Holy sh!t this thread is a bit of a raging rampant beastie. I haven't had time to post for a few days cuz I've been too busy eating my cake. Thank GOD there's a sensible pair of boobies
(.)(.) on here to defend myself and Clare against the deluded ramblings of La Femme du AFC.
ShortyBrown.... where do I start? You confuse the hell out of me.
HOW am I stepping over someone else? I nearly choked on my chocolate cake at some of the things you've been saying here. So Clare is a slvtty psychotic liar with no self worth? This is based on WHAT? That she enjoys sex with me?

Wake up!
Tesuque explains the phenomena succinctly (once more, thanks again buddy). "
Pretend they know what you are about, because they probably have an idea. They wouldn't be involved with you if they didn't have a sense about it and were--to a certain extent--Ok with it." We
did have sex before any mention of a relationship. If she wasn't prepared to enjoy the lust without the committment, ,she
wouldn't have done it. And now,
given the choice once more, she chooses the sex without comittment. If I didn't satisfy her I don't think she'd put up with this setup for long (if at all).
I have formed meaningful (and sexual) relationships with girls before without any kind of monogamy. I am doing it again with Clare and Jen, and possibly Laura too. So girls are programmed by society (and probably to a
lesser extent instinct) to "ensnare" a guy into a relationship but it doesn't mean they can't enjoy the sex without the monogamy. I
flatly reject your suggestion that the only way to live my life (in a state of perpetual dissatisfaction with one partner) is by jumping from one ONS to the next.
Clare and I spent last night as a couple. Tomorrow Jen and I will spend the night as a couple. They both know (A)They can't have me as a BF. and (B)I'll make them scream with pleasure. On Thursday it's Laura's turn to learn the benefits (hopefully). These girls HAVE A CHOICE. If they really want a monogamous relationship they can look elsewhere. If they want all the perks (phonecalls, sex and quality time) without the ties then they need look no further. I think monogamy is selfish anyway. Wanting someone all to yourself... pah!
Anyways rant over. You probably think less of me now. Who cares, you've obviously let yourself get too attached to some jerk and get hurt. And now you're here trying to learn the tricks of the trade lest someone like me comes along and breaks your fragile little heart all over again

Poor iccle Brown.
Thanks again for defending us
(.)(.), ,I agree with every word you said, as usual.
Bubu you can come eat some of
my cake so long as you don't mind me sharing it with other girls