Update on the inevitable Phone Conversation:
So after a week of NC, she finally calls me after I break things off. She calls three times, I finally respond and call back on the third, since she essentially put forward that she wouldn't be calling again. I wait an hour, get stuff done that I wanted, but first and foremost removed all of her belongings from the apartment. It is currently on the deck, packed and ready to go, including the child's bed which is disassembled.
So I call.
"Hi, Mary Sue." (obvious fake name).
"Hi, John Doe."
I decided to follow DonJuanabe's advice and just not say anything. To my shock and horror, this actually worked. I let her do most of the talking.
It started off as:
"Well... uh... is this going to be awkward..."
"Well... no, it doesn't have to be. How was... (insert conversation about her activities. Also insert some talk about my own activities in general... nothing special. Just a basic 'things are going great' scenario)"
"Yeah... well, we did... and there were this... blah blah."
"So, I just wanted to say that. Well, I mean, this is crazy. When I said those things I said, I didn't want to break up. That wasn't my intention. I thought I was communicating something, but I guess I did a bad job at that..."
(note here that she waited a full week to communicate back with me after I radio-silenced her following insulting remarks. I didn't do the "break up" until that week had passed. At that point, I had decided that she didn't qualify anymore).
"Well, anyway, I mean, is this going to be a problem. Are you okay? I mean..."
"I mean, I understand, the things I said to you were just wrong. I shouldn't have said all of those things and I apologize."
*silence, no acknowledgement of the apology*
"Well, the reason I said what I said was that I was trying to get our relationship back on the healthy path. I mean, don't you agree that it was going the wrong course. I mean, I know for myself that I just wasn't feeling healthy anymore. You can't disagree with that, you know. It just wasn't doing well."
"But, I mean, come on John Doe! Seriously! Are you going to say anything? Aren't you mad or something. I mean, it's like, I want to just yell at me or something. Or scream. Tell me I'm stupid or something. You know? Anything?"
*this is where I forget the advice I was given earlier. I couldn't resist, sadly. I regret saying it, but at least I kept it short and left the emotion out. It'll be used against me, nonetheless. Woops*
"I don't have to." (doh, like I said. It's what I feel, but that just got me laughed at with a cold chuckle for about a minute. Fortunately, I didn't bite any further and start making comments back. I just let the laughing go. Should have said that there was nothing to say).
"So.... well, okay. Haha. Anyway, yeah. Well, what are you going to do now?"
*pause* "I don't understand what you mean."
"You know. Are you going to date other people? I mean, what are you gonna do now?" (at this stage, I feel like I should have just said, "of course", but my gut said to simply shrug that off and not play ****y)
"It's like you said. We needed space. You have your college and your yoga training going on, and you just needed that space. I'm just going to live my life."
"Yeah, well, I mean, I didn't mean for it go this way. I feel that if I hadn't those things that I'd said to you that... we'd.. well, this wouldn't be happening...... But it needed to be said! You know?!" (no, I don't). "I just want to get back to a better place. I just needed to get back to where I was."
"And, I hope... uh... that you take this time to.. uh... you know, work on yourself.?? you know.. and make yourself better... haha! I mean, wow, this is just going so fast, way fast... wow... hahahhaha..." (I think she's subtly hinting that I really suck)
*her* "Well... uh. Okay... anything else then?"
*me* "No."
"Oh yeah, can I keep using your Netflix account. I've been using it, and there's this really cool show that I've been watching on it."
*silence* (I'm pissed at that one, but I again don't bite. Simply refuse to respond. I'll handle that problem in the near future.).
"Please...? Oh yeah, do you want your stuff back?" (she has a few of my things, including an electronic device).
"Well, yeah, but take your time. I'm in no rush to get them back. I know you're busy and all. On that note, when you get a chance, you can call Eric to get the truck to pick up the bed and your things. He doesn't have to spend much time, I have all your things packed up on the front porch. But like I said, no rush. Just get it when it's convenient for you."
"Yeah, well thanks. I'll get your stuff to you in about a week or so."
"Good luck tomorrow with (insert activity). Better you than me (truly, this wasn't an insult)." Have fun." (insert more general, friendly bs talk. Me trying to pretend that I'm not fazed, but also attempting to communicate that I won't harbor animosity. Verbalize that I haven't said anything negative about her, etc., and essentially that it won't be awkward.)
"Yeah, well, good night (incredulous voice as it peters out)." "I'll see ya sometime I guess."
"Yeah, I'll see ya soon." (truly, I'm going to run into her no matter what. And soon.)
"Have a good night, Mary Sue."
*literally two minutes later I get a text about getting a file off my laptop for a mutual friend. She needed it. I didn't respond.*
Sorry for long post. So did I bomb hard here? The thing I'm most worried about is her spreading the outcome to her friends, who happen to be my much older acquaintances. The good part is that these mutual friends are all married with children. So they are about 8-10 years my senior, but she's a 20 something, so much younger. I want to keep these folks around. Hell, I knew them first. Granted, I know they'll gravitate to the closer friend, but I want to still keep in the circle at least as a casual outlier. They provide services that I enjoy.
But really, it pisses me off that she says she didn't want to actually break up. It pleases me that she still apologized, at least twice, for saying the things she said to me and blaming stuff on me for what happened. She even reminded me that nothing that happened to her was my fault.
End analysis - I think she's just flabbergasted that I dumped her that fast, with no explanation, and no hot emotion. She probably disrespects me for it too, since I didn't got caveman on her like Ian and her past schlubs have. But I also didn't reason with her this time or make any insults... minus that one slip up on the "I don't have to" remark. That was dumb. I probably also just launched her out of my world completely now, too. But oh well, lesson learned, and I am already improving myself. Back room cleaned, clutter disappearing, and I've swallowed the red pill for a second time, with no intention of pulling a Cypher and plugging back into the Matrix like I did just this past year.
Time to start anew.