Body parts on guys women most admire, Arms, Broad shoulders, bt and all time fav abs, Legs and calves are on but somwhat lower. From my observation and personal experience, they would if they had a choice pick a guys with these attributes over one whos fat out of shape or average, like has been said already chicks want a guys with somthingf evryu other guy dosn't, and not evry guy has 18 inch arms a six pack and buns of steel, besides where do you think the names of these things like six pack came up, theuy made them just like we make jugs and tits and whatever, it shows there appriciation of them. But slightly above that tho is attitude and personality and if a guy dosn't have it in those areas then it would be a bigh turn of for a lady, no matter how hot he is, society and their parents have trained them that way. But from my experience going from a fat kid to a buf 210lbs, 10% BF, with 16 inch arms and a 34 inch waist, it will get you atention but only so far, you'd still have to work to get the chick you realy want, and do you really want a girl thats just after you for your phisique alone, think not. These are some things u need to consider, but chicks just appriciate it that you don't het too big or huskey and overdo it, and look like the next Ronnie coleman or somthing.