Girls who claim "looks don't matter"


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
Originally posted by TillTheEndOfTime
For all those who truly believe that you can overcome anything with confidence.....just think about this. If some fat a$$ disgusting, drooling, volatile, smelly girl walked up to you with all the confidence in the world, you would still run like hell. She's not getting your number no matter how "confident" she is in her approach.

All confidence does give you one LESS thing to work against you in your approach. If your looks are one thing working against you, confidence won't somhow mask this fact. It will just give you one less thing besides your looks to work against you. A lot of things improve following increased confidence, but looks are NOT one of them.

If a girl is set on dating a guy who is 6'2 and you're 5'7, your confidence is not going to do a thing for you. Girls can be just as shallow as us. Remember that.
Finally some dose of rationality. You guys give women wayy to much credit. You think women are enlightened creatures whom look past the flesh and see the confidence that radiates within.
They do not! They are as superficial, perhaps, even moreso than men are. That is what nature intended, do not fight it.

Muscular men portray strength=masculine quality
skinny guys portray weakness=feminine quality
fat guys portray weakness=feminine quality

So get up, go get bigger and stronger, and reap the benefits


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
im 5, 7" and I have to say I get more girls that most guys :)

if a girl is set on a 6 foot 2 guy..good for her.there are millions of women out there!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by tmpgstx
It's more like this .. if a woman finds you worthy of LTR material, she won't want you to cut and run by giving you sex right away, would like you back to see her.

If she doesn't find you LTR material, she'll have sex with you right away.

It depends on the girl and their past experiences.
i kinda find this to be true.

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA
Looks alone isn't going to get you a woman. A lot of guys here claim that women often tell them they're attractive but they just can't get dates for ANYTHING.

I know this one guy, good friend of mine, who almost ALL women say is very good looking, but he's never even been kissed, and he's 20 years old.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
looks dont mean **** without confidence, take it from me i have been there.
average looking guys fair better why?.
well they dont give ****.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
Originally posted by Craig Reeves
Looks alone isn't going to get you a woman. A lot of guys here claim that women often tell them they're attractive but they just can't get dates for ANYTHING.

I know this one guy, good friend of mine, who almost ALL women say is very good looking, but he's never even been kissed, and he's 20 years old.
sorry, that is just ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE.

ALL THINGS EQUAL (CETERIS PARIBUS), If you have a strong and well defined body, whether it is natural or made at the gym, the MAJORITY of women will be attracted to you on that basis alone. Of course, to maintain attraction we need to possess decent communication skills.

Your friend is just a minor exception to the big picture;
much like the skinny average joe who tags all the hotties


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
You think if you see an AVERAGE guy with a hot chick, you automatically assume that he is a player who is tagging hotties left and right.

For all we know, she may be the only hottie this guy will ever date before he ends up settling with an average girl.

He may have did the right thing at the right time which made her attracted: That's called luck my friends.

You wanna play this game like Russian roulette? Fine go get repeatedly rejected like you were running into a brick wall in hopes you would break it.

Maybe, just maybe, you will land that one girl. Go and play with those odds.

Your success with women will be few and far between


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
lol i'm seeing two sides here.


#2: Hey, it doesn't matter if you have no arms, no legs (except for the one growing out of your forehead), if you have confidence you'll do well.

The answer lies between.... oh, wait, there is no answer. All females have their own tastes.... who woulda thought?

I personally see it as this: I am ME. If you do not like it, the exit is to your left. Please do not hold up the queue. Thank you.

My (back then, now ex) girlfriend openly stated, several times, that If I got "too big" from working out, she'd dump me. I'm only AVERAGE (5'11", 165lbs) at most, yet she was dead serious and actually encouraged me to stop (which i didn't).

Yes, someone with their own preferences.... oh my, what kind of crazy world do we live in? :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by penguin

My (back then, now ex) girlfriend openly stated, several times, that If I got "too big" from working out, she'd dump me. I'm only AVERAGE (5'11", 165lbs) at most, yet she was dead serious and actually encouraged me to stop (which i didn't).

Yes, someone with their own preferences.... oh my, what kind of crazy world do we live in? :rolleyes:
Now there's a rarity. A girl that prefers her man to be a runt.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by JT47319
No it doesn't. A girl giving sex to a guy is a girl's way of gaining further rapport, comfort, trust and connection with you (assuming she's not simply horny and needs to bust a nut that very night).

If a girl meets her ****ing perfect Princing Charming, she's not going to hold out on him. She's gonna want to lock him in tight as hell before some other girl snatches him up.

The only other reasons why a girl makes you wait is because A) she's unsure as to whether you would be either a good lover or provider (in which case you need to escalate your game) or B) because she's waiting for something better to come along.
Girls will have sex with a guy they really like a lot quicker, for the reason stated above. However, there should be a C) category there, when a girl just LOVES to play games. Some girls simply dont want a LTR no matter who the guy, they just like to play with their heads. I know a few of these personally, and its usually because they were once burnt and have some insecurity issues to overcome!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Fatality
Now there's a rarity. A girl that prefers her man to be a runt.
Now theres a commodity. A guy that thinks with his ass.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
As long as you're not hideous looking, you can score a hot girl. In fact, guys kinda have an advantage here. Go out and there are hot girls with unattractive guys all the time. These guys can pull hot chicks because they are successful and thus high in social standing, not because of their model looks. But have you ever seen a really successfull guy (or one who is obviously attractive to women) with an ugly girl? I don't think so.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
LOL i find it too funny with all the guys on bodybuilding forums that have a girlfriend that threatens them that she dumps them if they dont stop working out......ROFL just kick her *****y azz away. you will find a hotter girl that appreciates your body and she will find a new boyfriend with twig arms and a belly. then everybody is satisfied

Sir Lancelot

Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by sstype
You think if you see an AVERAGE guy with a hot chick, you automatically assume that he is a player who is tagging hotties left and right.

For all we know, she may be the only hottie this guy will ever date before he ends up settling with an average girl.

He may have did the right thing at the right time which made her attracted: That's called luck my friends.

You wanna play this game like Russian roulette? Fine go get repeatedly rejected like you were running into a brick wall in hopes you would break it.

Maybe, just maybe, you will land that one girl. Go and play with those odds.

Your success with women will be few and far between
Or instead of lucking out, this guy could've known what he was doing from the beginning.

You're suggesting that if you're average looking then you're pretty much screwed, and you'll have to settle for much less than what you want. What a nice message to be sending to all the new people on this forum! Seems to me like your encouraging all of the men who aren't pretty looking to not even bother approaching that HB9 they see walking by.

Kind of a pessimistic attitude to have, don't you think?

When it comes to the looks department, I think as long as you look presentable (clean shaven, hair looks good, clothes fit well + match) you can get your foot through the door. The rest of it is up to your game. You're not going to get anywhere without having some kind of game.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
I was not intending on turning this into a debate whether you can go about with just looks or just game. You definetely need both. I'm not saying if you're not an 8 or 9 out of 10 then you're screwed. I'm just saying to be realistic about how your looks may affect your overall game. Have realistic expectations on the limitations of your looks because they are there and will always be there no matter how much confidence you have. Beauty and the Beast only happens in fairy tales.

I hear time and time again from people who say if this is true why they see "ugly" men with beautiful women. These are possible explanations:

1) A man saying another man is "ugly" is not always the best judge of looks. We don't necessarily see what women see. Also, men are jealous creatures. You see a man with a beautiful women you'd like to have and you automatically knock the man down a few pegs sometimes just out of sheer jealousy.

2) The "ugly" man may be offering attractive things besides his looks. The beautiful woman may be in love with his money, his lifestyle, etc. This is especially true with poor foreign types of women for example who may be gorgeous. Or women who came from relatively poor families who get addicted to the lifestyle of a wealthy man (he does not have to be stinkin' rich).

So even if you see an ugly man with a beautiful woman, it does not mean every average 30K/year Joe living out of an apartment building can get a girl like that.

Aim high, but realize how far you can actually reach.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2001
Reaction score
Your looks will vary from girl to girl. Just because one hot girl thinks you're ugly doesn't mean that another one won't find you attractive. Believe me, I know. I've been dissed by slightly-above-average looking girls, and I have been checked out by some hot ones. It all depends on the girl's taste. Most guys that complain about looks mattering to women are usually the guys that are at least average, insecure and feel like their game has to be top notch in order to land the ladies. Most likely, you are trying too hard, which only turns girls off even more. Accept what you have in the looks/personality department and work with that. Nothing more. Nothing less.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
Originally posted by Sir Lancelot
Or instead of lucking out, this guy could've known what he was doing from the beginning.

You're suggesting that if you're average looking then you're pretty much screwed, and you'll have to settle for much less than what you want. What a nice message to be sending to all the new people on this forum! Seems to me like your encouraging all of the men who aren't pretty looking to not even bother approaching that HB9 they see walking by.

Kind of a pessimistic attitude to have, don't you think?

When it comes to the looks department, I think as long as you look presentable (clean shaven, hair looks good, clothes fit well + match) you can get your foot through the door. The rest of it is up to your game. You're not going to get anywhere without having some kind of game.
Why be average looking man? Why settle for average? Why do you advocate a super tight game, yet when it comes to physical appearance you say average (or below average) is enough. Why not strive for BOTH?

I am not pessimistic. Just realistic. Many on this board send the wrong message that as long as you have game alone then you will be all set and clear with bedding women AT EASE. Not true the majority of the time. My friend at work has an awesome attitude and a great outlook towards life, not to mention he is funny as hell and can make any girl giggle. BUT HIS SUCCESS WITH WOMEN IS HARDLY NOTICEABLE. He does approach lots of women, but I would hardly call him a ladies man. He is very short, and has a gut. Cool and confident as hell, but I have yet to see all the dime pieces falling over him.

Why must we constantly juggle manuevers like C&F, push/pull, DHV, DLV, being laid back, acting alpha, disinterest, super high energy, NLP? Yeah these all help but first we need to have our FOUNDATION man. Someone just learning all this will be overwhelmed by all the "Do this/Dont do this"

Focus on your internals. Get the looks obstacle out of the way. Build your body to something you can be proud of. Get that mortar foundation in. Then once that is out of the way, fine tune your game with all the various techniques that SoSuave and Fastseduction have to offer. Result? Less flakeouts with women; the majority will give you the chance to run game on them once you have met the requisite physical attraction.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
One more thing I want to emphasize,
We dont need to work hard, we just need to work smart

No hard work and dedication could keep the craftsmen in business during the industrial revolution. Now most of the products we buy are made by cost-efficient machines.

So we can make ourselves efficient by LOOKING GOOD, which will supplement our game. Why should we continue to get rejected by 50 women when a more attractive physique can possibly reduce those rejections to 10?