Girls said I look like a pigeon!

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Don Juan
May 29, 2004
Reaction score
HAHAHAHHAHAHA. i'm sorry, but those girls are right, u do look like a pigeon.

and if i saw you in real life, i would laugh so hard, seriously.

* 5 mins later *

ok ive stoped laughing, just make a joke out of it, and it should be fine.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
B1tches talk crazy sh1t.

Don't let them see you sweat though cuz some of them are very immature like their perma-High School or some sh1t.

I'm glad you know b1tches talk cuz that's something alot of guys refuse to undertsand....

"Just becuz you are who you are doesn't mean she's not the same old b1tch she always was"..-Tha Realnezz..

Bottom Line:A hoe gonna be a hoe regardless of what you think.


Apr 7, 2004
Reaction score
You guys think it is true? I also saw I am getting a low score at Hot or not and today I feel like I am not so handsome any more. I know I am not stunning but I always thought I was an 7 and I look like Jimmy Smits.

I like to laugh and don't mind making people laught, but now I think the girls were right it hurts my feelings. I want to make them respect me but how can I if they are laughing at the truth? :(

I refuse to cry but I have a question for you all. How do I NOT look like a pigeon anymore?? Please help me!


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
I dont think so

Dude waht the hack is going on,I am a guy so I dont know
more than girls about your apearance but I think they need mental help (this 3 girls)cause you look normal to me.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
Appearance is important but I onestly dont see a problem with
yours.Show me ten "cute"guys and I will say what freken animals
they remind me of.


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2004
Reaction score
HAHHAHA this is the best thread ever! i cant stop laughing!!! LOL do you look like a pigeon

Beside the fact that you look like a bird, you still are a good looking guy, you look better then me and alot guys on this board.


Apr 7, 2004
Reaction score
Thanks guys. So just cos I look like a pigeon doesnt mean I am ugly then? Pigeons arent so ugly really eh? If they said pig or hippo it would be worse because they are ugly animals.

So I think the girls migth be neg hitting me to get my attention. I never thought about it before but now that's what I think. Thanks! I am not so sad now.

Do you think people on hot or not vote 1-5s just to be spiteful to good looking guys?

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by thebsharp
HAHHAHA this is the best thread ever! i cant stop laughing!!! LOL do you look like a pigeon

Beside the fact that you look like a bird, you still are a good looking guy, you look better then me and alot guys on this board.

ohhellllnoo....this is gay..

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
I don't know why i'm posting to this juvenile non-sense(which btw has nothing to do with women) but all I can tell you is to man-up.

P.S. Let your facial-hair gow,son.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2004
Reaction score
Miami, FL
even if you did look like a pigeon...

ever see "goodfeathers"... s.hit.... some pigeons can look downright mean, my nagga.


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2004
Reaction score
Staten Island, NY


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Damn guys you didn't see the obvious answer in all of this did you?

He should say "Thanks for the compliment" than make like a real pigeon and S H I T on them!


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Dr. Beard

Calling them fat or ugly is the wrong thing to do. Always take the high road in these situations.

You shouldn't have walked away with your tail between your legs either you passed up a great opportunity.

Think of it this way. One of them in the group found you attractive or cute enough to talk about in the first place. The giggling and making fun afterwards is just immature high school shyt. Sorry but if you were just some random ugly a$$ nobody in that class they wouldn't even waste their energy on you.

You did the right thing by approaching them. That took balls man.
When they told you that you look like a pidgeon you should've laughed and said, "Yeah, I know I have a pointy face. I've been told that before."

Then you should've done your best pidgeon/bird imatation. Start rubberneckin' your head back and forth like a bird. Get them worked right into a tizzy laughing at you. Show them that their razzing doesn't bug you one bit. It also draws a great deal of attention to you as well. Other chicks in the class look to see what all the commotion is about and they see you with three chicks in stitches about something you said. They don't know that the chicks are laughing "at" you as long as you are laughing along with them. That's great social proof for you.

Now to disarm these chicks you let the laughter subside and just look 'em right in the eyes. It might be uncomfortable as hell but you just sit right thru that shyt smiling and saying "You like that hey? That's great. Glad to be your entertainment." Wait for class to start and sit right beside them. Don't leave. Leaving only shows you are weak.

One of the most attractive attributes a guy can have is the ability to laugh at himself. It shows you are extremely confident and have no problem being the center of attention.

Maybe during class when the teacher is lecturing and everyone is quiet you could get their attention and do another bird imatation and get them laughing again when they shouldn't be. The teacher might even ask them to be quiet too. Now the attention is on them and they won't like that. That is good.

After class say nice meeting you all and make a crack that you are heading back to your nest but you'll be sure to stop and shyt on their cars on the way.

Judging by some of the responses on this thread some people need some life lessons. In my eyes you missed out on a great opportunity to make some new friends. Who knows maybe you could use this approach later and get them going again. It might be an "in" for you.

Whatever you do don't take it to heart. They're not going to keep making fun of you once they see what a cool guy you are.

When life feeds you lemons, make lemonade. Sweet.


Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2004
Reaction score
Mansfield, Notts
haha. alt+tabbing that made me laugh for a bit.

Listen man, I wasnt looking for it, I wouldnt have noticed. It's one of those bizzare things only a few people notice, and a select few people also agree with.

If looking like a pigeon is the worst thing to happen to your life right now, I really dont want to be around when someone treads on your foot or something ^^

Just relax

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
(Okay, I will refrain from saying some stupid comment about your wingman beign a bird or something)

Dude, you aint fat, or got a missing bodypart, and you look aight. Stop frontin about one semi-bad encounter and move on. You can get laid, you are an average looking guy. Good Luck, and be who you know yiou can be


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Dr. Beard

Originally posted by Slickster
Calling them fat or ugly is the wrong thing to do. Always take the high road in these situations.

You shouldn't have walked away with your tail between your legs either you passed up a great opportunity.

Think of it this way. One of them in the group found you attractive or cute enough to talk about in the first place. The giggling and making fun afterwards is just immature high school shyt. Sorry but if you were just some random ugly a$$ nobody in that class they wouldn't even waste their energy on you.

You did the right thing by approaching them. That took balls man.
When they told you that you look like a pidgeon you should've laughed and said, "Yeah, I know I have a pointy face. I've been told that before."

Then you should've done your best pidgeon/bird imatation. Start rubberneckin' your head back and forth like a bird. Get them worked right into a tizzy laughing at you. Show them that their razzing doesn't bug you one bit. It also draws a great deal of attention to you as well. Other chicks in the class look to see what all the commotion is about and they see you with three chicks in stitches about something you said. They don't know that the chicks are laughing "at" you as long as you are laughing along with them. That's great social proof for you.

Now to disarm these chicks you let the laughter subside and just look 'em right in the eyes. It might be uncomfortable as hell but you just sit right thru that shyt smiling and saying "You like that hey? That's great. Glad to be your entertainment." Wait for class to start and sit right beside them. Don't leave. Leaving only shows you are weak.

One of the most attractive attributes a guy can have is the ability to laugh at himself. It shows you are extremely confident and have no problem being the center of attention.

Maybe during class when the teacher is lecturing and everyone is quiet you could get their attention and do another bird imatation and get them laughing again when they shouldn't be. The teacher might even ask them to be quiet too. Now the attention is on them and they won't like that. That is good.

After class say nice meeting you all and make a crack that you are heading back to your nest but you'll be sure to stop and shyt on their cars on the way.

Judging by some of the responses on this thread some people need some life lessons. In my eyes you missed out on a great opportunity to make some new friends. Who knows maybe you could use this approach later and get them going again. It might be an "in" for you.

Whatever you do don't take it to heart. They're not going to keep making fun of you once they see what a cool guy you are.

When life feeds you lemons, make lemonade. Sweet.
I totally disagree. When a couple girls that you don't know start laughing at you and say you look like a pigeon do you really think they want to be friends with you? Why would you want to be friends with them when they just put you down for no apparent reason? Who wants friends like that? Friends are supposed to make you feel good. I think it would take a sad and pathetic person to try to make friends with somebody like that. Yeah it's good if a person can laugh at themselves if they do something stupid that embarrases you but when somebody is putting down your appearance when they don't even know you that's just wrong and you don't want to be friendly with them. They give you ****, you give them **** right back. Don't let a fvcking girl pick on you. Stand up to a bully. How can a person look at themselve in the mirror if they try to befriend somebody that made them feel bad?

Call them fat and ugly and that will make them think twice about doing something like this again. Make them self consious about their appearance the same way they made him self consious. Him not saying anything makes them think they are cool and they will do it to somebody else. Trust me I know how bullies work. I dealed with them every day from 2nd grade to my junior year of high school.

If a girl neg hits you by putting down you appearance, SHE HAS NO INTEREST AND WOULD SLIT HER WRISTS BEFORE SHE EVER HAD SEX WITH YOU!


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Dr. Beard

For a bunch of girls to stop you out of no where and tell you that you look like a pigeon tells me that something about you showed weakness. Do you think a girl would stop a guy that looked like Mike Tyson and tell him he resembles a certain animal. It wasn't your supposed pigeon face but maybe it was the way you walked or dressed that made you look like a weak person that they knew they could tease and not have to worry about repercussions. How do you dress? Learn to walk in a confident way and hit the gym to build up your body. that will make people think twice about messing with you.
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