It's weird me she seems legit.....cheating is not her nature, but I can tell that when she did have these 3-somes it always involved alcohol and she happened to be fresh out of a really bad marriage, but that to me is still no excuse. That to me is being weak-minded and lacking self esteem or worth for that matter.
She said she just wanted to do her thing with her BF, but then he would always work his way into the mix??? Of course he would!!! What AFC wouldn't............hell I don't know she's awesome I love her to death, but I just want that damn image to get out of my head.
I told her that I was cool with it even though she could tell I was annoyed by this, but then after the last 2 days I told her I was cool, but at work driving around delivering boxes and **** I keep going over it and that damn image...
I need to have her watch Chasing Amy, then maybe she will see where I'm at on this.....I'm cool, but I'm not.
Almost feels like Fingercuffs.