So say you are very interested in a guy and then find out that he has a bit of a reputation as a ladies' man and is seeing 3-4 women besides you. Does this increase or decrease your attraction to him? Obviously, I get the part completely about you would want to know more about him before being in a LTR because you would be afraid he would have a proclivity to always be seeing other people besides you. But do you feel more or less drawn to a man who is actively seeing other women besides you?
I tend to see it as overall a good thing she knows I see other women. But since I do view her as LTR material I don't want her to think I am just a slut either. But I don't want to give her any assurances under any circumstances because I think I will look desperate and it will kill all attraction.
It depends on what kind of a player he is:
Is he seeing all of these girls but leading each of them on to think he is only seeing each one exclusively? Liars and cheats are out for me.
Or is he being upfront and honest? I would respect that more even if he is seeing more than one girl. It actually takes a lot of confidence and guts to be honest and say to a girl that you are dating other girls knowing that you risk her walking away. Unfortunately most players just go behind their backs and this contributes of course to them being seen as untrustworthy.
So having some integrity and values would keep my interest but I would still have my guard up for sure, until his behaviour showed that he is serious about wanting a relationship with me. That behaviour would involve exclusivity at some point during the dating process, not right away but at some point, shortly after sleeping together. That’s my personal preference because I don’t want to sleep with some guy sleeping with a bunch of other women but I’m married and likely older than you lol so times have changed and some girls may be ok with that. However I would think that most decent girls looking to settle down will not tolorate being one of many girls he is sleeping with.
However you’re single, you date other girls, that’s what single people do. If you are honest with them then I would reframe her impression of you to a single guy who dates girls and is open to a relationship at some point. I think that’s fair and all she needs to know. She has to prove herself to you too right? Neither you or she for that matter should be dropping all eggs in one basket until you date each other and get to know one another better in that context.