@BadBoy89 @The Duke @Dr.Suave
From my observations, the guys that are most sexually active and/or with the highest notches tend to not have very high standards. There is this misconception in the red pill community that guys who are having a lot of sex are getting it from attractive/cute or even hot women left and right. I think they have this image in their head where a "player" is sleeping around like a Leonardo DiCaprio or something along those lines lol.
The reality is that highly sexually active men are typically not very selective with who they are fooling around with, maybe even not selective at all. There is a guy I know that was going to a big party university that had a ridiculous amount of partners lol. He was moderately fit, over 6' tall and had a handsome face but wasn't like this demi god that the black pillers imagine. Anyway, even after he graduated he was casually dating and having sex with women that I'd rank somewhere along the average spectrum to slightly cute. However, there were definitely a good number of women that I would honestly rank as below average or even downright very unattractive lol. From my observations with his interactions and based on what he told me, these were the types of women he had to put the least amount of effort in to have sex lol.
IF a guy has not had sex in a long time and he needs to break the rut, dropping down several notches below your league is a good way to do it. I think the problem with a lot of guys that are not sexually active at all, and wanting it, is due to a variety of variables.
I think for some men they legitimately are unattractive and struggle to land even a number, let alone a date or sex lol. There could be a broad range of reasons for this, some of which may not even have anything to do with the guy himself. This could be a guy located in a dating market he just cannot compete in, which is a very real thing.
I think for other men it's this idea of holding out for an ideal woman, and one that ultimately just never comes along. I don't think this is so much about being too picky but where they are rejecting opportunities with women that they should be more open to pursuing. I think this is much more common of an issue for women than men.
I think the major issue though is that men are just not finding what it is they are looking for, or perhaps being rejected by it, and naturally are frustrated, celibate, etc. There's nothing wrong with having standards in my opinion. I haven't had a date in years but had tons of terrible experiences in the dating market. A guy that is 6'4", fit and respectable should be able to land a cute woman of a normal/healthy weight that does not have a kid and has no issues with drugs or alcohol. Outside of this, it's just basic personal compatibility, having some shared interests, etc. I don't think that's too much to ask for and I'd wager that the majority of single men that are not getting the results they want probably have similar things they look for.
Overall, the dating market is trash and far more difficult than what you would have seen in the past. Sexlessness is incredibly common and has been a slowly increasing trend for years now, with no real signs of slowing down either. Expect this to continue for years to come and do not be surprised to see AI gfs or people throwing themselves into the metaverse/virtual reality.