HoneyHitter said:
InvisibleMan, what could be called your greatest success in life up to this date? However modest it may be, ask yourself: Why did I succeed?
I really doubt anyone could ever achieve anything without using a constructive approach, whether conscious or subconscious.
Okay, grab your diary and make notes of the lessons you have learned.
With thanks to HB Hairdresser.
I'm never giving her any thanks for anything.
Probably some of my most successful accomplishments were:
1) Recovering from alcohol abuse. Through my early to mid 20's I used to drink to relieve the pain of all this sh!t. And it became a nightly thing and I eventually failed out of college becasue of it. I quit on my own and haven't had a drink in 6 years now. And believe me, the old urges come rushng right back in after a night like last night....
2) Going back to college and finishing with a degree.
3) Losing nearly 50 pounds and now getting my body in really good athletic shape. I'm pretty ripped now and it hasn't been easy.
But nothing in my life. NOTHING - Finding a decent job, losing weight, finishing college, quitting drinking, finding good jobs, having the guts to be self employed and be my own boss - NOTHING has been even NEARLY as difficult as this problem with attracting women.
When I accomplished other stuff in the past, there were obtainable results. Eat less - weight comes off. Work out and eat protein - muscles get bigger. Stop drinking - life gets better. Study - get better grades.
Be confident, do your own thing, put yourself out there, take care of yourself, and read sosuave.com stuff - get girls. It's not happening.
HoneyHitter said:
Lesson 1:
Always KNOW where you're going, especially if you need to pay or make an appointment to get there.
Find out about the place by calling and asking for specific details. In other words: find out more than just the address. How to dress, what to expect, when it's crowded, if there's a restaurant. You could have been prepared to deal with this situation if you had simply asked "do people find partners on the spot, or should everyone bring their own partner". Be creative, imagine what could go wrong and what you would do in case it actually happened.
If you really don't like it somewhere, act like the man you are and get the **** out as soon as possible!
I DID know about this place beforehand, honeyhitter. I used to go there with this woman to dance when I was in my drinking days (it was strictly plutonic, believe me - this woman was like the wicked witch of the west, and I only did it because she was from another country and I wanted to help her get out). And I knew what it was like. There were women there without partners (not any good-looking ones) but I really didn't want to dance with 50+ year old women, and the younger ones were not interested in dancing with me. This place hasn't changed much in 8 or 9 years, but now I realize I won't be going back there - it's more for a country crowd, and I'm not country. I don't feel comfortable going alone to other nighclubs because I'm older than everyone there and I going alone WILL NOT work for me. I'll come across as a creep. But I thought this would be the place to go for me because I thought I could easily find someone decent to dance with and there is an older crowd there, since I'm different now, right? I thought wrong. I forgot for a minute that I was the Invisible Man.
HoneyHitter said:
I know this stuff hurts when you're in the AFC phase... IT SHOULDN'T!
Who cares! Those people didn't go there to see you, your not disappointing anyone. If they eventually asked why you didn't come with a partner you could have just said "hey, I thought people came here to get lessons. Nobody said this whole prom-thingie would be going on? I can't even dance!*smile*", that's it. No big deal.
It is a big deal to me because it never fails to happen. IT NEVER FAILS. It's like there is some sort of invisible FORCE out there, an unstoppable JUGGERNAUT that is preventing me from attaining this goal. All I want is a fvcking DATE! I feel like a mosquito trying to stop a steamroller. I feel completely alientated and ostacized completely from society.
HoneyHitter said:
Lesson 2:
Whatever you do, do it for your own benefit
This is the main problem. You should have really went there to learn how to dance or have fun if you already could! Not to impress your HB!
If you're going to the movies, go the movie YOU like. If your going to a club, go to a club YOU think is interesting. Lead, lead, lead the way. If she doesn't like it, too bad for her. At least YOU got what you wanted anyway. This is the only attitude that attracts hot chicks.
I did go to learn to dance and reinforced the belief that I hated every minute of it just like I did 8 or 9 years ago with the Wicked Witch of the West. I thought as long as I'm going anyway, I'd ask this cvnt hardresser b!tch to go with me. Why not, right? I thought things might be different now that I'm more outgoing. Wrong again.
And guys do things they don't want to do all the time to meet women. That is one problem. All the things I enjoy doing are solitary activities. I figured I'm not going to meet anyone sitting here on my ass, so I went out and DID stuff. It's not working. It's making me feel even more ALONE, ALIENATED and MISERABLE. That's why I don't want to do any of this stuff anymore. It's beginning to make me physically sick.
HoneyHitter said:
Can you remember the last time you enjoyed yourself?
I haven't enjoyed anything in a long, long time. Maybe when I was a kid. The best I hope for is complete emptiness and stifling of all feelings and emotions. That's what I had done for the past 6 years (after I got sober). Trying this stuff just makes me feel ill, sick and despairing. It has opened an old wound that has never healed. I won't go back to drinking, but I can't stand feeling this way anymore.
- IM