rakishness said:
AGAIN....It all depends on the women. You see...there is a good portion of woman out there who don't want an Italian stallion look(or any other look in particular). A lot of women out there like a hip hop look. Some like a preppy look...Some hate it...etc etc...I could go on and on forever.
okay, so youre admitting that some like the italian look, and some hate it. Great, agress with my point about it being subjective.
But your low IQ isnt allowing you to see that its not equally likely. If we looked at all women in america from all backgrounds and had them rate what "look" they like/hate. We might find that the preppy look would be preffered by 70% and the hip hop look by 30% or vice versa. THIS MEANS IT IS BENEFICIAL TO CHANGE TO ONE LOOK VS THE OTHER.
your low IQ is trying to say it will be 50% prefer preppy and 50% prefer hiphop. thats rediculous son. WAKE UP!!!!!!
SINCE ITS NOT EQUALY LIKELY, THIS MEANS YOULL BE BETTER OFF IF YOU SPORT ONE LOOK OVER ANOTHER. and hence why one should invest in improving/changing his looks.A man will never be able to bang masses of women, but he sure can reach his maximum potential. modifying how he looks will be a requirement for this.
Depending on her upbringing and culture it all varies what a women finds attractive. So the guy who just has looks....will always be screwed when it comes to getting women on a MASS level. And I don't know about you but I LOVE ALL WOMEN. It would suck to to miss out on any of these hot babes out there just because this. Thats the bad news.
1st, the bad news is that youll never be able to bang masses of women. so you can love all the women you want, but youll never be able to get masses of them. The fact that looks matter, and women have different tastes is partly why this is. sucks doesnt it.
2nd, who cares if the upbringing and culture is the CAUSE of why women's taste vary. The
cause of why they like what they like is irrelevent as to why a man will benefit if he changes his looks to a certain "look".
we dont need to know why there are differences, we just need to know that there are differences and what "TYPE" majority prefer. In america, the italian stallion, chiseled face, tan, etc. is one of the types that most women will prefer, and the pasty pale white beak nosed nerdy guy will be prefered by almost no women. YOU WILL BE BETTER OFF IF YOU LOOK LIKE THE ITALIAN STALLION THAN THE UGLY NERD!!
who cares about the genetic and cultural reasons why this is.
All that matters is that there will be very predicable preferences amoung women's subjective tastes. CAN YOU NOT GET THIS THROUGH YOUR HEAD? DUUHHHHHHHHHHH
The good news...is that there are certain men who can ATTRACT women on a MASS scale. They can break through cultural barriers and BANG almost any girl they WANT.
cool, so you should have no problem citing your source of this example of a man who can break through culural barriers and bang ALMOST ANY woman he wants. oh please do, please show me the proof of this great man who can get almost any woman from all different backgrounds
oh but you implied it :yes:. your whole argument is that women have equally different tastes in what they like in how a guy looks, and so he wont be any better off if he adopts one look over another. THIS IS YOUR ARGUMENT!!
Again....It all depends on her upbringing and culture. It's a multicultural world. Why can't you understand this????? WAKE THE HELL UP.
and again, why women's tastes are different doesnt matter.
all that matters is that there will be statistical predictabilities on what they prefer, meaning a guy who looks one way will be better off then looking another. why cant you understand this? WAKE THE HELL UP!!!!!
No I'm not....because I never said looks CAN'T be advantage. What I am saying is that looks can be an advantage with one women and be a disadvantage with another. Sucks doesn't it?!?
and Im saying some guys will have a look that will be prefered by a higher percentage of women than some other guy. cool huh.
It's good thing that there are guys out there who have qualities that can TRANSCEND looks. :yawn:
its a good thing there are ways to prove claims, so why dont you back this statement up with some evidence :yawn:
I never said looks aren't changeable. I just said that most will never improve them to a point to attract women on a MASS scale. Because we have so many cultural differences.
so what? who cares about attracting on a MASS scale. no man can get any woman on a mass scale anyways. but a guy sure can improve his chances of getting that hottie he sees waiting in line at Starbucks by improving his looks so that shell have a higher probability of liking him in her own personal genetic/culturally shaped prefence.
This is the most RETARDED statement I have ever heard on this board. "only a minority" Rich men can't bang almost any hot babe?!? LOL!!!!!!!!!! What planet are you from???????
what planet are you from, only gold diggers fvck ugly rich dudes, theyre a minority of hot women. WELCOME TO REALITY :crackup: