rakishness said:
SHOW ME THIS STATISTIC. Where is it?????? Please show me? Still waiting for this magical statistic you speak of..........
You know, the statistic that measures the probability of an arbitrary woman finding you attractive in her subjective eyes. You forgot about this one already?
You actually need proof of its existance?

Do I also need to show you proof that a statistic that predicts the probability a fair coin will land heads/tails exists too or what about the fact that 2+2=4? :crackup:
Im sure youre definitely an intelligent person arent you
So you are increasing a STATISTIC that doesn't even EXIST? LOL!!!!!!
:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
Whats crazy is that your saying this statistic doesnt exist. THats crazy.
When a man claims a given statistic doesnt exist, hes basically claiming that a specific outcome cant be quantified into a probability for which the outcome will occur.
Weither a woman finds you attractive or not is an outcome, it can be quantified into a statistic, therefore, the statistic DOES exists. :crackup:
Again, mathematicians would luagh at you for saying a statstic doesnt exist. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:crackup: Gee, your smart arent you, did you ride the short bus to school?
Thats great....It's a good thing I never said that this board COULDN'T be used to provide tips to improve your looks.
You said it wasnt practical, thats the same thing. Ive already provided such a tip that will increase the chances that a woman will find a man attractive in her subjective eyes, which equates to greater chances for success. THEREFORE, Ive already proven otherwise, so YOU LOSE.
What I did say is that this would be POINTLESS to give tips on looks...because looks are subjective...which means an improvement in one girls eyes will NOT be an improvement in another womens eyes. hahahahahahaahahah.
:crackup: do you have reading comprehension problems or something? When you "improve" your looks, your increasing the probability that an arbitrary woman will find you attractive. Trying to look at how some women will like your new look, and how others wont changes nothing for your argument.
If you made an improvement, then your statistic has increased, this means the total amount of women that like your new looks is greater than that of the total amount of women that liked your look before the change. SO its an improvement, your chances of success are now greater becuase more women see you as "good looking" than before.
For example, I may have 5 women who like how I look now, then I may change my look, 2 of those 5 women may hate my new looks so thats 3 left BUT AT THE SAME TIME, there may be 6 additional women who now find my new look attractive that didnt before, so the total amount of women that like how I look has increased after the change: 5-2+6= 9 and 9 >5, so its an improvement despite the subjectivity! DUUUUHHHHHHHHHHH
Now point in trying to analyse which women like my new look, and which dont how and why.
All you need to know is that after an improvement, the total amount of women that like your new look will be greater.
You need to give this argument up becuase:
It is possible, practical and with purpose to provide tips on this forum on how to "improve" your looks. I have already given one such tip to demonstrate this. So becuase this statement is true, its impossible for you to have won this argument and also futile to continue it....
or you can just keep making an ass of yourself, I have no problem with that