someguy24 said:
So lemme see if i got this right
-First, I have to change the way I view myself
This means stop telling myself I am undesirable, only friend material, and that no attractive woman will be interested
Stop telling yourself these negative things,and also,the "only friend material" is EASILY fixable.
In fact,when you find out how easy it is to avoid being "the friend" you're going to feel down-right STUPID.
I could just tell you straight out how to avoid the "friends" thing RIGHT NOW,but you have some other MORE IMPORTANT things you need to focus on first.
someguy24 said:
From what you guys have been posting, a negative self perception gives off vibes that women can pick up on.
Women are emotional. So if you walk around all negative,bitter,and full of insecurity on the inside,it'll come across in what you say,how you say it,in the way you act and behave towards a girl.
The negative vibes and energy you give off will push women away.
In fact,in most cases,you won't even have to open your mouth and it'll ALREADY be over with.
She'll rule you out simply based on
HOW SHE FELT when she was with you.
someguy24 said:
-I have to change the way I view women
You need to understand what it is women are attracted to.
It's not being "nice",or sweet,or being a "good" person. They don't care anything about that.
The techincal definition of what attracts women is this....
"Women are attracted to men who radiate superior power",or to just put it plainly,women are attracted to men who are superior to them.
That's basically it in a nutshell. You have to be superior.
If she's strong,then you're stronger.
If she's rich,then you're richer.
If she's tall,then you be taller.
You have to be superior.
The thing is dont ACTUALLY have to be these things,you just have to act and carry yourself like you are.
That can be explained in greater detail later on.
someguy24 said:
-I have to embrace my masculine sexuality
This means I gotta stop being ashamed of having sexual desires and stop being afraid of showing them
Right,and this one ISN'T OPTIONAL.
You HAVE TO DO THIS. Again,this one is too much to get into at the moment,just know that there's simply no way around this one.
someguy24 said:
-I have to stop basing my worth on success with women
This means i gotta stop judging my worth based on how women perceive me.
Base your worth on the fact that you're a good and decent person,based on the fact the you simply exist,and there's ONLY ONE of you,and there'll
NEVER be another.
Base your worth on that,NOT on whether some chick you've known all of 2 seconds agrees to let you take her out.
someguy24 said:
-I must stop using excessive humor
As one of you guys said, there are different types of humor. One type makes you attractive to women and another simply makes you a clown.
Some humor is ok,just use it in moderation.
someguy24 said:
True,and again,in moderation.
someguy24 said:
-I must have strong body language
I tend to have closed body language that disrupts any kind of rapport. I have intimacy issues and connecting with others is scary to me.
Yeah,watch yourself to see if you walk with confidence,or if you mope around with your head hung down.
someguy24 said:
Did i miss anything?
I have one more question
If I am shy and anxious while interacting with women, should i just be honest and say I am a lil shy rather than try to hide it?
NO....and I mean NO to the 5th power.
Don't tell a girl your shy. You may get sympathy from her,but you WON'T GET attraction.
This is what I meant about how working on yourself will AUTOMATICALLY correct some of the problems you have interacting with girls.
Once you start to straighten out some of ways you see yourself,you'll start to become LESS SHY.
It's important that FIRST OF ALL,you correct how you view yourself.
Once you've start to do that,you'll need to give us some more info on HOW you approach a girl.
We'll need to examine it to see what in your game you need to change.
But like I said previously,you'll need to get how you view yourself fixed first before we tackle the way you approach girls.
If you don't do that first,then all the advice we give you on how and what to say to girls will be useless because the way you view yourself will screw everything up.