I get approached pretty often! At school, church, amusement parks, baseball games... Girls looking for me and finding me on myspace after just seeing me for the first time (They didn't have the guts to approach in this case).. etc...
My brother, who is better looking than I am gets approached a bit more than me! Many girls initiate contact with him, but since his personality is really boring, most girls lose interest in him as soon as he opens his mouth... I have tried to help him, but he doesn't care.. He has a girlfriend who he is in an LTR with and wants to marry someday (I'm thinking AFC).. It's a shame that a guy with the looks doesn't use it to his advantage! Oh, and his girlfriend really is a 6 at best! But he's happy... so I mean.. whatever!
I still get surprised by girls approaching me! When I was in Jr-High, I was such a nerd! I never got approached! I was the kid that girls would not pay much attention to in a group setting. It seemed that nobody cared what I had to say.
It's not that I was ugly or anything. I wasn't. But my dressing/hair style was horrible! I actually wore thrift-store clothes and had my hair slicked to the side with a comb!! Oh my God! I had terrible social skills! I was a follower who would follow people and didn't have his own identity!
I look at picture of me before and I laugh at how different I look from now! I hide my pictures so no visitors will look through the album and see what a loser I looked like.
People are so shallow! Before, when I moved to a new school, nobody would approach me (back in the nerdy days)... Now that I have improved so much, I get approached very often and people listen to what I have to say, and they don't ever make fun of my opinions unlike before, when people would just make fun of what I had to say.
The insecurity of my past still bothers me... Like when a girl will compliment my dress style, I will sometimes think she's being sarcastic and making fun of me.. Then I snap out of it and actually accept the compliment for what it is!
I actually like women who do the approaching, because they are more confident than those women who just sit around...
Having a girl ask for my number though.. That has only happened a few times! Most of the time they will drop very obvious tips like playing with their cell phone around you.. Showing you pictures they took on their phones.. etc..
Alright, that's enough rambling for one reply.. hehe