Grocery store pickup


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2022
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Roosh was more of a proponent of indirect game vs. direct game.
Gotcha. I'm not familiar with dude, but that tells me all I need to know.

There have probably been threads on indirect vs. direct, so I don't want to turn this thread into indirect vs. direct.
I plan to make one myself, because our POV of indirect vs direct sets the stage for everything we do in our dating lives.

In a grocery store, one argument for indirect would be plausible deniability. Doing direct game in a grocery store might annoy a store manager and possibly on premise private security.
Sure, it can.

But that is one of the worse case scenarios and need not be a consideration.

The biggest thing that could draw attention to a grocery store approacher is staying in the store too long. The longest I would recommend staying in any grocery store if doing approaches in it is one hour.
One hour?

I would say 10-15 minutes...but I'm not against a guy in there for an hour doing his thang.

In fact, some Walmarts have so many potentials that I can see myself staying in there for a good hour.

The problem with staying so long is, you run the risk of Woman A seeing you talking to Woman B.

This creates a very awkward situation, and I think I've ruined at least two chances because of a woman that I'd just gotten her phone number, she saw me talking to another woman.

Cringy situation.

Also, buy stuff in the grocery store. A grocery store is not a mall store. In a mall store, you can get away with going into a store and not purchasing something. That's not possible with a grocery store.
That's why I just go in, scope out the situation, and leave.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Need to be super careful in Grocery stores theres almost always a BF wondering around somewhere

Few occasions I've thought about approaching in them and within 5mins a BF appears with a trolley lol
Frankly, that never happened to me, but most of the time if the woman is pushing the trolley, chances are she's not with her BF. And even if she is with her BF or husband, you can still use your attempt for social proof.

Not to mention that I comforted quite a few ladies at the end of their LTR to some idiot BF...