Yeah, I hear what you are saying
Just a couple of misnomas. In Australia prostitutes who are legal are far less likely to have a disease than a girl you pick up in a bar because they are tested fortnightly and must use protection. She doesn't have a disease.
Also, in Australia pimps are illegal, not prostitutes, so we don't actually have a huge pimp problem. In other words, she didn't have a pimp.
As for me, look I am happy to have the other Australian guy give me a call and meet with him. My problem isn't looks, my problem however probably is that AFC thing. I am 6'1", 90kg, muscular, green eyes, blonde hair. ****, ALL my wifes friends say she married a "hunk". My problem is that I am an emotional wreck, I think I have too many female genes...I can empathize too easily with them.
Anyway, I also DO listen and I can see where you are coming from. Truth is, of course she would have sex with me, we already have the pathway is there and of course I could knock the boyfriend over and take her. What you are saying is - Even if I do this and was successful, I would turn her into a NON sex machine because the reality is that the problem lies with ME!
I can see that and I appreciate your honesty, as confronting as it was. It has been a wake up call to be honest.
Just a couple of misnomas. In Australia prostitutes who are legal are far less likely to have a disease than a girl you pick up in a bar because they are tested fortnightly and must use protection. She doesn't have a disease.
Also, in Australia pimps are illegal, not prostitutes, so we don't actually have a huge pimp problem. In other words, she didn't have a pimp.
As for me, look I am happy to have the other Australian guy give me a call and meet with him. My problem isn't looks, my problem however probably is that AFC thing. I am 6'1", 90kg, muscular, green eyes, blonde hair. ****, ALL my wifes friends say she married a "hunk". My problem is that I am an emotional wreck, I think I have too many female genes...I can empathize too easily with them.
Anyway, I also DO listen and I can see where you are coming from. Truth is, of course she would have sex with me, we already have the pathway is there and of course I could knock the boyfriend over and take her. What you are saying is - Even if I do this and was successful, I would turn her into a NON sex machine because the reality is that the problem lies with ME!
I can see that and I appreciate your honesty, as confronting as it was. It has been a wake up call to be honest.