Do you think there should be a line drawn in regards to what is appropriate for my girlfriend of 8 months to tell her close male co-worker friend? They always go out on breaks together etc, and she used to show him the raunchy text messages i sent (it was 2 way, always c+f), which I thought was downright rude. Fair enough she will show her female friends, but if she shows her male friends that says to me that we don't have much unique to just the two of us, i felt used. Anyway that stopped when I ceased sending them for that reason. I get the feeling she tells him about our sex life etc as well... I just wouldnt tell other girls about that part of us. I'm 99.99% sure theres nothing going on, as she acted as a shoulder when he was moping over one of his girls, and they share all their "love secrets" etc as if he was just one of the girls. Theres a lot of teasy flirting between them. She seems more sprightly around him and usually seeks him out to talk, lays down the rules etc rather than vice versa, but she is much more laid back (lazy in the relationship?) and submissive with me. She lost her virginity to me a month ago... comments?