The teacher who wanted to help him by tutoruing him privetely said he was so strange she asked the school to kick him out. She would try to talk to him and he would never answer or simply use 1 word. then he would take out his camera and take pictures of her even when she asked him not to.
people who try to blame everyone else for this guy's behavior are wrong. This is not a case of bullying but dellusion.There was a guy in my HS just like this guy. Everyone tried to treat him good and talk to him,but he would never answer back. Thing is he was really smart and did well in school, but real freaky!!!. Even his sister who was 2 grades lower had trouble getting him to say anything to her. You could tell his behavior made her feel awkward around her friends.The school recommended counseling, but as far as I know the parents refused. I don't know whatever happened to that kid, but nothing he would do would suprise me. He was just creepy.
people who try to blame everyone else for this guy's behavior are wrong. This is not a case of bullying but dellusion.There was a guy in my HS just like this guy. Everyone tried to treat him good and talk to him,but he would never answer back. Thing is he was really smart and did well in school, but real freaky!!!. Even his sister who was 2 grades lower had trouble getting him to say anything to her. You could tell his behavior made her feel awkward around her friends.The school recommended counseling, but as far as I know the parents refused. I don't know whatever happened to that kid, but nothing he would do would suprise me. He was just creepy.