

Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
How do you actually get a girlfriend? Aside from pick-up lines and crap, I can get numbers, be ****y and funny, I do have a life, but I think I have witnessed those "moments" where I'm supposed to make the move but didn't know what to do. (I think she also knew about the "moments" because her mood seemed to change.)

What do you do? Randomly, er I mean spontaneously kiss her? I had that idea but I did the usual, I waited too long and now she's gone forever.

Maybe the 50% divource rate is in our favor.


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score

1) kiss her

2) dont waste time

3) ask her out:rolleyes:

4) spend alot of time with her

5) flirt with her

6) body langauge + kino helps alot

7) hint to her that u want a relationship? (Normally brining up the topic "relationships" will get you started off

8) work on trust, this is vital

9) make her feel comfortable around you (be funny, lively, and confident)

10) Be a good friend to her, be there FOR her etc when she needs someone to be there for her.



Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
Sounds helpful.

What happens if they already have a boyfriend and you try this? And he lives an hour away?

I wish this whole thing would have either worked out or she'd leave me alone. Her presense only reminds me of missed opportunity.

We hung out a lot and play fought and such kino and crap but something was missing. I didn't strike while the iron was hot and I've regreted it ever since.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2005
Reaction score
good post ~ªêQµïTª$~

well... her boyfriend might beat the crap out of you if you tried. haha


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Stop Wasting Time!

Maeisgood: The fact that you did not "strike while the iron was hot" WAS a mistake, yes, but right now, at THIS time, there is no use crying about the past mistakes, and rather take it as a lesson for the future.

Look at you situation now, u made a mistake, you still wnt this girl, but you are affraid of what will happen if her bf finds out.. what do you do? if she is willing to cheat on he bf, then go for it!

I personally try and keep away from girls with bf's, i think that its wrong, and there are plenty of other woman out there up for grabs, which wont run the risk of having a bf coming after you with a sledge hammer. But if you really like this chick, and she really likes you, then i would suggest that you tell her to break it off with her bf, and THEN th 2 of you can do whatever u want to do.

U need to remember that life is too short to waste so much time over ONE girl, so either u tell her to break up with her bf if she wants you, or you take the chance and kiss/get with her while she is STILL with her bf, or u simply NEXT her and look for a less complicated girl (a girl that doesnt have a bf)... Any one of those 3 options are what you SHOULD do, and you SHOULD do soon, you have wasted enough time on this girl already!

Maeisgood said:

I wish this whole thing would have either worked out or she'd leave me alone. Her presense only reminds me of missed opportunity.
Just like there WERE opportunities in the past, i'm sure that there will be more in the future, this is about YOU making a chouce, and making it promptly and stop wasting precious time! Either make a move, or accept that the 2 of you will only be friends, and then go look for OTHER girls, and if something happens to happen between you and this girl, then that will be "bonus", but if not, then you still have plenty other girls out there waiting to get seduced by you.



Don Juan
Sep 24, 2004
Reaction score
I used a wrench
~ªêQµïTª$~'s post was really good.

Listen to what he says there.

Many guys wonder why they don't have a girlfriend.
It's not rocket science.
They don't understand yet that the guy must make the first move, in everything, always.
That's just the ways the rules are.
Don't ask why or wonder about who made them or wait for them to be changed.

It doesn't matter that's just the way it is.

The guy has the make the first move in everything.

Starting the convo, asking for the digits, asking for the date,
first to initiate kino, then the kiss, asking her to be your girl.

Just think about it. The guy must even propose to marry a woman. Women don't propose, the dude does.

But that mentality filters all the way to the first step,
the convo.

Remember that gentlemen next time you wonder why you don't have a girl.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
If she is the one that originally approached you, then does it mean anything, or is it irrelevant?