10:30am 2 Eggs, 1 Slice Toast, 1 Pint Milk = 540 cals, 37g Protein
1 slice of toast is not enough, have 2. Or you could substitue it with oats
1pm Fish, Roast Potatoes, 1 Pint Milk = 800 cals, 42g Protein
2pm Creatine
too big of a gap between your pre-workout meal and when you actually train
3pm - 3:30pm Workout
add in pwo shake (whey & dextrose)
3:45pm Chicken, 1 Pint Milk, 2 Scoops Whey w/half pint Milk = 750 cals, 95g Protein
no carbs in ppwo meal to replenish glycogen, lose the whey, add in some basmati rice, sweet potato etc)
4:30pm 100g Pasta, 1 Pint Milk = 640 cals, 32g Protein
5pm - 9pm At Work
you need a meal in here, 4 hours without food is a long time
9:30pm Baked Potatoes w/cheese, 1 Pint Milk = 1160 cals, 51g Protein
too many carbs, no source of protein. Add some chicken breast, lean meat, fish.
10:30pm - 3am Out in Town
Before you go out you should have some cottage cheese with Flaxeed Oil
3am 2 Eggs, 1 Portion Salmon, Half Tin Baked Beans, 1 Pint Milk, 2 Scoops Whey w/Half pint Milk = 1120 cals, 112g Protein
Get rid of the whey, you don't need 112g of protein in one sitting unless your juicing. Add some almonds, hazel/brazil nuts
Overall you're using the whey in the wrong places. Missing EFA's as well.