Soapz said:
but they certainly don't have to be a pain in the arse! Why on earth would you want a girl in the first place if they were?
to fvck. biological imperative. if marriage didn't involve sex, honestly, who in the world would get married? who in the world would bother to date? heck, if i didn't want to fvck so bad, i could concentrate on important things like getting a ps3 for fvck's sake!
for me, if it came down to it, if i could just fvck hot chicks whenever i needed, i wouldn't actually need their companionship. i've got friends and pets for other things. where the rubber meets the road, i'll deal with it so i can fvck.
i guess i'd like someone to be more to me. but i'm very much questioning the degree of intimacy there actually can be between a man and woman before each is repulsed. it is the dream of the afc that the girl friend or wife becomes also the best friends. but honestly, i don't think that there can even exist that much self disclosure. it's about putting up strategic, LOAD BEARING WALLS!
and that's the honest truth of it for me i think.
p.s.1 what i mean about pain in the a$$ - reality of it is that people are fvcked up. everybody. in a more g-rated way, people are flawed. and not just in the sense that we say that and accept it as true on some philosophical level - i mean it in a very REAL, EVERYDAY, kind of way. we really are. and to the extent that we have some relationships that are ok, it means that the necessary load bearing walls are in place. if we all saw each other's psyches naked and raw without the makeup, we'd all run screaming from each other at full clip.
p.s.2 do a search here for "nightline" or "nbc"... i talk about something i saw on tv and it is an even ROSIER view of relationships if you can believe it.