Rphobe said:
Yeah but the problem is without a woman in your life you have less drive and motivation for you career, anyone who says they don't is kidding themselves.
Lastly we don't all luck out or are gifted with ability to make lots of money.
This sort of thinking will get YOU nowhere in life.
Your motivation should not be a woman, your motivation should be your advantage.
Training = to be healthy
Carreer = to have money
Business = to be your own boss & work your own hours
Money = to get a better lifestyle: health, home, travelling, education, ...
Women is the byproduct of all of this, not the motivation.
You do not need luck to make money, you need motivation. If you do not have the ability to make money, well that should be your first goal: get the ability, get the knowledge.
I for myself am 25years old. The way I look at it, things will only get better the next 10years: carreer, business, investments, getting my own place, travelling, personal improvement through self-study, training, health,...
Nobody gave me money, nobody helped me in anything at all. I will get it, because
I want it for
myself : not for status, not for fame, not to please other people, not for women, but for myself. Freedom is the most important thing for a Man, I'm already free as a bachelor, I can achieve even more freedom by achieving the goals I have set.