques working and getting her to show interest in you, its then critical to take the relationship OUTSIDE of the workplace.

this will recontextualize how she sees you, while also leveling the playing fielf in terms of control.

take her to a sporting event or something that doens't imply "date". get a few beers into her, then work her to spill that she likes you.

once a woman admits that she likes you verbally, whether sober or drunk, its over. you now hold all the cards.



Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
The city that sleeps. Sometimes.
don't **** where you eat
don't **** where you eat
don't **** where you eat
don't **** where you eat
don't **** where you eat

now repeat it over and over and over again until you get it.

leave the DJ stuff for when you're not working.

hooking up with people at work, or people that you have to work with/study with/spend time with regardless = dumb.


Don Juan
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
@Egoist - That's a load crap. I work in a Government job and I know a LOT of people who are married and work in the same company - not in the same department.

Your comments are dumb. Who cares what the situation is? If you like someone, you should go for it, regardless of what other people think.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
The city that sleeps. Sometimes.
Originally posted by Magnatolia
@Egoist - That's a load crap. I work in a Government job and I know a LOT of people who are married and work in the same company - not in the same department.

Your comments are dumb. Who cares what the situation is? If you like someone, you should go for it, regardless of what other people think.
-you're 19
-you work a government job
-you think marriage = sign of success in relationships.

im not even going to bother.

p.s. have i ****ed my share of sluts in the backroom when i was your age? yes. has it helped me? no.