Most of the time I would agree with you. This is just one of those exceptions that I am willing to make because this isn't a tyical situation.Written by STR8UP
Let me ask you man to man what is soo special about this woman? Why after all this time would you decide to drop everything to spend two hours with her over dinner? Is she the girl that gives you butterflies when you see her or a picture of her because she was the "one that got away"?
Why is she trying to come back into your life after all this time? I want to tell you something..Ninety percent of the things people do thy do it for their own benefit.
She not thinking of you whatever the reason, more than likely. Here’s a scenario..maybe she’s not happy with the way things turned out and she “misses you”. LOL. ( This means hey I made a bad descision in thinking He was the better choice only find out the grass is greener. So what if I have given his offspring continued survival…”Nice and genuine” STR8UP will take me back cause he wuvs me..)
I agree with Latinoman.
Sometimes it’s not worth going back because sometimes it doesn’t change anything. She’s married. You may have feelings. It’s a mess waiting to happen.
Remember the movie CAST AWAY…
Tom Hanks knew..their time had come and gone. It kept him alive but the moment he got off that plane…it ended. Symbolically though, the crossroad he came to where he met the female recipient of the package he kept was truly the reason he was destined to be back. In a sense I think closing a old book or door and opening a new one.
I beg you..reconsider don’t go. Invite them both instead. Or if you go, go with an open mind not a open heart.
When she breaks you up, I will laugh. Not because I'm petty but I did this before and nothing came out of it but more pain and disappointment. I'm trying to save you from feeling that comes with being played.
Best wishes.
- AA