Going back on meds! :/


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
I trust you’re suicidal or having problems getting out of bed, if not, no doctor has any business prescribing you with powerful mind altering drugs.

Unless they’re maximising profits, that is.
Wellbutrin is a pretty mild antidepressant and is actually an atypical antidepressant which tend to be much much safer and more based than SSRIs, the TCAs in particular are goated. Wellbutrin even has use as a smoking cessation aid.

OP don't listen to anyone else who knows nothing about psychopharmacology. Take it for a few weeks and just pay attention to how you feel. If you react positively, keep taking it, if not, stop. It's pretty simple. It shouldn't even take that long to notice how its effecting you, the idea of a drug needing to "build in your system" before you can feel it is mostly BS, most drugs can reach steady state peak plasma concentrations in like a week anyway.

All that said depending on your symptoms and age, TRT ain't a bad option either.
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Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
Tijuana, Mexico
I clocked in at 595 a couple months back. Never checked free T, though. My sleep was sh1t, my diet was ok, no exercise of any kind and I wasn’t getting laid. I’m trying to atleast get to 700s with some disciplined exercise, better diet, pvssy acquisition and good sleep. I have noticed a positive phsycological surge of whatever it was when I was having sex regularly with a beautiful chick. My T levels seem to stagnate a bit when I’m not getting pvssy. There may be some correlation to that.
I will probably hop on T when im 40.

I been taking low dose naltrexone for some mental hurdles I got. Low dose naltrexone acts to subtly increase the production of endorphins, leading to a boost in overall well-being (mood) while also initiating a cascade of anti-inflammatory responses. It modulates your immune system. LDN is also proposed to work for depression. My sleep is much better since I started taking it every night. I wake up refreshed.
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