Got my ass in a LTR.

Mar 2, 2009
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magicarl - i didnt even see the 2nd half of your original post, thats why I didnt reply to bad, but what the hell is wrong with you? You just made a TON of idiotic assumptions about someone who's been in the game for a long time, and knows what he's talking about, so I suggest you leave the AFC anger to yourself. I have no idea how much more dumb you have to be after reading what you just assumed about me, you bitter bitter frustrated chump.

Keep in mind, I NEVER said to only go have one night stands, so using the skank from a club example is LAME and OUTDATED way of shaming my advice. Every loser and every feminist love to use the "oh well anyone can get a skank from a club" line - except 99% of AFC's CANT get that hottie skank from the club, but that is a whole other story.

My advice is to constantly date different women, and keep them all around, i do NOT recommend one night stands - what i DO recommend is seeing the same girls over and over, and having as much fun with all of them as possible, and you CAN throw in one night stands in the mix, just mix it up. Committing to ONE girl at the age of 18 is BEYOND LOSER behavior

If you don't believe me, just ask Tom Leykis or Player Supreme


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2008
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A place where dreams become reality

After 31 hrs of knowing Stacy, she gave me head.

Well, we made it clear to each other about being exclusive, and she told me actually she's not a virgin. She had 7 sex partners. I was a bit taken back at first, but well, it's the past.

I told her i didn't care sh*t about her past, and we're exclusive now. I said if she f*cks around, i f*ck around too. She didn't want me seeing and making out with other women, either.

Well i'm just having fun being in a relationship. I haven't had a decent relationship before, so i guess i have lots to learn and grow.

I'm going to her place on monday morning, so i'll update if that's the last sunrise my virginity lives to see.

I'm not feeling really emotionally attached, though. Everything happened too fast. I feel like someone's attached to me, rather.

Till' next time.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
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wow, she gave you head after almost 2 days. Dude, I've had chicks blow me within an hour or two of knowing them. And because she blew you your determined to get in a exclusive relationship with her. You shouldn't be having those thoughts for a couple of months.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2008
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I'm not going to make myself a hypocrite by using name-calling and insults. For more information consult your thread about the entire forum being pussified losers.

The Logical Player said:
I have no idea how much more dumb you have to be after reading what you just assumed about me, you bitter bitter frustrated chump.

Why would you for a second be sour that somebody made an assumption about you, when you yourself spend a large portion of your time on these forums making assumptions about other people?

A smidgen hypocritical there, aren't we?

Every loser and every feminist lover uses the "oh well anyone can get a skank from a club" line - except 99% of AFC's CAN'T get that hottie skank from the club. But that is a whole other story.

I can buy that 99% of total AFCs can't pull a club skank.

However, 99% of people with even a speck of game can pull a club skank.

This guy is already past the pick up stage -- that is, he has the ability to meet & pick up girls. The next stage in his development is to learn how to balance the girls' interest level. If he feels more comfortable doing this with one female then so be it. After he gathers some experience, he may feel compelled to add more plates in to his rotation.

This doesn't make your view on the subject necessarily wrong, however it does not make what the OP wants to do right now wrong either. Instead of attacking what he wanted to do, you could have extended advice on making a relationship work. That would have been far more constructive...
Mar 2, 2009
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magickarl said:
I'm not going to make myself a hypocrite by using name-calling and insults. For more information consult your thread about the entire forum being pussified losers.

you know, hottie club skanks are the most desired women that guys want to have a one night stand or a f*buddy relationship with, it really really is NOT that easy to pull one of them, because they always go for the super confident alpha guy, and that is NOT 99% of all guys haha

magickarl, I want you to look at the tone of the thread title - "got my ass in a ltr" - it almost sounds like he is in this relationship not because he wants to, but because it just happened for no reason, kind of like people get their ass in trouble. I am still wondering what is the POINT of having a serious relationship out of nowhere with some random girl that you only want to hook up with?


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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ItsTheAttitude said:

After 31 hrs of knowing Stacy, she gave me head.

Well, we made it clear to each other about being exclusive, and she told me actually she's not a virgin. She had 7 sex partners. I was a bit taken back at first, but well, it's the past.
Only 7 eh? Have you applied the formula? x3 and round it up. Remember that BJs don't count (among a whole lot of other things) so you can add a few to that for good measure.

I'm not feeling really emotionally attached, though. Everything happened too fast. I feel like someone's attached to me, rather.
This smells like a very bad thing.

"Foresights teach gently. Errors teach brutally." - the problem is that most people can't learn jack sh!t from foresights.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2008
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A place where dreams become reality
Kal0051 said:
wow, she gave you head after almost 2 days. Dude, I've had chicks blow me within an hour or two of knowing them. And because she blew you your determined to get in a exclusive relationship with her. You shouldn't be having those thoughts for a couple of months.
I'm in an asian country. I just want to try being in a relationship since she wants it so bad as well.

Jitterbug said:
Only 7 eh? Have you applied the formula? x3 and round it up. Remember that BJs don't count (among a whole lot of other things) so you can add a few to that for good measure.
She told me about it, said she made out countless times, gave a lot of BJs, but 7 people she had sex with.
Mar 2, 2009
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ItsTheAttitude said:
I'm in an asian country. I just want to try being in a relationship since she wants it so bad as well.

She told me about it, said she made out countless times, gave a lot of BJs, but 7 people she had sex with.

shes a fun sexual hoe, why are you taking her seriously instead of just having fun with her and not committing your balls away for no reason?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2008
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A place where dreams become reality
It's tough for her to be a f*ck buddy, coz' she's already attracted to me, emotionally. In other words, she wouldn't allow for a f*ck buddy status between us, she's in love with me. I wanted to just hang around, and continue with indirect answers to her asking if she's my girlfriend yet.

It's just a matter of status to me.

I'm not emotionally attracted, she is. I get to screw her, we have fun, i got nothing much to lose. I admit i want her to be screwed by me only, though. She said i cannot screw anyone else, only her. I replied, "Uhhh.. can i not screw you?"

I may be going to her place on Monday, not sure yet. We'll see.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
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ItsTheAttitude said:
She told me about it, said she made out countless times, gave a lot of BJs, but 7 people she had sex with.
I'm assuming she is around your age. For an 18 year old girl, that's a lot of sex.

If she cheats on you, ever, ditch her straight away.

If your virginity happens to go missing on Monday, wear a condom. No matter what she says.

And finally: Enjoy yourself :)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2008
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A place where dreams become reality

I was like "What the f*ck" when she admitted it to me, after the "I'm a virgin" bullcrap.

Of course, if she cheats, i'll just end it and maybe continue as a f*ck buddy and do my thing like a DJ.

I'll wear a condom for now.

Is there any way i can check her out for signs of STDs, without her going to the doctor?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2008
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The Logical Player said:
and that is NOT 99% of all guys haha
I didn't say 99% of all guys, did I? I am starting to notice a trend where you have immense trouble reading. At least, trouble reading anything except what you want to see.

Once again, I note how you disregard the second part of my post, and go on with what you think you can argue with.

I said 99% of all guys with a speck of game.

Club skanks are called club skanks for a reason. That reason is because they are skanks. These girls generally go there with the intent of meeting up with a "hawt guy" and getting ****ed. Half the work is done for you.

In fact, it is hard to not get ***** at a club/bar on the weekend. If you think it is, you should really consider your self-entitled position as a 'player'

Since you had trouble reading the first time, for the first time in the history of me posting here, I am going to repeat myself.

magickarl said:
This guy is already past the pick up stage -- that is, he has the ability to meet & pick up girls. The next stage in his development is to learn how to balance the girls' interest level. If he feels more comfortable doing this with one female then so be it. After he gathers some experience, he may feel compelled to add more plates in to his rotation.

This doesn't make your view on the subject necessarily wrong, however it does not make what the OP wants to do right now wrong either. Instead of attacking what he wanted to do, you could have extended advice on making a relationship work. That would have been far more constructive...


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
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Is there any way i can check her out for signs of STDs, without her going to the doctor?
All the STDs you really don't want and are incurable are mostly asymptomatic (e.g. herpes, hepatitis, HIV.)

In fact, it is hard to not get ***** at a club/bar on the weekend. If you think it is, you should really consider your self-entitled position as a 'player'
An average guy won't come home from a club with a woman.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2008
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An average guy won't come home from a club with a woman.[/QUOTE]

Your right. Most go for the backseat of a car.

Seriously, I'm not sure where you guys are from, but around my neck of the woods it is understood that if a woman is at a club it is because she is trying to get ****ed.

I have seen some doofy ass dudes pull ass clubbing on a Saturday night. It is usually no harder than approaching and inviting to an "after-party." The after party consists of a 12 pack and the dudes place. An additional friend+slut is optional.

Come on out to Illinois, fellas! The vagina is waiting.
Mar 2, 2009
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magickarl, are you posting about these club skanks from personal experience, or from theory?

because on any give night, at any given club, I have seen that most girls go home with who they came with, and the HOT club skanks either stick around to party with the DJ/Bouncers/Owner, or a couple of them go home with an alpha looking confident guy who is pretty much the best guy at the club. You make it sound like some decent guy can go hook up with a 9+ hottie club skank, but what you dont know is that they are VERY selective of who they will sleep with, and they always ended end up choosing the highest value guy - aka MOST of the guys in the club will NOT be hooking up with the handful of hot club skanks at the club that night.

edit, and I am only talking about the hottest girls in the club, not the skanky average/cute looking girls


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
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ItsTheAttitude said:
I was like "What the f*ck" when she admitted it to me, after the "I'm a virgin" bullcrap.
this one sentence raises all kinds of red flags for me. Be careful with this chick and don't consider this a committed relationship, if for your own good. There's something wrong about a 18 year old girl having 7 sex partners and having given countless bjs. Just watch it, personally if a 18 year old girl told me that I'd automatically consider her just some fun until she's proven herself to me.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2008
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A place where dreams become reality
Kal0051 said:
this one sentence raises all kinds of red flags for me. Be careful with this chick and don't consider this a committed relationship, if for your own good. There's something wrong about a 18 year old girl having 7 sex partners and having given countless bjs. Just watch it, personally if a 18 year old girl told me that I'd automatically consider her just some fun until she's proven herself to me.
Exactly what i'm thinking. :up:


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
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ItsTheAttitude said:
Exactly what i'm thinking. :up:
Good to see you're still thinking straight. A lot of guys "fall in love" with a girl and then refuse to hear anything against them.

I'm thinking of getting her to the clinic to get checked up, since i'm her *boyfriend* now. I gotta know what i'm sticking my penis up.
Very good idea. You should get checked yourself, since she will be less apprehensive (she will be less likely to think that you think she has been getting around and may be dirty.)

Remember that HIV can take 6-13 weeks to show up in a blood test. Very unlikely that she has it, but still worth mentioning.

An average guy won't come home from a club with a woman.
Your right. Most go for the backseat of a car[/QUOTE]

No, most girls go home with the exact same people they went to the club with (their friends.)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2008
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A place where dreams become reality
It's kind of a probation period now. I'm looking to see if she's for real, and how much of a girlfriend material she is. I told her to get checked, and she said she has never thought of getting STDs. She wasn't very much against the idea, just says it's weird, but somehow i got her to think that it is better to get checked. I'm probably getting her checked next week or something.

What is the procedure of getting checked for STDs? Blood test, what else? And around how much would it cost.