Got the "Hold my Purse" test yesterday


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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( . )( . ) said:
I'll even insert her tampon if she's busy taking selfies or uploading pictures of the yummy pumpkin muffin she had for lunch to show off to her fellow facebook foodies.
That's how me and Miss Titz celebrate the fall! She tells me my condoms taste like pumpkin spice. Although that's only when I don't rail her in the pooper first of course.

She likes the feelz.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
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Nice name. KaylanLoveShack
Sep 23, 2014
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( . )( . ) said:
Just saying if you're attempting to troll do it legit. Your humour should speak for itself, don't force it. PM me again and I'll give you some tips.

Speaking of annoyed, should we go through every account you've made dedicated to yours truly? Someones annoyed alright..... and dare I say it ,maybe a bit tingly?
(.)(.) You're so petite, delicate and bruise easily. :flowers:

Not only am I disgusted and ashamed of you all. But on the other hand I’m so amused by the filth and mental midgetry that you all bring here and so badly want to be a part of it. I think I'll stick around. :yes:

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
KaylanLoveShack said:
Not only am I disgusted and ashamed of you all. But on the other hand I’m so amused by the filth and mental midgetry that you all bring here and so badly want to be a part of it. I think I'll stick around. :yes:
And Voila !! This weeks flip out. It's getting even easier to coax the real FEELZ out of you.(3 replies) :rockon:

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Jaylan said:
OP, its not just noobies and youngins in here disagreeing with you. You have an even older gent too saying its no big deal to hold a purse for a second.

Why are you so defensive about other's opinions on this matter? And to the point of being condescending and making veiled insults at those who disagree? Come on bro, you're better than that.

Like a couple others said, Im surprised that an older mature gent actually puts so much thought into this kinda crap. Id expect such a thread from a kid in his teens or a dude in his 20s...but older than that and I expect a man to just do his thing.

You should have been able to handle this without spinning his own hamster or needing to create a thread to make long posts explaining yourself.
Your first statement is correct. They expressed a differing opinion in an adult, controlled way, unlike the youngsters who tend to jump into threads with emotionally charged diatribes.

It is those who are FACTUALLY unable to understand the original intent of the post, similar to trying to expect a child to understand physics. They cannot due to their level of development. Their level of development is conveyed by the angry, emotional posts they deliver. Therefore my statement is entirely factual with no intent whatsoever to insult. Factually they cannot understand.

I will say that I don't put much thought into "crap" as a rule, and the situation was handled by me very nicely and to my and her satisfaction. Everybody's happy except for a few guys here in this thread, oddly enough. I'm certain that without the aggressive kids and a couple others who tend to insert themselves into threads just to stir up controversy, this thread would have taken a very different tone, as evidenced by the maturely articulated men who disagree and the ones who agree.

You guys who PMd your support might consider actually partaking in this thread as some of your points were excellent.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
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Check ur chicks before they check you. Bottom line. We all have our lines we dont cross.

OP illustrated with his example and then everyone took it super literally.

I will say this...if i let my girl buy dessert at a restaurant once or twice, she will expect it the next times. Since she cant control herself, i must step have to sometimes.

If i had a little kid, i could hold its backpack while its tying its shoelace, but that doesnt teach it anything and it becomes a tiny burden for me.

I would respect a woman more if she didnt need me to hold her purse.

Which girl would you want?

A hold my purse girl, or an i can tie my jacket around my waste all by myself and i dont need you to hold my purse?


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2013
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i can understand where you are coming from, AtomSmasher. in this matter i see it differently, maybe because i never had any negative experience with this.
in my case, i hold her purse, she holds my backpack, i never make a big deal about it. of course when my boundaries are being disrespected, i step up. i've had women apologizing that they made me hold her purses, and that they appreciate this.
also my sexuality isn't threatened by holding female purses. but i am open to understand all the fuss behind this. maybe i learn something from it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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CrimsonPanther said:
i can understand where you are coming from, AtomSmasher. in this matter i see it differently, maybe because i never had any negative experience with this.
in my case, i hold her purse, she holds my backpack, i never make a big deal about it.
I don't think it is a big deal. In Smasher's case, I think he just took the opportunity to make a point with his girlfriend. Just like you can take an opportunity to make a C&F statement. You don't HAVE to make the C&F statement, you could just as well make normal conversation. Neither choice is necessarily wrong.

The only way holding the purse is a big deal is if it a pattern of behavior where she tells you to jump, and you ask how high?


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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and its funny not i'm thinking I don't remember ever holding a girls bag, normally they would put in on a table or on the floor.

I also had a moment with it could be the same thing,

I was out with a girl well, TLDR, we was leaving she told me if I could take my car and park close to the place so she could not walk till where I parked when we arrive. I simple said "nope".


her: you could be a gentleman and do it
me: but i'm not a gentleman im more like a Horse and I do like to do my kicks.

quick explaining: in my language gentleman= cavalheiro, is close to knight=cavaleiro, so I make the horse joke because I normally 'im blunt and truthfull but I make it always look like a joke.

so in the end she walked with me till my car and we was laughting and having fun.

I think that is the idea of atomsmash, don't do things you find unconfortable or you don't like just to make her like you. i'm sure if I caved I would always had to do that, and if I didn't then it would be foul mood all around.


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2014
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You know I don't think it's really a matter of game or passing her tests, it should be about doing what you want to do. If you don't want to hold her purse why should you? If you want to help her out why not? In the end isn't it all about putting yourself first and letting her rationalize your behavior in any kind of way she chooses to and being able to walk away no matter the circumstances. The knock I have on game and really any self help advice is when it comes to trying to negotiate desire. If you have a goal to attract more women into your life sure it's not a bad thing to learn game but at the same time just because you decide to hold frame and do something because it will make her like you more is dumb and is actually more buying into her frame than the other way around. The objective should be to be more attractive to women as a whole and as a goal because you want to not because it will make a girl your into like you more than she already does. One of them is dependent on others while the other is self made and dependent on nobody else but yourself. Where your living your life on your own terms and having your own boundaries and expectations in life.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
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I wouldn't ever hold my wifes purse. She tried to make me hold it several times and I did exactly what Atom Smasher did. As soon as you hold that purse, someone will take a picture. Before you know it, there you are on facebook holding a damned purse and her and all her friends are laughing their asses off at you. No respect lost? You are crazy.

I tell the b!tch to put it on the ground and I will watch it.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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If there's no inanimate object to lay her purse on, then I'll lay it on the ground for her (because she's so stupid). If she says, "Don't do that! the floor is (nasty, disgusting, dirty, filthy whatever)" then I'll say, "Well, you shouldn't have given it to ME...(maybe insert "B!tch" here)"
Sep 24, 2014
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Oh brother...What's wrong with having your bf hold your purse for a sec? It's sweet and endearing when he's comfortable enough with his manhood to do us that favor. Girls aren't asking you that to embarrass you guys.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
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TndrQTMarissa96 said:
Oh brother...What's wrong with having your bf hold your purse for a sec? It's sweet and endearing when he's comfortable enough with his manhood to do us that favor. Girls aren't asking you that to embarrass you guys.
I don't need to explain it, I don't want to hold the damned thing. Put it on the floor.
Sep 24, 2014
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Married Buried said:
I don't need to explain it, I don't want to hold the damned thing. Put it on the floor.
Nice username jerk. I feel sorry for your wife putting up with an A-hole like you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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This thread is freaking hilarious.

Anyways, I think there are three different schools of thought here:

1) Who cares? I'm just holding something for her, helping her out, being a gentleman, while she quickly takes care of what she needs to do.

2) Fvck that noise, I'm not holding her purse, next thing you know she'll tell me that as long as I'm holding it, I might as well go ahead and stick my balls in there, right next to her tampons.

3) Yeah she's asking me to hold her purse, so now I have an opportunity to make a joke out of it, make her laugh, turn what could be a perceived emasculating moment into something funny, or even charming.

For you guys in the 1) category, you have to understand it's all situational, MEANING: It could be a spur of the moment thing, where she just really needs both her hands and arms free, the ground is nasty as $hit, and you're not in an area full of people as to where gawkers could point and laugh. However, this is a rare occasion. If a woman ever asks you to hold her purse in a public area, she his showing you disrespect. Either that or it is a test, and she may not even realize what she is doing. It is in her ingrained DNA to test you, this is true. Are you a MAN, or are you her b1tchBOY? This is not just something you are holding for her, for God's sake it's her purse, her tampon, makeup, and all things girly, carrier. The purse is a symbolic thing. Women know it, and guys should know it. If she respects you then she should put the purse down or find a table, or just do whatever the fvck she needs to do when her hands are free. She wants a MAN. There's a fine line between being a gentleMAN and being her b1tch BOY.

2) To each his own. That's not really me to OVERTLY say something like this. I would, if perhaps, she'd been annoying the $hit out of me all day and I just didn't have the mental energy at the time to deal with this as I normally would. Either that, or I'd just ignore her and pretend I didn't even hear her request, just turn my back and realize I was suddenly interested in what's behind that window in that store over there.

3) This is more me. The C&F responses in this thread were top notch. In a serious tone: "I can't hold your purse, it doesn't match my shoes." Either that or hold it but pretend like you're being forced to hold a dead skunk you found on the side of the road, or that you have some rare form of a purse phobia. Turn it into a little shtick: "Oh my God, I can't believe what I'm doing! Oh my God!" Then start moaning, all while you're hold the purse between two fingers, with your arm extended as far away from you as possible. Get her laughing, shaking her head, rolling her eyes. Then finally she'll just say "give me that!" and she'll stick it on the ground and finish her business. Lesson learned. The other ideas on this "method" were pretty good too. Just embarrass the $hit out of her: don't give it back, instead pretend that you like wearing her purse. Overdo it, run up to a mirror or a reflective window and start posing with it, checking how you look with it at different angles. Show her you really don't give a fvck.

I think the key here is to recognize the situation for what it is. It CAN be a no big deal thing, but those are rare occasions. And, like a few of you are saying, if this is a new girl, there is a very good chance that this would be a $hit test. More than likely she arranged an outcome where she would have an opportunity to ask you to hold her purse. She needs to figure out what kind of guy you are, what you'll put up with, what category she's going to put you in.

Act accordingly.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
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TndrQTMarissa96 said:
Oh brother...What's wrong with having your bf hold your purse for a sec? It's sweet and endearing when he's comfortable enough with his manhood to do us that favor. Girls aren't asking you that to embarrass you guys.
Because it looks cute when girls try to fumble with those darned things. They kinda look more endearing in my eyes. I wouldnt want to take that cute moment away from us.