kickureface said:
how much green tea extract, or what %of polyphenols or whatever substance (stupid science!) is recommended for fat loss? also, im sensitive to caffiene. am i going to get ****erated?
I'm not sure your question here, and if you are venturing off the topic of fish oil, but yes, herbs and the like are standardized for certain reasons. The science behind it, is that they have a chemical make-up, and if that is NOT in there to what studies show, its worthless. The product is of no value to it.
Look at some products that say X herb is standardized for 8% this, or 4% that, or what ever. It is for a reason.
Herbs vary greatly, and you shouldn't just get what ever off the shelf. Some companies can pull it from the earth when ever they feel, and it may be crap and you'll never know. This is why when you buy herbs, you actually need to get the best you can.
I'm sensitive to high amounts of caffeine, but smaller doesn't bother me. Your green tea ranges from 1-3% and its not a huge deal. You can get de-caffeinated GT extract but it will be harder to find, but it can be done.
As far as the fish oil goes again, I still think some people are confused. You dont need to be swallowing 45 capsules to get 45g of fish oil.
Also too like I mentioned, you cant treat every fish the same. They are NOT the same in their nutrient profile.
And again, this is my opinion, and my opinion only, but I dont follow Poliquin on his supplement advice. Some is ok, while others I have my opinion on. I highly respect his advice on exercise, but NOT everything he has to say about supplements. Warboss likes what he has to say, but I dont. We each have our reasons.
I even spoke about how he said the darker the berry, the higher the antioxidant, so eat dark fruits. While he is partially correct, he is not entirely correct, and in fact I proved him wrong in our last discussion related to this topic because well....he was wrong. He quoted the below
"Basically, the darker and richer the color of the food, the healthier it is."
NOT TRUE. And there is more than one reason for this being not true.
I suggest a few softgels per day, and you'll be fine. One thing too you have to remember is that Poliquin never stated about the side effects you can have from the mega doses of fish oil.
I would say 3-6g and no more. The EPA + DHA combo is suggested at 0.3-0.5 grams of daily EPA + DHA
Bleeding : Intake of 3 grams per day or greater of omega-3 fatty acids may increase the risk of bleeding, although there is little evidence of significant bleeding risk at lower doses (245; 246; 247). Very large intakes of fish oil/omega-3 fatty acids ("Eskimo" amounts) may increase the risk of hemorrhagic (bleeding) stroke (92). High doses have also been associated with nosebleed and blood in the urine (147). Fish oils appear to decrease platelet aggregation and prolong bleeding time, increase fibrinolysis (breaking down of blood clots), and may reduce von Willebrand factor.
3g 6g and 12g (12g being max has been used in come clinical trials with diseases) This is only at 3 months though for the max, and 6g has been used for a year.
Personally, i'm not about to take 45g of fish oil from capsules. But that's just me. The blood deal is huge, and i'm not messing with a chance of that.