post 19, I already gave you advice, and even though you responded as if you got what I was saying, you come back here with THIS even more-so pussified thread???
You are a stupid inexperienced person, and you are going to deserve all of the heartbreak you are going to get.
Here is the post again for you, you inexperienced little child you:
thewarrior - are you ready for 100% brutal truth? I hope you take this seriously, because what I am about to say is guaranteed to be the TRUTH, and the WHOLE TRUTH about YOU, and guys LIKE YOU:
First of all, I know exactly who you are, thewarrior - you are just like every other guy who lucked out on a hot piece of azz, and because you felt like you didn't have enough game to consistently pick up quality chicks, you automatically, by AFC-logic, created a relationship OUT OF THIN AIR. As a result, now you are actually making THE RELATIONSHIP more important than if THE RELATIONSHIP is a play that you are casting, all the tickets are sold, the main roles have been taken, and this play MUST happen, no matter what, THE RELATIONSHIP is something that you and your AFC mindset created out of thin air and made it sound important, so you can feel important.
The bottom line about relationships is, they are 100% GUARANTEED TO FAIL every time that you jump into one with the first chick who shows you high enough interest............the only way a relationship can possibly ever work, is if you were banging tons and tons of girls, and eventually you found one that made you forget about the rest in every way possible - THEN you have a chance.................find the girl first, THEN call it a relationship. This "play" that you are casting, THE RELATIONSHIP, you can have that with any chick, and the end result will always be the same - the play has a beginning and an end.
Now, I have already explained to you why you should not dare to have another relationship until you experience tons and tons of girls, let me explain to you why YOUR relationship is even worse than you think - NO ONE, NOT ANYONE, EVER TELLS THE TRUTH IN A LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP.......she IS cheating, you SHOULD cheat.....mums the word and nobody finds out anything. Otherwise, a long distance relationship is basically another way of being a born-again virgin for a fixed period of time.
I know that you don't have any women interested in you, because you are SO STUCK ON YOUR I want you to start improving yourself, start trying to get girls, and after you get a couple of them to hook up, and you start feeling better about yourself when it comes to being good with the ladies, you email your gf and DUMP her. Play over, the end.