As I’ve gone on several first coffee dates these past few weeks, I’ve noticed something. After the initial chitchat and the introductions etc are done, I find little reasons/desire to want to talk to these women/hang out with them again (unless they’re super hot). Is it a thing of getting older (36 atm)? It’s pretty hard to find someone that would share my interests, and as a result, I just seem less interested in them (except, again, if they’re super hot). As a result, I think they sense that and they don’t initiate texts from their side either.
Character is built from being forged on the fire. Western women have about 1000 social constructs telling them how great they are for existing & they get irresponsibility funded. This is something you will have to accept.
I noticed the last 10 women I got out (bare in mind thats a land mine in itself) would fail a simple quiz about me or my daughter 3 dates in,
I would know war and peace about them.
I have adapted to this now, and I'm learning to qualify hard,
so it destroys their ego and deems you higher value. Suddenly you will see her chase your validation and develop a slight personality for 3 hours, till you validate her again.
Her: (drinking)
Me: Do you enjoy drinking with friends?
Her : Occassionally......(knowing shes got alcoholism like the rest)
Me: Its good socialising I'm a big believer in it. Isolating certainly isnt helping people in recent times.
Her: oh yes goes on to mould to my beliefs blah blah blah
Me: I think its when drinking starts to enter the week problems starts, its much more attractive if people have passions and hobbies, tell me your passions & hobbies
Her : then proceeds to qualify and rationalise that shes not got alcoholism & suddenly has interests.
you see the last statement checkmates her, because no woman wants to be known as an alcoholic, it strikes fear to the pits of their heart. And 1 of 2 things will happen, she will leave you or stick around
either scenario now suits you.