Ok, bit later than promised but here it is, this is my new diet plan, have a look, see what you think.
Meal 1:
2 Peanut Butter Sandwiches
2 Eggs
1 Pint Milk
1030 cal, 58.5g Protein, 70.4g Carbs, 57.5g Fat
Meal 2:
500g Baked Potatoes w/cheese
Half Tin Baked Beans
1 Pint Milk
1350 cal, 62.5g Protein, 219.4g Carbs, 29.3g Fat
Meal 3:
2 Scoops of Whey, Each in Milk
2 Eggs
1 Chicken Breast
1 Pint Milk
945 cal, 107.3g Protein, 52.9g Carbs, 29.4g Fat
Meal 4:
100g Pasta
100g Salmon
1 Pint Milk
805 cal, 50.8g Protein, 101.9g Carbs, 21.5g Fat
2 Bananas
1 Apple
1 Orange
302 cal, 4.4g Protein, 66.5g Carbs, 0.9g Fat
TOTAL: 4432 cal, 284g Protein, 511g Carbs, 139g Fat
RATIOS: 25.6% Protein, 46.1% Carbs, 28.2% Fat
As I say, this is the minimum of what I'm eating each day, cos sometimes, my mum or gran cooks summat for me

, but this isn't included.
And it isn't always in 4 meals, for example, I might eat the potatoes and the beans separately (ie 2 smaller meals) if I'm not feeling up to them both at once.
Any opinions/feedback/comments?
And this was today's workout:
Chest, Shoulders and Triceps:
DB Bench w/35s Rest Pause: Did 10,3,1
NT: Repeat
Standing Military Press w/47kg 3*8 (2)
Managed 8,7,1
This was completely sh!te, think it was cos i'd pushed myself to the limit 3 times only 5 mins before, but whatever, i'm going to stick to Arnolds for a few weeks, then come back to militaries, cos i've got stuck in a rut with them recently.
NT: Arnolds
Weighted Dips w/32kg 3*6 (2)
NT: 3*7
Bent over rear delt raise (decided to stick with it) 3*6 9.5kg (2)
NT: Repeat but rest head on chair for all 3 sets - I did this for the final 2 sets today and it worked well, cos it stopped me jerking my body up as i lifted.
Any opinions on the diet pls??