Break ups are tough. No doubt about it. In today's world it's very difficult to find a woman that seems to check all the boxes and things also seem to move along very smoothly and naturally.
I stopped a 3 girl rotation when I started dating Sarah. Great convo. Excellent dates. Great sex. She had super high interest. She was planning things a month out. Invited me to go on a 3 day pre Christmas trip with her extended family.
A week ago her
texting was a little off. Spent all day at a college football game Saturday. Things were great. I could go into Sarah's past marriage/relationships but for the sake of time, I'll just say that they weren't good. So here comes Glassguy and she falls head over heels. Until yesterday. Today we had the conversation of her telling me that she doesn't feel ready for a relationship (been seeing each other for 6weeks). About the time that things seem to hit a rough patch. Now I'm very close friends with a guy who is one of her in laws. I have no suspicion of another man in the picture.
SoSuave posters preach "block her", "cut her off from your life".......I didn't. I know what's going on in her head. Pressure. It built up and she freaked out. So we agreed to stop things. I followed up with a very nice text message and she did the same.
She got a little tiffed when I mentioned getting my extra bottle of Versace cologne back that she took a while back so she could smell it when away from me. I told her to keep it in case she needed a reminder later . Me getting the cologne back meant finality. I'd rather keep the door open and she seemed to like that better than me getting it back.
Talking to
@BeExcellent earlier, she pointed out a very good point- when a woman leaves with ALL positives and no negatives, they typically start questioning their decision to end things. They think about all the good dates. The good sex. The closeness. They miss it.
How will Sarah respond? Time will tell. She will definitely feel the void of the loss of my text messages, phone calls and dates. If that's all she misses she probably won't reach back out. But if she misses ME, she will.
I say this because I didn't purge her off my fb friends list. I didn't get all mad at her during our conversation. I simply AGREED with her by telling her that I didn't want to continue if she was unsure.
Unless a woman does something disrespectful that does deserve instant dismissal, just hold off. Be mature about the situation. Let things be. Sometimes relationships are like a boomerang. You have to agree to send it away just to see if it comes back.
But.....won't reach out. That's her job at this point. But I left the door open because I care about her and in a lot of ways I understand her situation. It doesn't mean that I agree with it, but I understand to a point how women think about things and process things.
It's not a one size fits all approach. It's a situational decision. But it stings a little when you sift through enough trash in the dating world to find someone worth investing in.
Patience is something I struggle with on occasion. I see something I want and I go after it. I've always been that way.
But if you're in a non disrespectful breakup, sit tight. Just agree, communicate the fun you've had together and then go quiet. Don't do anything rash or rush to conclusions, as easy as it can be to do.
Happy Hunting