Girls who claim "looks don't matter"


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
when i was new to this i asked a girl if she wanted to go out.. she said no because she had a boyfriend... (that was the dumb part asking if she had a boyfriend)... besides that i think i did good looking back now... once she said that, i just turned toward her, looked into her eyes, and just proceeded to kiss her... things escalated from here and the rest is history...we had great sex that night... i dont know if she was bull****ing about the boyfriend or not, but it doesn't matter what people say... watch for their actions... they might say one thing but say it due to society's standards... they might believe or need completely different thing.

Sir Lancelot

Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by sstype
Why be average looking man? Why settle for average? Why do you advocate a super tight game, yet when it comes to physical appearance you say average (or below average) is enough. Why not strive for BOTH?

I am not pessimistic. Just realistic. Many on this board send the wrong message that as long as you have game alone then you will be all set and clear with bedding women AT EASE. Not true the majority of the time. My friend at work has an awesome attitude and a great outlook towards life, not to mention he is funny as hell and can make any girl giggle. BUT HIS SUCCESS WITH WOMEN IS HARDLY NOTICEABLE. He does approach lots of women, but I would hardly call him a ladies man. He is very short, and has a gut. Cool and confident as hell, but I have yet to see all the dime pieces falling over him.

Why must we constantly juggle manuevers like C&F, push/pull, DHV, DLV, being laid back, acting alpha, disinterest, super high energy, NLP? Yeah these all help but first we need to have our FOUNDATION man. Someone just learning all this will be overwhelmed by all the "Do this/Dont do this"

Focus on your internals. Get the looks obstacle out of the way. Build your body to something you can be proud of. Get that mortar foundation in. Then once that is out of the way, fine tune your game with all the various techniques that SoSuave and Fastseduction have to offer. Result? Less flakeouts with women; the majority will give you the chance to run game on them once you have met the requisite physical attraction.
I agree with you there, every guy should strive to better his looks. Personally, I'm bulking up using DIESEL's guide and I've seen some good results. I've noticed a lot more women checking my body out too. I think somebody on here said to treat your body like your "shrine" and I agree with that. Always build your shrine and strive to better yourself. Eat healthier, exercise, bulk up, lose weight, whatever. Do what you need to do to get your body looking good.

But you can only change your looks so much. You can't change the way your facial structure looks, for example. Unless if you get some sort of plastic surgery or botox.

Most of us guys on here aren't blessed with the Brad Pitt kind of looks. All I advocate is that you don't let your looks hold you down from getting what you want. If your body isn't in shape -- work on it, but in the meantime you should still approach women.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
I'm surprised

I'm surprised one of the mods didn't shut this thread down and say "do a search."

Of course looks matter. A lot. Check out Myspace, and see for yourself which guys have the most female attention, in general.

But looks ain't everything. Looks will get a guy off the starting line without any effort on his part. Gals will take a lot more initiative with good looking guys, and not expect as much initiative from them. But if he lacks the other necessary qualities, looks alone might not get him very far. Eventually they usually tire of dating a weak, unconfident fellow.

Mods, where art thou?


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by TillTheEndOfTime
I think they're full of **** and I tell them that. One girl I talked to for a few years said this to me. Out of her past 4 boyfriends, 3 were over 6 feet tall. I never rolled my eyes farther back into my head before as I did when she said that :rolleyes:. I told her straight up she's full of ****, because there are physical traits in common with nearly every ex-boyfriend.

I've even caught a girl in her lie. She got a little drunk one night and a guy hit on her and she gave him her number. She was with a friend who was not drunk. The next day she asked her friend about the guy who hit on her and asked if he was hot because she did not remember too well. This is the same girl who claims looks don't matter and that in fact, she's attracted to "ugly" people. LOL full of **** I say.

Any thoughts on this guys?
Any woman who tells you that looks don't matter to them are lying through their teeth. It's the face more than anything, though. Height is only really important to taller girls. I'm all of 5 foot nothing, so as long as the guy can reach things I can't it's all good. Different women have different areas of "looks" that they tune in to. Some women will go for a guy who is very muscular, some like tall guys...but almost all women need to really like a guy's face because she's gonna want to look into his eyes and what not.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
dudes chill

we all know that looks matter

the problem is that sometimes you guys meet women who was burned by great looking guys, probaly they were handsome to them but they were *******s... they though that the beaulty package would come with all the great psiquic qualities, which didn't.. they generalize saying looks don't matter, because once they had had someone with good looks only...

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
I dunno, I'm considered to be a good looking guy at over 6 feet tall, athletic etc., and alot of women are wary, even intimidated by me.

I think the better looking you are, the more f*cking games and bullsh*t you will encounter, at least in my experience.

I'm really convinced that the combination of too much looks and too much confidence either turns a woman off somehow, and most likely scares the ones with low self esteem away.

I couldn't begin to tell you about alot of the b.s. games I've encountered over the years. And I think they do it as their way of trying to establish some sort of control over me. Of course, some are worse than others, but the low self esteem chicks play serious head games from the word go and don't let up.

And I have lost the girl to the guy who was 5' 7", fat, and ugly. Unfortunately, he was heavy into the coke, and apparently, so was she.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
Originally posted by Don Juanabbe
I dunno, I'm considered to be a good looking guy at over 6 feet tall, athletic etc., and alot of women are wary, even intimidated by me.

I think the better looking you are, the more f*cking games and bullsh*t you will encounter, at least in my experience.

I'm really convinced that the combination of too much looks and too much confidence either turns a woman off somehow, and most likely scares the ones with low self esteem away.

I couldn't begin to tell you about alot of the b.s. games I've encountered over the years. And I think they do it as their way of trying to establish some sort of control over me. Of course, some are worse than others, but the low self esteem chicks play serious head games from the word go and don't let up.

And I have lost the girl to the guy who was 5' 7", fat, and ugly. Unfortunately, he was heavy into the coke, and apparently, so was she.
That sux man, maybe its a good idea to tone down the ****iness if thats what you are implying. Your height and athletic build already meets the requisite physical attraction. No need for massive game to compensate. A little C&F, push/pull, etc, is really all you need.

Of course none OF THIS MATTERS to the REST OF US, unless we have our FOUNDATION

1. Good attitude
2. Realistic, positive beliefs
3. Ability to maintain the above 2 in our worst moments
4. And of course, maintaining a healthy, muscular physique to meet the majority of women's physical preferences.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
Looks are relative. Yeah, they don't matter to a certain degree, but if you happen to at the extreme of either very good looking or downright hideous, it will impact your overall sucess. The same can be said for individuals who have very specific criteria in their ideal partner. If a girl only wants to date Black men, then you are SOL if you aint a brother.

This is why exercise is stressed so much. It is probably the easiest way to become more attractive to girls overall. While it does'nt gurantee any kind of sucess, it at least improves the odds.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
Originally posted by cinephile
Looks are relative. Yeah, they don't matter to a certain degree, but if you happen to at the extreme of either very good looking or downright hideous, it will impact your overall sucess. The same can be said for individuals who have very specific criteria in their ideal partner. If a girl only wants to date Black men, then you are SOL if you aint a brother.

This is why exercise is stressed so much. It is probably the easiest way to become more attractive to girls overall. While it does'nt gurantee any kind of sucess, it at least improves the odds.
exactly, why get rejected by 50 women when a nice body will reduce it to 10?